国王的演讲 英文影评

Shining Friends

Besides your family and your relatives, who will help you without any paid? Who will inspire you when you are disappointed? Who will always beside you when you are impecunious? Who will remind you of continuing hard work when you get dizzy with success? The answer is apparent: real friends. Life with a bosom friend is sufficient. I do really agree with this saying after I watch the movie The King ’s Speech .

The King’s Speech is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem with the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue. Bertie, King George VI, is a fatherly, responsible but self-abased and irritable prince. Lionel, an Australian speech therapist out of professor is a calm, wise and affectionate old man. When the two men of different character meet because the duchess recommends Lionel to cure the king ’s stuttering interesting things happen.

When they first meet, Lionel insists on calling himself Lionel and calling the prince Bertie, which is immediately objected by the prince. But at last, the prince accepts Lionel’s special teaching method and treats him as a friend. This is a movie without an antagonist. The strongest enemy that King George VI must confront and beat is himself. When he is a prince, he is expected too much but he is never too stressful to escape; on the contrary, he is familiar with national affairs and international situation and he cares much about his people than his brother Edward who is expected to get to throne at first. In his subconsciousness, he wants to be a

good king and be affirmed by his father, but he shrinks because his stuttering. Lionel absolutely knows his king and endeavors to cure him and encourage him to confront himself. As all of the friends in the world, Lionel and King George VI have quarrels, after which they come together. It is no doubt that King George VI treats Lionel to be his real friend; otherwise he won ’t let Lionel call himself Bertie which is the proprietary rights of his family, he won’t leak his miserable childhood to Lionel, he won ’t swallow his pride to apologize to Lionel and he won’t insist on Lionel to be his consultant after he knows that Lionel is not a doctor. Lionel treats King George VI to be his friend rather than a king; otherwise he won’t ask for equal and always behaves unhurriedly, he won’t say something poignant to the king for the sake of his friend.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. There two themes which move me deeply. One is that after King George V’ death Bertie comes to Lionel’s to pour out his tormented; when he thanks Lionel, Lionel says “what are friends for ”. Only real friends will say this because they want to help you but never expect rewards. The other is that when King George VI has only 40 minutes to prepare his speech and he needs his friend Lionel who asks the driver to drive to the palace as fast as possible in spite of the fighter plane’s flying above him. Maybe the best best friend is someone who cares about you more than himself. Their truehearted friendship reminds me of some lyrics in the song Shining Friends: See my smile, my friendship. We are with you, holding hands, you have got to believe you are my destiny. We are meant to be your friends. That’s what a friendship should be. I think they are shining friends of each other.

The King ’s Speech is a biographical movie but not a boring one. Besides the impressive friendship, it also contains many wonderful elements, for instance, visual performance of its actors like Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter, winding plot, real background and suitable costumes. The King ’s Speech is thought highly by people and it receives 4 awards from Oscar, including best film, best director, best actor and best original screenplay. In my opinion, it is love that accomplish this movie; love between friends, between husband and wife, between father and daughters, these are the most affecting plots. The King’s Speech presents the background of that time to us, tells us how to confront defects of ourselves and annotates us what bosom friends are. In relief, it definitely lives up to its frame.

Shining Friends

Besides your family and your relatives, who will help you without any paid? Who will inspire you when you are disappointed? Who will always beside you when you are impecunious? Who will remind you of continuing hard work when you get dizzy with success? The answer is apparent: real friends. Life with a bosom friend is sufficient. I do really agree with this saying after I watch the movie The King ’s Speech .

The King’s Speech is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem with the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue. Bertie, King George VI, is a fatherly, responsible but self-abased and irritable prince. Lionel, an Australian speech therapist out of professor is a calm, wise and affectionate old man. When the two men of different character meet because the duchess recommends Lionel to cure the king ’s stuttering interesting things happen.

When they first meet, Lionel insists on calling himself Lionel and calling the prince Bertie, which is immediately objected by the prince. But at last, the prince accepts Lionel’s special teaching method and treats him as a friend. This is a movie without an antagonist. The strongest enemy that King George VI must confront and beat is himself. When he is a prince, he is expected too much but he is never too stressful to escape; on the contrary, he is familiar with national affairs and international situation and he cares much about his people than his brother Edward who is expected to get to throne at first. In his subconsciousness, he wants to be a

good king and be affirmed by his father, but he shrinks because his stuttering. Lionel absolutely knows his king and endeavors to cure him and encourage him to confront himself. As all of the friends in the world, Lionel and King George VI have quarrels, after which they come together. It is no doubt that King George VI treats Lionel to be his real friend; otherwise he won ’t let Lionel call himself Bertie which is the proprietary rights of his family, he won’t leak his miserable childhood to Lionel, he won ’t swallow his pride to apologize to Lionel and he won’t insist on Lionel to be his consultant after he knows that Lionel is not a doctor. Lionel treats King George VI to be his friend rather than a king; otherwise he won’t ask for equal and always behaves unhurriedly, he won’t say something poignant to the king for the sake of his friend.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. There two themes which move me deeply. One is that after King George V’ death Bertie comes to Lionel’s to pour out his tormented; when he thanks Lionel, Lionel says “what are friends for ”. Only real friends will say this because they want to help you but never expect rewards. The other is that when King George VI has only 40 minutes to prepare his speech and he needs his friend Lionel who asks the driver to drive to the palace as fast as possible in spite of the fighter plane’s flying above him. Maybe the best best friend is someone who cares about you more than himself. Their truehearted friendship reminds me of some lyrics in the song Shining Friends: See my smile, my friendship. We are with you, holding hands, you have got to believe you are my destiny. We are meant to be your friends. That’s what a friendship should be. I think they are shining friends of each other.

The King ’s Speech is a biographical movie but not a boring one. Besides the impressive friendship, it also contains many wonderful elements, for instance, visual performance of its actors like Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter, winding plot, real background and suitable costumes. The King ’s Speech is thought highly by people and it receives 4 awards from Oscar, including best film, best director, best actor and best original screenplay. In my opinion, it is love that accomplish this movie; love between friends, between husband and wife, between father and daughters, these are the most affecting plots. The King’s Speech presents the background of that time to us, tells us how to confront defects of ourselves and annotates us what bosom friends are. In relief, it definitely lives up to its frame.


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