

Supplier Lead Time Management and Inventory Control




对供应过程各环节周期的合理化和优化、设定预见 性的计划模式和库存策略等方式来提升供应的灵活性,从而改变企业简单的采用对供应商的强压或利用库存这种高成本、高风险的无奈纠错方式。


* 采购人员、供应商管理人员、物料计划人员



* 实现客户价值的供应链管理

* 深度探究交期延误的致因


* 交期的基本构成

* 交期对供应链运营的广泛影响和总成本

* 影响供应商交期管理的因素



* 与合适的供应商合作

* 需求模式的合理化

* 双方交期合理性管理

* 供应商交期可靠性管理

* 供应链 / 供应商交期灵活性管理

* 异常采购订单的管理

* 购买前的异常预见和干预措施

* 对已导致的交期延误的处置

* 考核和帮助供应商改善的行动


* 设置库存考虑的因素

* 从供应链角度看库存


* 合理库存的概念

* 库存合理化的内容

* 库存结构合理的含义和控制方法

* 库存量合理的含义和控制方法

* 库存时间合理的含义和控制方法

* 库存目标


* ABC 差异化管理

* 优化库存模式

* 优化订货方式

* 库存定期回顾和调整

* 不符合性物料的处置

* 库存考核与纠错

* 订货方式

* 订单跟踪和催单

* 动态库存监控

1. Supplier lead time management and supply chain management * Delivering customer value through supply chain management * Probing into the reasons for delay in delivery

2. Overview of supplier lead time management

* Elements of lead time

* Influence of delivery time on supply chain and the TCO

* Factors that influence the supplier lead time management

3. Factors and measures about delay in delivery

4. Systematic methods of supplier lead time management * Cooperation with the right supplier

* Rationalization of demand modes

* Proper management of lead time for both sides

* Reliable management of supplier lead time

* Flexible management of supply chain / supplier lead time * Management of unusual purchasing requirement

* Forecast the unusual purchase order and intervention before buying * Dealing with delay in delivery time

* Assessing and helping the supplier improve

5. Introduction of inventory management

* Factors to consider when setting inventory

* Inventory and supply chain management

6. Rationalization of inventory

* The concept of rationalized inventory

* The content of rationalized inventory

* The meaning and control methods of rationalized inventory structure * The meaning and control methods of rationalized stock

* The meaning and control methods of rationalized inventory time * The target of inventory

7. Main methods of inventory control

* ABC method

* Optimizing inventory modes

* Optimizing ordering methods

* Regular review and regulation of inventory

* Dealing with improper materials

* Inventory checking and correcting

* Ordering methods

* Order - tracking and reminder

* Dynamic inventory monitoring


Supplier Lead Time Management and Inventory Control




对供应过程各环节周期的合理化和优化、设定预见 性的计划模式和库存策略等方式来提升供应的灵活性,从而改变企业简单的采用对供应商的强压或利用库存这种高成本、高风险的无奈纠错方式。


* 采购人员、供应商管理人员、物料计划人员



* 实现客户价值的供应链管理

* 深度探究交期延误的致因


* 交期的基本构成

* 交期对供应链运营的广泛影响和总成本

* 影响供应商交期管理的因素



* 与合适的供应商合作

* 需求模式的合理化

* 双方交期合理性管理

* 供应商交期可靠性管理

* 供应链 / 供应商交期灵活性管理

* 异常采购订单的管理

* 购买前的异常预见和干预措施

* 对已导致的交期延误的处置

* 考核和帮助供应商改善的行动


* 设置库存考虑的因素

* 从供应链角度看库存


* 合理库存的概念

* 库存合理化的内容

* 库存结构合理的含义和控制方法

* 库存量合理的含义和控制方法

* 库存时间合理的含义和控制方法

* 库存目标


* ABC 差异化管理

* 优化库存模式

* 优化订货方式

* 库存定期回顾和调整

* 不符合性物料的处置

* 库存考核与纠错

* 订货方式

* 订单跟踪和催单

* 动态库存监控

1. Supplier lead time management and supply chain management * Delivering customer value through supply chain management * Probing into the reasons for delay in delivery

2. Overview of supplier lead time management

* Elements of lead time

* Influence of delivery time on supply chain and the TCO

* Factors that influence the supplier lead time management

3. Factors and measures about delay in delivery

4. Systematic methods of supplier lead time management * Cooperation with the right supplier

* Rationalization of demand modes

* Proper management of lead time for both sides

* Reliable management of supplier lead time

* Flexible management of supply chain / supplier lead time * Management of unusual purchasing requirement

* Forecast the unusual purchase order and intervention before buying * Dealing with delay in delivery time

* Assessing and helping the supplier improve

5. Introduction of inventory management

* Factors to consider when setting inventory

* Inventory and supply chain management

6. Rationalization of inventory

* The concept of rationalized inventory

* The content of rationalized inventory

* The meaning and control methods of rationalized inventory structure * The meaning and control methods of rationalized stock

* The meaning and control methods of rationalized inventory time * The target of inventory

7. Main methods of inventory control

* ABC method

* Optimizing inventory modes

* Optimizing ordering methods

* Regular review and regulation of inventory

* Dealing with improper materials

* Inventory checking and correcting

* Ordering methods

* Order - tracking and reminder

* Dynamic inventory monitoring


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