
1- 选中数据作直线图(以求比生长速率为例,第一栏数据是时间,第二栏数据是细胞浓度); 2- 在 ” Analysis ”下拉框中选择”Non-linear Curve Fit ”中的”Fitting Wizard ”,然后一直选择

Next ,直至结束;此时在数据框中会出现模拟数据;

3- 用模拟数据画直线图,然后选择” Analysis”中的”Calculus ”中的”Differentiate ”功能,可以


4- 此时再选择”Analysis ”中的”Simple Math”,会出现一个对话框(如下所示),把细胞浓度

那一栏”NLSF1_B”导入Y2中,operator 选择”/”,点击OK 就可以求出比生长速率了。 5- 其它的产物比合成速率以及底物消耗速率都依次类推就可以了。

Amplifying the manganese scavenging potential of Streptococcus zooepidemicus to reactive oxygen species during production of hyaluronic acid.

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Author(s): Mashitah, M D; Masitah, H; Ramachandran, K B

Source: Med J Malaysia Volume: 59 Suppl B Pages: 59-60 Published: 2004 May

[ PubMed Related Articles ]

Abstract: Streptococcus zooepidemicus (SZ) is an aerotolerant bacteria and its ability to survive under reactive oxidant challenge raises the question of the existence of a defense system. Thus growth, hyaluronic acid (HA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production by SZ in the presence of increasing concentration of Mn2+ were studied. The results suggested that the tested strain supported growth and HA production in cultures treated with 1 and 10 mM of Mn2+ regardless of H2O2 presence in the

medium. This showed that SZ have acquired elaborate defense mechanisms to scavenge oxygen toxicity and thus protect cells from direct and indirect effect of this radical. In contrast, cells treated with 25 mM Mn2+ were sensitive, in which, the HA production was reduced considerably. Thus showing that the oxygen scavenger systems of the cells may be fully saturated at this concentration.

PubMed ID: 15468818

Document Type: Journal Article

Language: English

Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

MeSH Terms:

Citation Subset: Index Medicus


1- 选中数据作直线图(以求比生长速率为例,第一栏数据是时间,第二栏数据是细胞浓度); 2- 在 ” Analysis ”下拉框中选择”Non-linear Curve Fit ”中的”Fitting Wizard ”,然后一直选择

Next ,直至结束;此时在数据框中会出现模拟数据;

3- 用模拟数据画直线图,然后选择” Analysis”中的”Calculus ”中的”Differentiate ”功能,可以


4- 此时再选择”Analysis ”中的”Simple Math”,会出现一个对话框(如下所示),把细胞浓度

那一栏”NLSF1_B”导入Y2中,operator 选择”/”,点击OK 就可以求出比生长速率了。 5- 其它的产物比合成速率以及底物消耗速率都依次类推就可以了。

Amplifying the manganese scavenging potential of Streptococcus zooepidemicus to reactive oxygen species during production of hyaluronic acid.

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Author(s): Mashitah, M D; Masitah, H; Ramachandran, K B

Source: Med J Malaysia Volume: 59 Suppl B Pages: 59-60 Published: 2004 May

[ PubMed Related Articles ]

Abstract: Streptococcus zooepidemicus (SZ) is an aerotolerant bacteria and its ability to survive under reactive oxidant challenge raises the question of the existence of a defense system. Thus growth, hyaluronic acid (HA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production by SZ in the presence of increasing concentration of Mn2+ were studied. The results suggested that the tested strain supported growth and HA production in cultures treated with 1 and 10 mM of Mn2+ regardless of H2O2 presence in the

medium. This showed that SZ have acquired elaborate defense mechanisms to scavenge oxygen toxicity and thus protect cells from direct and indirect effect of this radical. In contrast, cells treated with 25 mM Mn2+ were sensitive, in which, the HA production was reduced considerably. Thus showing that the oxygen scavenger systems of the cells may be fully saturated at this concentration.

PubMed ID: 15468818

Document Type: Journal Article

Language: English

Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

MeSH Terms:

Citation Subset: Index Medicus



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