格列佛游记 读后感 英语作文

My thought after reading "Gulliver's travels"

This book ,whose name is "Gulliver's travels", written with satire and humor spice, strange imagination and exaggeration, describes Gulliver who loves sailing adventure everywhere around the world, has experienced large and small, thrilling and interesting adventure.

In Lilliput, he became a huge monster, invulnerable, even though swallow dozens of head of cattles ,he will still not fill his stomach; in Brobdingnag, he has become a doll of giants, which was played in the palm of giants' hands, and fight against flies and bees; later, he came to the mysterious flying island, where people use the power of the lower part of birds and the force of a magnet at the bottom of the seabed, to move follow their own bent, meanwhile ,it is also a strange country where ghost can be summoned at any time to engage in some special communication, and people make rather baffling study; also in the Houyhnhnms which is a shame , where things upside down ,there are many of the more unbelievable stories took place there.

As reading, I dream I with The Gulliver together get into a fantasy world of that. Those little people who like doll, tall and mighty giants, like a flying fish flying island residents, as well as the Houyhnhnms' people and Jehu, left me deep impression, and make me so surprised and happy .Meanwhile ,in this story hero Gulliver at the face of the crisis, witty, brave, and resourceful, gets out of the danger time after time. As far as I am concerned ,this is what we are supposed to learn, no matter what difficulties we encounter and however difficult question need we solve, we must keep calm, have positive response to overcome the trouble we meet! We should apply the spirit that don't fear of difficulties to study and life!

My thought after reading "Gulliver's travels"

This book ,whose name is "Gulliver's travels", written with satire and humor spice, strange imagination and exaggeration, describes Gulliver who loves sailing adventure everywhere around the world, has experienced large and small, thrilling and interesting adventure.

In Lilliput, he became a huge monster, invulnerable, even though swallow dozens of head of cattles ,he will still not fill his stomach; in Brobdingnag, he has become a doll of giants, which was played in the palm of giants' hands, and fight against flies and bees; later, he came to the mysterious flying island, where people use the power of the lower part of birds and the force of a magnet at the bottom of the seabed, to move follow their own bent, meanwhile ,it is also a strange country where ghost can be summoned at any time to engage in some special communication, and people make rather baffling study; also in the Houyhnhnms which is a shame , where things upside down ,there are many of the more unbelievable stories took place there.

As reading, I dream I with The Gulliver together get into a fantasy world of that. Those little people who like doll, tall and mighty giants, like a flying fish flying island residents, as well as the Houyhnhnms' people and Jehu, left me deep impression, and make me so surprised and happy .Meanwhile ,in this story hero Gulliver at the face of the crisis, witty, brave, and resourceful, gets out of the danger time after time. As far as I am concerned ,this is what we are supposed to learn, no matter what difficulties we encounter and however difficult question need we solve, we must keep calm, have positive response to overcome the trouble we meet! We should apply the spirit that don't fear of difficulties to study and life!


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