

学 年 论 文

论文题目: 关于飘中斯嘉丽性格的简析

An Analysis of Scarlatti’s Character in

Gone with the Wind

班 级: 专 业: 商务英语

院 系: 外国语学院

授 课 语 种: 汉语

学 生 姓 名: 赵萍

指导教师姓名: 洪颖




An Analysis of Scarlett’s Character in Gone with the Wind


Gone with the Wind is one of the most popular American novels, which is written by American female writer Margaret Mitchell. When it was published, its sales broke many records among the publishing circles, and it is famous all over the world. The novel mainly describes the life of Scarlett who is the daughter of Tara’s master during the American Civil War. Meanwhile the novel draws a wide and prosperous picture of the social life of the South in America. Among all the roles, Scarlett, is the most successful one who is full of conflicting and complicated features.

Key Words: Scarlett’s character love marriage attitude

摘 要:

《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特. 米切尔一生中创作的唯一的一部长篇小说,一经面世,其销售量立即打破了美国出版界的多项记录并一直在世界各地畅销不衰。小说以美国南北战争为背景着重描述塔拉农场主的女儿思嘉丽在战前战后的生活,同时为我们刻画了一幅壮观而又生动的南方社会的生活画面。在众多人物中,最成功的莫过于对女主人公思嘉丽这一集矛盾、复杂、多面于一体的核心人物的塑造。

关键字:斯嘉丽的性格 爱情 婚姻 态度

I: Introduction:

S CARLET lives on Tara, a large plantation in Georgia. She wants to marry Ashley Wilkes. But Ashley is engaged to Melanie Hamilton, his cousin from Atlanta. At a barbecue at the Wilkes plantation the next day , Scarlett confesses her feelings to Ashley . He tells her that he does love her but that he is marrying Melanie because she is similar to him, whereas he and Scarlett are very different. Scarlett slaps Ashley and he leaves the room. Suddenly Scarlett realizes that she is not alone. Rhett Butler, a scandalous but dashing adventurer, has been watching the whole scene, and he compliments Scarlett on being unladylike.

The Civil War begins. Charles Hamilton, Melanie’s dull brother, proposes to Scarlett. She agrees to marry him, hoping to hurt Ashley . Over the course of two months, Scarlett and Charles marry , Charles joins the army and dies of the measles, and Scarlett learns that she is pregnant. After Scarlett gives birth to a son, Wade, She makes a long trip to Atlanta to stay with Melanie and Melanie’s aunt, Pittypat., As the war progresses, food and clothing run scarce in Atlanta. Scarlett and Melanie fear for Ashley’s safety . After the bloody battle of Gettysburg, the Y ankee army begins bearing down on Atlanta. Scarlett desperately wants to return home to Tara, but she has promised Ashley she will stay with the pregnant Melanie, who could give birth at any time.

On the night the Yankees capture Atlanta and set it afire, Melanie gives birth to her son, Beau. Rhett helps Scarlett and Melanie escape the Y ankees, but he abandons them outside Atlanta so he can join the Confederate Army. Scarlett drives to Tara. She arrives to find that her mother is dead; her father has lost his mind; and the Y ankee army has looted the plantation, leaving no food or cotton.

Scarlett takes charge of rebuilding Tara. She murders a Y ankee thief and puts out a fire set by a spiteful Y ankee soldier. At last the war ends, word comes that Ashley is free and on his way home, and a stream of returning soldiers begins pouring through Tara. Distraught, Scarlett hurries to Atlanta to seduce Rhett Butler so that he will give her the three hundred dollars she needs for taxes. Rhett has emerged from the war a

fabulously wealthy man, dripping with earnings from his blockade-running operation and from food speculation. However, Rhett is in a Yankee jail and cannot help Scarlett. Scarlett sees her sister’s beau, KenneDy , who now owns a general store, and forges a plan. Determined to save Tara, she betrays her sister and marries Frank, pays the taxes on Tara, and devotes herself to making Frank’s business more profitable.

After Rhett blackmails his way out of prison, he lends Scarlett enough money to buy a sawmill. To the displeasure of Atlanta society , Scarlett becomes a shrewd businesswoman. Gerald dies, and Scarlett returns to Tara for the funeral. Shortly thereafter, Scarlett gives birth to Frank’s child, Ella Lorena.

A free black man and his white male companion attack Scarlett on her way home from the sawmill one day. That night, the Ku Klux Klan avenges the attack on Scarlett, and Frank ends up dead. Rhett proposes to Scarlett and she quickly accepts. After a long, luxurious honeymoon in New Orleans, Scarlett and Rhett return to Atlanta, Scarlett becomes pregnant again and has another child, Bonnie Blue Butler. Rhett dotes on the girl and begins a successful campaign to win back the good graces of the prominent Atlanta citizens in order to keep Bonnie from being an outcast like Scarlett. Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage begins happily, but Rhett becomes increasingly bitter and indifferent toward her.

After Bonnie is killed in a horse-riding accident, Rhett nearly loses his mind, and his marriage with Scarlett worsens. Not long after the funeral, Melanie has a miscarriage and falls very ill. Distraught, Scarlett hurries to see her. Melanie makes Scarlett promise to look after Ashley and Beau. Scarlett concludes that she truly loves Rhett. After Melanie dies, Scarlett hurries to tell Rhett of her revelation. Rhett, however, says that he has lost his love for Scarlett, and he leaves her. Grief-stricken and alone, Scarlett makes up her mind to go back to Tara to recover her strength in the comforting arms of her childhood nurse and slave, Mammy, and to think of a way to win Rhett back.

II : Scarlett’s attitude towards life during the Civil War

Before the Civil War, spoiled and beautiful Scarlett is a proud princess. She is also naïve and carefree for she is brought up in a rich family, in which they have many large fertile fields to grow cottons and many slaves that work for them. It is no necessary for her to think about anything but just to dress in new costumes to attract the sights of the boys .With the outbreak of the war, she loses everything she owns. War makes her become a widow who has to wear black weeds for her husband. In the summer of 1864, Sherman starts to attack Atlanta and everyone is fleeing the city. But Scarlett has to stay at Atlanta with Melanie for she has made a promise to Ashley to look after Melanie who is going into labor ,she even braves the life danger to escort Melanie and her newly-born baby to go back to Tara in the flames of war. Her kindness conquers the selfishness, which shows her nice aspect. She is so horrible but she sticks to go back home, but what she sees in Tara is only the endless loneliness and desolation.

The war absolutely changes the way of her life and her affectionate homestead, Tara. The invasive Y ankees destroy all of their treasure and cottons, leaving nothing but hunger to them. Her mother is dead and her father’s mind has gone; her two sisters and Melanie are ill . Scarlett is the only one that the family can depend on. Scarlett changes her concepts for the new life. She wants to feed her family and herself through her own work, which shows her realistic character towards life. When her sisters and the house servants complain, Scarlett even works in the fields of Tara herself to ensure a good harvest of cotton. To her, the memory of hunger is clearer than the memory of brain. She vows her famous line, "As God as my witness I will never be hungry again.”

She adopts the new ways of living which change her from a young lady who must rely on the black slaves to enjoy her to a laborer who supports the whole family depending on her own walks personally to the destroyed Twelve Oaks to look for something to eat, and even uses her hands to dig greens, to split the wood, to crush the milk, to pick cottons. Most shockingly, is when Scarlett kills a Y ankee who

comes in and tries to steal what’s left of their money , but Scarlett kills him and takes all of his money.

No matter how hard the life is and no matter what the new world is; she has to raise her whole family and protect them from starving and freezing to death.

III : Scarlett’s attitude towards her love and marriage

Marriage is a serious matter and also a nice dream to most of the young girls, but Scarlett treats her marriage as tools. Scarlett is so immature that she marries Charles Hamilton who she doesn’t love at all to hurt Ashley for her first marriage. From then on, she loses the ability to distinguish what is right from wrong, which is the basis of her love tragedy .The Civil War kills her first husband after two months of their marriage, and Scarlett becomes a widow at her sixteen years old. She endures the rules of being a widow, but the war changes her goal of life. In order to survive, to save Tara, she marries her sister’s lover by subterfuge once more. Not long after her second husband’s death, she marries Rhett for her third marriage. She thinks that marring him, she will never have to bother about money again and never to worry about money again, to know that Tara was safe.

IV: Concluction:

The two parts above analyze the features of Scarlett’s complex character. The figure of Scarlett is real and vivid and the image of Scarlett is successful, and that is enough to prove that Gone with the Wind is amasterpiece, charming and valuable.


[1]隋红升 扬怡人,《飘》中的家园意识探究[J],宁波大学学报,2005, (18):63

[2] 李培峰 周蓉,论思嘉的现实主义性格特征[J],新疆教育学院学报,1999,






Table of contents

An Analysis of Scarlatti’s Character in Gone with the Wind

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………….3 Ⅰ. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….3 ⅡScarlett’s attitude towards life during the Civil War…………………………….5 Ⅲ. Scarlett’s attitude towards her love and marriage………………………………6 IV . Concluction…………………………………………………………. ………….8 Bib liography…………………………………………………………………………9

共9页 共2041字


学 年 论 文

论文题目: 关于飘中斯嘉丽性格的简析

An Analysis of Scarlatti’s Character in

Gone with the Wind

班 级: 专 业: 商务英语

院 系: 外国语学院

授 课 语 种: 汉语

学 生 姓 名: 赵萍

指导教师姓名: 洪颖




An Analysis of Scarlett’s Character in Gone with the Wind


Gone with the Wind is one of the most popular American novels, which is written by American female writer Margaret Mitchell. When it was published, its sales broke many records among the publishing circles, and it is famous all over the world. The novel mainly describes the life of Scarlett who is the daughter of Tara’s master during the American Civil War. Meanwhile the novel draws a wide and prosperous picture of the social life of the South in America. Among all the roles, Scarlett, is the most successful one who is full of conflicting and complicated features.

Key Words: Scarlett’s character love marriage attitude

摘 要:

《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特. 米切尔一生中创作的唯一的一部长篇小说,一经面世,其销售量立即打破了美国出版界的多项记录并一直在世界各地畅销不衰。小说以美国南北战争为背景着重描述塔拉农场主的女儿思嘉丽在战前战后的生活,同时为我们刻画了一幅壮观而又生动的南方社会的生活画面。在众多人物中,最成功的莫过于对女主人公思嘉丽这一集矛盾、复杂、多面于一体的核心人物的塑造。

关键字:斯嘉丽的性格 爱情 婚姻 态度

I: Introduction:

S CARLET lives on Tara, a large plantation in Georgia. She wants to marry Ashley Wilkes. But Ashley is engaged to Melanie Hamilton, his cousin from Atlanta. At a barbecue at the Wilkes plantation the next day , Scarlett confesses her feelings to Ashley . He tells her that he does love her but that he is marrying Melanie because she is similar to him, whereas he and Scarlett are very different. Scarlett slaps Ashley and he leaves the room. Suddenly Scarlett realizes that she is not alone. Rhett Butler, a scandalous but dashing adventurer, has been watching the whole scene, and he compliments Scarlett on being unladylike.

The Civil War begins. Charles Hamilton, Melanie’s dull brother, proposes to Scarlett. She agrees to marry him, hoping to hurt Ashley . Over the course of two months, Scarlett and Charles marry , Charles joins the army and dies of the measles, and Scarlett learns that she is pregnant. After Scarlett gives birth to a son, Wade, She makes a long trip to Atlanta to stay with Melanie and Melanie’s aunt, Pittypat., As the war progresses, food and clothing run scarce in Atlanta. Scarlett and Melanie fear for Ashley’s safety . After the bloody battle of Gettysburg, the Y ankee army begins bearing down on Atlanta. Scarlett desperately wants to return home to Tara, but she has promised Ashley she will stay with the pregnant Melanie, who could give birth at any time.

On the night the Yankees capture Atlanta and set it afire, Melanie gives birth to her son, Beau. Rhett helps Scarlett and Melanie escape the Y ankees, but he abandons them outside Atlanta so he can join the Confederate Army. Scarlett drives to Tara. She arrives to find that her mother is dead; her father has lost his mind; and the Y ankee army has looted the plantation, leaving no food or cotton.

Scarlett takes charge of rebuilding Tara. She murders a Y ankee thief and puts out a fire set by a spiteful Y ankee soldier. At last the war ends, word comes that Ashley is free and on his way home, and a stream of returning soldiers begins pouring through Tara. Distraught, Scarlett hurries to Atlanta to seduce Rhett Butler so that he will give her the three hundred dollars she needs for taxes. Rhett has emerged from the war a

fabulously wealthy man, dripping with earnings from his blockade-running operation and from food speculation. However, Rhett is in a Yankee jail and cannot help Scarlett. Scarlett sees her sister’s beau, KenneDy , who now owns a general store, and forges a plan. Determined to save Tara, she betrays her sister and marries Frank, pays the taxes on Tara, and devotes herself to making Frank’s business more profitable.

After Rhett blackmails his way out of prison, he lends Scarlett enough money to buy a sawmill. To the displeasure of Atlanta society , Scarlett becomes a shrewd businesswoman. Gerald dies, and Scarlett returns to Tara for the funeral. Shortly thereafter, Scarlett gives birth to Frank’s child, Ella Lorena.

A free black man and his white male companion attack Scarlett on her way home from the sawmill one day. That night, the Ku Klux Klan avenges the attack on Scarlett, and Frank ends up dead. Rhett proposes to Scarlett and she quickly accepts. After a long, luxurious honeymoon in New Orleans, Scarlett and Rhett return to Atlanta, Scarlett becomes pregnant again and has another child, Bonnie Blue Butler. Rhett dotes on the girl and begins a successful campaign to win back the good graces of the prominent Atlanta citizens in order to keep Bonnie from being an outcast like Scarlett. Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage begins happily, but Rhett becomes increasingly bitter and indifferent toward her.

After Bonnie is killed in a horse-riding accident, Rhett nearly loses his mind, and his marriage with Scarlett worsens. Not long after the funeral, Melanie has a miscarriage and falls very ill. Distraught, Scarlett hurries to see her. Melanie makes Scarlett promise to look after Ashley and Beau. Scarlett concludes that she truly loves Rhett. After Melanie dies, Scarlett hurries to tell Rhett of her revelation. Rhett, however, says that he has lost his love for Scarlett, and he leaves her. Grief-stricken and alone, Scarlett makes up her mind to go back to Tara to recover her strength in the comforting arms of her childhood nurse and slave, Mammy, and to think of a way to win Rhett back.

II : Scarlett’s attitude towards life during the Civil War

Before the Civil War, spoiled and beautiful Scarlett is a proud princess. She is also naïve and carefree for she is brought up in a rich family, in which they have many large fertile fields to grow cottons and many slaves that work for them. It is no necessary for her to think about anything but just to dress in new costumes to attract the sights of the boys .With the outbreak of the war, she loses everything she owns. War makes her become a widow who has to wear black weeds for her husband. In the summer of 1864, Sherman starts to attack Atlanta and everyone is fleeing the city. But Scarlett has to stay at Atlanta with Melanie for she has made a promise to Ashley to look after Melanie who is going into labor ,she even braves the life danger to escort Melanie and her newly-born baby to go back to Tara in the flames of war. Her kindness conquers the selfishness, which shows her nice aspect. She is so horrible but she sticks to go back home, but what she sees in Tara is only the endless loneliness and desolation.

The war absolutely changes the way of her life and her affectionate homestead, Tara. The invasive Y ankees destroy all of their treasure and cottons, leaving nothing but hunger to them. Her mother is dead and her father’s mind has gone; her two sisters and Melanie are ill . Scarlett is the only one that the family can depend on. Scarlett changes her concepts for the new life. She wants to feed her family and herself through her own work, which shows her realistic character towards life. When her sisters and the house servants complain, Scarlett even works in the fields of Tara herself to ensure a good harvest of cotton. To her, the memory of hunger is clearer than the memory of brain. She vows her famous line, "As God as my witness I will never be hungry again.”

She adopts the new ways of living which change her from a young lady who must rely on the black slaves to enjoy her to a laborer who supports the whole family depending on her own walks personally to the destroyed Twelve Oaks to look for something to eat, and even uses her hands to dig greens, to split the wood, to crush the milk, to pick cottons. Most shockingly, is when Scarlett kills a Y ankee who

comes in and tries to steal what’s left of their money , but Scarlett kills him and takes all of his money.

No matter how hard the life is and no matter what the new world is; she has to raise her whole family and protect them from starving and freezing to death.

III : Scarlett’s attitude towards her love and marriage

Marriage is a serious matter and also a nice dream to most of the young girls, but Scarlett treats her marriage as tools. Scarlett is so immature that she marries Charles Hamilton who she doesn’t love at all to hurt Ashley for her first marriage. From then on, she loses the ability to distinguish what is right from wrong, which is the basis of her love tragedy .The Civil War kills her first husband after two months of their marriage, and Scarlett becomes a widow at her sixteen years old. She endures the rules of being a widow, but the war changes her goal of life. In order to survive, to save Tara, she marries her sister’s lover by subterfuge once more. Not long after her second husband’s death, she marries Rhett for her third marriage. She thinks that marring him, she will never have to bother about money again and never to worry about money again, to know that Tara was safe.

IV: Concluction:

The two parts above analyze the features of Scarlett’s complex character. The figure of Scarlett is real and vivid and the image of Scarlett is successful, and that is enough to prove that Gone with the Wind is amasterpiece, charming and valuable.


[1]隋红升 扬怡人,《飘》中的家园意识探究[J],宁波大学学报,2005, (18):63

[2] 李培峰 周蓉,论思嘉的现实主义性格特征[J],新疆教育学院学报,1999,






Table of contents

An Analysis of Scarlatti’s Character in Gone with the Wind

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………….3 Ⅰ. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….3 ⅡScarlett’s attitude towards life during the Civil War…………………………….5 Ⅲ. Scarlett’s attitude towards her love and marriage………………………………6 IV . Concluction…………………………………………………………. ………….8 Bib liography…………………………………………………………………………9

共9页 共2041字


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