
Key to

Learning to Read: An English Reading Course

Book IV

Unit 1

Part I

I. Reading for information: 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D II. Translation

1.我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。我有幸与几个最棒的寿险推销员一起被指任为一委员 会会员。一时间我吓得要命。

2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。反观诸多快速成功者,他们期望太多而且渴望一蹴而就。当回报不能立刻兑现时,他们就变得灰心丧气,愁苦不堪。

3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。然后培养他们的爱心和忠诚。我招募他们,激励他们,每当我们取得什么成绩,我与他们一起分享荣誉。

4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在我们与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5,000美元的货品,这样做吞噬了我们大部分的利润,可我们不能让建筑商失望。

5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕.林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。他出身贫寒,外表丑陋,然而却颇有建树,给世人眼中的“平凡”予新的涵义和尊严。 III.

1. set their sights high, achieve their goals

2. is little related to, university-educated fast-trackers, self-discipline

3. overpowering ego, bring out the best in people

4. broaden their knowledge base

5. stick with, keep your word

Part II

II.1.F 2. T 3. F 4.F 5. T

Part III

Passage 1: F T F T F

Passage 2: F F T F T

Passage 3: B D C A B

Passage 4: A C B C D

Passage 5:21. equivalent 22. sponsored 23. goals 24. pays 25. invested

26. prospect 27. rated 28. associated 29. pursue 30. barrier

Passage 6: 31.mission 32. significance 33. flow 34. ongoing 35. immediately

36. indirectly 37. transmission 38. Above 39. foundation 40. thereby

Passage 7: 41.headed 42. longings 43. desires 44. self-esteem 45. discrimination

46. shower 47. aware 48. Times 49. frustrated 50. very

Unit 2

Part I

I. 1.C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C


1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。




5. 如果那卖主宽容和气,通情达理又富有同情心,他就该把价格谈到497美元,使那对夫妇得到快乐和满足。为他们省了247美元却最终令他们付出了三倍于此数目的怒火帐。


1. mutual satisfaction shift… from…to

2. in opposition producing a creative outcome complementary

3. uniqueness identical victorious

4. satisfy their needs unconscious and unacknowledged

5. an exchange of material subjects obtain your objective

Part II

II. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4.F 5.F 6. T

Part III

Passage 1: T T F F F

Passage 2: F T F F T

Passage 3: C A B D B

Passage 4: B C D A D

Passage 5:21. meet 22. limits 23. issued 24. adequate 25. consume

26. ready 27. do 28. value 29. critical 30. treat

Passage 6: 31.odds 32. obsessively 33.measured 34. welcome 35. supposed

36.based 37. produce 38. vary 39. better-off 40.Nevertheless

Passage 7: 41.touch 42. priority 43. capitalize 44. range 45. compels

46.long-term 47. between 48. while 49.illuminate 50.challenge

Unit 3

Part I


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D


1.,你过着日常生活, 这时不知从哪冒出个人告诉你,你患了癌症,一直健康的人如何体会这种状况啊!

2. 她说:“如今的幸存者是仰仗着早先参加临床试验的人而活下来的”。似乎我


3. 尽一切可能满足自己,笑对人生,保持你的仪表容颜。

4. 这可以成为一个千载良机,让你更加内省,并在个人成长道路上大步向前。 III.

1. are struck with have a good chance of

2. go through introspect and analyze

3. sink in

4. survivor take an active role informed

5. in control options

6. optimistic diagnosed challenging situation

7. keep the skin whole

8. applied tolerate

9. worked wonders going for

Part II


1. Suffering from a major heart attack, Rose did not have health coverage. So she had a hard time to pay the hospital bill.

2. Policy makers failed to pay attention to people who didn’t enjoy the health care program and hospitals that didn’t provide free or reduced cost care.

3. As a non-profit national consumer advocacy agency, Community Catalyst hears stories from people being turned away from their local hospitals and tries to help.

4. It develops a net work of organizations fighting for health care, which addresses the problems of related hospital free care.

5. Communists have established public hospitals with missions to serve those who don’t have financial resources; non-profit hospitals are tax-free; several states require hospitals to provide some level of free care in exchange for various public funds.

Part III

Passage 1: T F T T F

Passage 2: T F T F F

Passage 3: C C B A D

Passage 4: B A D C D

Passage 5:21. technical 22.modify 23.unwanted 24.solution 25. medical

26.mishaps 27. risk 28.distinction 29.undergo 30.thought

Passage 6: 31.maintaining 32.repair 33.vital 34. presence 35. specific

36.manufactures 37. destruction 38. rich 39. swallow 40.Powdered

Passage 7: 41.components 42.essential 43.obtained 44. extracts 45.absorb

46.efficient 47.quality 48.fill 49.convert 50. moves

Unit 4

Part I


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. A


1. 别去细算这笔账了,这些白领血汗工厂是公司美国最成功的骗局。

2. 多年来,唯我独尊的公司一直是通过压榨他们的雇员来保持低廉的劳动成本。

3. 大量裁员使得人们不得不回答这个问题,精打细算的公司管理者应该会对该问题答案对他们底线的影响感到不寒而栗的。

4. 一份压力很大的工作满足了参与超越自身之事的渴求,而工作16小时的日子意味着你不必处理生活中的杂乱琐事。

5. 但是黑暗中总有一线光明,血汗公司的裁员迫使选择面广、才智卓越的年轻人思考:在其他地方他们或许会更幸福。

6. 他们可以雇用不那么精明的员工,但那样的话他们首先失去的就是对客户有吸引力的智囊人才。


1. college grads; Ivy League

2. Lured; buy in

3. savvy; sacrifice

4. skip their love affairs; midlife crisis

5. handle the stress; wonder; lifestyle

6. glamour

7. vie for

8. sweatshops; lay off; decision

Part II


1. They think it’s a humanist right, a major premise for a civilized and dignified life as other Europeans.

2. The corporate culture model in the post-New Deal was a paternalist one; unlike the current stock-price-is-God model, workers got more vacation time.

3. The figure of companies that don’t offer paid vacation is rising in recent years.

4. The average American’s response is neither admiration nor envy; they are proud of their own condition and show contempt for their European worker counterparts.

5.They incorporate the corporate culture propaganda of Reagan’s time within themselves so well as their conscious or subconscious guiding principles.

Part III

Passage 1: F F T T F

Passage 2: T F F T T

Passage 3: A B D B C

Passage 4: A C B C D

Passage 5:21. suffering 22.attention 23.prime 24.sign 25. labeled

26.wide 27. pressure 28.caught 29.pace 30.disoriented

Passage 6:31.birth 32.unique 33.characteristics 34. apart 35. inhabit

36.endangered 37.population 38.enables 39.intriguing 40.unfortunately Passage 7: 41.issue 42.copyright 43.personal 44. borders 45.legislate

46.predators 47.harmful 48.doubt 49.experienced 50.full-length

Unit 5

Part I


1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A. 5. A . 6. C.


1. 当然,他们最热衷于谈论的话题是人际关系:男人不愿意承诺,女人的独立,啥时候生孩子,或者是越来越多地讨论究竟要不要孩子。

2. 希腊曾被认为是欧洲最为传统的社会之一,正教会要求人们结婚生子的严格戒律在过去占主导地位。

3. 在英国,像《无子无女享人生》这样的书市场越来越大。身为记者的尼克•德华格说,她写这本书的目的就是“让决定不生小孩的女人知道她们的感受绝对正常”。

4. 事实上,人口学家说,是家庭生活幸福的20世纪50年代和60年代才不把历史规范放在眼里。

5. 在美国和西欧的大城市,成家不要孩子长期以来都很常见,这种家庭模式在更为传统的农村地区也正快速地得到人们的认可。


1. childlessness, odd, held sway, barren, cast suspicion on

2. timing, given, swath of the population

3. shift, disparate, extending, postponing

4. spawned, capitalize on, cater to

5. product, infertility, a complex combination of factors

6. households, gaining acceptability

Part II


1. Because support for working mothers is almost non-existent (though recently that’s begun to change). Child care is expensive, men don’t help out, and some companies strongly discourage mothers from returning to work.

2. From the sentence “At the same time, around the world it’s mostly men who are at the head of a growing backlash against the childless”, we can say that men are more against childlessness.

3. In Germany, economists and politicians have demanded that public pensions for the childless be slashed by up to 50 percent.

4. France recently raised child subsidies to increase sharply with children numbers three and four.

5. Because polls among young adults today show a continued decline in their ideal family size.

Part III

Passage 1: T T F T F

Passage 2: T F F T F

Passage 3: B B C A D

Passage 4: D A A B C

Passage 5:21. way 22.nerve 23.thought 24.kindness 25. critically

26.consultation 27. determined 28.final 29.take 30.flooded

Passage 6: 31.behalf 32.sorrow 33.survivors 34. ranging 35.banned

36.symbolic 37.specifying 38.acknowledged 39.laboured 40.amounted Passage 7: 41.as 42.differences 43.opposed 44. reconcile 45.reunited

46.lay 47.example 48.reflect 49.heights 50.splendor

Unit Six

Part I


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.D


1. 我们的血液藏有我们是谁的秘密。人类基因组99.0%是一样的;我们的相似之处远远多于相异之处。

2. 离我们最近的共同祖先—基因上的“亚当”和“夏娃”—已经被追溯到非洲,在世界各地也发现了其他让人感兴趣的祖先。

3. 我们每个细胞中的DNA不仅决定了我们眼睛的颜色,而且含有我们先辈的足迹。一个小孩的基因几乎完全是父母结合所产生的基因混合体。

4. 科学的确有其局限之处。既然科研人员并没有真正采到成吉思汗之类人物的DNA,要想证明是否为某些历史人物的嫡系后代几乎是不可能的。

5. 土著民众已经遭受殖民掠夺,许多人依然对主流文化不信任,惟恐交出自己的血液样本及其里面含有的信息。


1. Identical; reveals clues to;

2. larger story; collecting; DNA samples; indigenous populations;

3. dictates; footprint;

4. uncover links to; have its limit; the likes; direct descent from;

5. debated; originated in;

6. wary of; have had their share of; distrustful;

Part II


1. The drying up of underground water resources from overpumping is a far more serious issue.

2. The consequences are collapsing fisheries, shrinking forests, expanding deserts, escalating CO2 levels, eroding soil, elevating temperatures, disappearing species, falling water tables, melting glaciers, deteriorating grasslands, rising seas, and rivers that are running by.

3. Wheat, rice and corn.

4. The three principal steps needed to secure future food suppliers are worldwide efforts to raise water productivity, cut carbon emissions, and stabilize population.

5. Many Americans see terrorism as the principal threat to security.

Part III

Passage 1: F T F F T

Passage 2: T F T F T

Passage 3: D A C D B

Passage 4: A C A B D

Passage 5: 21. set 22.by 23.visitors 24.volunteered 25. laugh

26.insects 27. confidently 28.direction 29.endure 30.fall

Passage 6: 31.tight 32.decorate 33.gift 34. embarrassed 35.harsh

36.tears 37.knees 38.took 39.imaginary 40.precious Passage 7: 41.unspeakable 42.issued 43.aid 44. witnessed 45.short

46.victims 47.humbled 48.loving 49.weep 50.unanswered

Unit Seven

Part I


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.B


1.32岁的格蕾丝 张 卢卡莱丽拖着长腔、用柔和的得克萨斯口音回忆说:由于她 是镇上为数不多的亚裔美国人之一,因此“受到人们的嘲笑”,对此同伴们也是 同情她、但更为严肃地点了点头。

2. 正是在那(与外界隔绝的郊区)他们的孩子长大成人,如今年龄在20-40岁之


3. 如此,他们更新了古老的移民故事,塑造了全新的亚裔美国人的身份,这种身份在他们父母的祖国没有获得完全的认可,但就其混合性而言,洋溢着美国特性。

4. 如果你绘制一个表示文化适应的图表,一边是父辈移民的风俗习惯,另一边是生活在其中的社会风俗习惯,典型的模型会显示一个长期稳定的趋向,揭示一个缓慢的美国化过程,这一过程需要两三代人才能完成。

5. 但是在费城的拉维诺瓦大学,阿莫德找到了来自不同背景的朋友,他们赞同多样性,帮助她—用阿莫德的话说—“成为融合东西方文化的人”。

6. 她说:“我选择同时接受两种节日,而不是孤立自己只选择一种”。 III.

1. immigrated; sense;

2. identity;

3. assimilate;

4. urban; instead; isolation; traditional; maintain;

5. steady; Americanization; distinctive; immersion; ethnic roots;

6. foreigners; alienation;

7. commonplace; exclusion; neighbourhoods;

Part II


1. They usually find their self-affirmation when they go to college.

2. Both of them experienced a cultural boomerang: from trying every means to mingle into the white community to highlighting their ethnic legacies.

3. Most Asian parents’ biggest expectation of their children is that they can enter a top university. Therefore they tend to view their children’s active involvement in extracurricular activities as frivolous diversions from the main goal.

4. The claim that Asian children “are dealing with oil and water” indicates that they have to live in dramatically diversified cultures. The claim is best reflected in the incompatibility in romance. Most Asian-immigrant parents encourage their children to find partners of the same ethnicity.

5. The second-generation Asian Americans are going to be pioneers like their parents, but in a very different sense. They live between two worlds: the traditional domain their recently arrived parents sought to maintain at home and the fast-changing Western culture of the society outside the front door.

Part III

Passage 1: T F F F T

Passage 2: F T T T T

Passage 3: D A A B C

Passage 4: A B D C D

Passage 5: 21. limped 22.guard 23.wheelchair 24.definitive 25. imagined

26.basis 27. intent 28.supporting 29.might 30.separate

Passage 6:31.balanced 32.overweight 33.consume 34. obesity 35.promise

36.qualified 37.public 38.premise 39.implications 40.odds Passage 7:41.decent 42.canceled 43.focused 44. diploma 45.disappointments

46.match 47.hiding 48.religion 49.population 50.enormous

Unit Eight

Part I.


1.A 2.D 3. C 4.A 5.C 6 B


1. 巴黎艺术家凯蒂亚·艾利亚陷入停滞。她的创造力受阻,不能发挥自己的才智,不知何因无法在 画中用绿色和蓝色。

2. 今年会充满莫扎特的音乐,但今天也会重新审视莫扎特团团35年的一生带来矛盾和冲突的看法。

3. 《自然》杂志1993年的一篇文章首次给这个说法提供了科学依据,该文章指出,在一项要求在大脑里想象如何展开一页纸的空间推理测试中,听了莫扎特“D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲”第一章的大学生取得了更佳成绩。

4. 在随后的十年里,这些研究引起了学术界的轩然大波,罗切尔的许多同行对她的发现要么进行补充完善,要么进行反驳。

5. 目前,罗切尔甚至在根据其他人后来做的研究修改她最初的结论,她在写一本书,书名暂定为《莫扎特效应之外的音乐和智力》。


1. cast ; roles;

2. decade; controversial; healer;

3. claimed; treat; ranging from;

4. notion; disputed; enchance;

5. main; sparked; academic; trend;

6. influence; activated; spatial;

7. focal; classical; lies in; melodies;

Part II.


1. According to the author, museums are like homes where the public are admitted as visitors at certain hours. By saying that it’s fortunate that few museums have opened photographic departments, the author means photographs are still within the reach of the public.

2. Painting and sculpture as we know them are dying because they are becoming property, which nowadays has become opposed to all other values.

3. The common feature shared by memorable photographs and ordinary snapshots is that both of them are messages about the events they record.

4. Painting, the author believes, is an art of arrangement. Therefore, it is reasonable to demand that there is some kind of order in what is arranged. Photography, however,

is different. It is a misconception that a good photograph is a well-composed one. In fact we’d better rid ourselves of the notion that photographic images should imitate painted ones.

5. In the author’s eyes, a photograph is effective when the chosen moment which it records contains a quantum of truth which is as revealing about what is absent from the photograph as about what is present in it.

Part III

Passage 1: F T T F T

Passage 2: F T T F T

Passage 3: B A C B A

Passage 4: A B B D C

Passage 5: 21. stability 22.society 23.agree 24.driven 25. risk

26.impact 27. foster 28.examined 29.comparing 30.apply

Passage 6:31.levels 32.instant 33.physically 34. converse 35.interact

36.eventually 37.potential 38.flaws 39.discouraging 40.requirement Passage 7:41.games 42.intricacies 43.unless 44. winner 45.process

46.globe 47.contact 48.preferences 49.ad 50.details

Key to

Learning to Read: An English Reading Course

Book IV

Unit 1

Part I

I. Reading for information: 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D II. Translation

1.我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。我有幸与几个最棒的寿险推销员一起被指任为一委员 会会员。一时间我吓得要命。

2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。反观诸多快速成功者,他们期望太多而且渴望一蹴而就。当回报不能立刻兑现时,他们就变得灰心丧气,愁苦不堪。

3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。然后培养他们的爱心和忠诚。我招募他们,激励他们,每当我们取得什么成绩,我与他们一起分享荣誉。

4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在我们与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5,000美元的货品,这样做吞噬了我们大部分的利润,可我们不能让建筑商失望。

5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕.林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。他出身贫寒,外表丑陋,然而却颇有建树,给世人眼中的“平凡”予新的涵义和尊严。 III.

1. set their sights high, achieve their goals

2. is little related to, university-educated fast-trackers, self-discipline

3. overpowering ego, bring out the best in people

4. broaden their knowledge base

5. stick with, keep your word

Part II

II.1.F 2. T 3. F 4.F 5. T

Part III

Passage 1: F T F T F

Passage 2: F F T F T

Passage 3: B D C A B

Passage 4: A C B C D

Passage 5:21. equivalent 22. sponsored 23. goals 24. pays 25. invested

26. prospect 27. rated 28. associated 29. pursue 30. barrier

Passage 6: 31.mission 32. significance 33. flow 34. ongoing 35. immediately

36. indirectly 37. transmission 38. Above 39. foundation 40. thereby

Passage 7: 41.headed 42. longings 43. desires 44. self-esteem 45. discrimination

46. shower 47. aware 48. Times 49. frustrated 50. very

Unit 2

Part I

I. 1.C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C


1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。




5. 如果那卖主宽容和气,通情达理又富有同情心,他就该把价格谈到497美元,使那对夫妇得到快乐和满足。为他们省了247美元却最终令他们付出了三倍于此数目的怒火帐。


1. mutual satisfaction shift… from…to

2. in opposition producing a creative outcome complementary

3. uniqueness identical victorious

4. satisfy their needs unconscious and unacknowledged

5. an exchange of material subjects obtain your objective

Part II

II. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4.F 5.F 6. T

Part III

Passage 1: T T F F F

Passage 2: F T F F T

Passage 3: C A B D B

Passage 4: B C D A D

Passage 5:21. meet 22. limits 23. issued 24. adequate 25. consume

26. ready 27. do 28. value 29. critical 30. treat

Passage 6: 31.odds 32. obsessively 33.measured 34. welcome 35. supposed

36.based 37. produce 38. vary 39. better-off 40.Nevertheless

Passage 7: 41.touch 42. priority 43. capitalize 44. range 45. compels

46.long-term 47. between 48. while 49.illuminate 50.challenge

Unit 3

Part I


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D


1.,你过着日常生活, 这时不知从哪冒出个人告诉你,你患了癌症,一直健康的人如何体会这种状况啊!

2. 她说:“如今的幸存者是仰仗着早先参加临床试验的人而活下来的”。似乎我


3. 尽一切可能满足自己,笑对人生,保持你的仪表容颜。

4. 这可以成为一个千载良机,让你更加内省,并在个人成长道路上大步向前。 III.

1. are struck with have a good chance of

2. go through introspect and analyze

3. sink in

4. survivor take an active role informed

5. in control options

6. optimistic diagnosed challenging situation

7. keep the skin whole

8. applied tolerate

9. worked wonders going for

Part II


1. Suffering from a major heart attack, Rose did not have health coverage. So she had a hard time to pay the hospital bill.

2. Policy makers failed to pay attention to people who didn’t enjoy the health care program and hospitals that didn’t provide free or reduced cost care.

3. As a non-profit national consumer advocacy agency, Community Catalyst hears stories from people being turned away from their local hospitals and tries to help.

4. It develops a net work of organizations fighting for health care, which addresses the problems of related hospital free care.

5. Communists have established public hospitals with missions to serve those who don’t have financial resources; non-profit hospitals are tax-free; several states require hospitals to provide some level of free care in exchange for various public funds.

Part III

Passage 1: T F T T F

Passage 2: T F T F F

Passage 3: C C B A D

Passage 4: B A D C D

Passage 5:21. technical 22.modify 23.unwanted 24.solution 25. medical

26.mishaps 27. risk 28.distinction 29.undergo 30.thought

Passage 6: 31.maintaining 32.repair 33.vital 34. presence 35. specific

36.manufactures 37. destruction 38. rich 39. swallow 40.Powdered

Passage 7: 41.components 42.essential 43.obtained 44. extracts 45.absorb

46.efficient 47.quality 48.fill 49.convert 50. moves

Unit 4

Part I


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. A


1. 别去细算这笔账了,这些白领血汗工厂是公司美国最成功的骗局。

2. 多年来,唯我独尊的公司一直是通过压榨他们的雇员来保持低廉的劳动成本。

3. 大量裁员使得人们不得不回答这个问题,精打细算的公司管理者应该会对该问题答案对他们底线的影响感到不寒而栗的。

4. 一份压力很大的工作满足了参与超越自身之事的渴求,而工作16小时的日子意味着你不必处理生活中的杂乱琐事。

5. 但是黑暗中总有一线光明,血汗公司的裁员迫使选择面广、才智卓越的年轻人思考:在其他地方他们或许会更幸福。

6. 他们可以雇用不那么精明的员工,但那样的话他们首先失去的就是对客户有吸引力的智囊人才。


1. college grads; Ivy League

2. Lured; buy in

3. savvy; sacrifice

4. skip their love affairs; midlife crisis

5. handle the stress; wonder; lifestyle

6. glamour

7. vie for

8. sweatshops; lay off; decision

Part II


1. They think it’s a humanist right, a major premise for a civilized and dignified life as other Europeans.

2. The corporate culture model in the post-New Deal was a paternalist one; unlike the current stock-price-is-God model, workers got more vacation time.

3. The figure of companies that don’t offer paid vacation is rising in recent years.

4. The average American’s response is neither admiration nor envy; they are proud of their own condition and show contempt for their European worker counterparts.

5.They incorporate the corporate culture propaganda of Reagan’s time within themselves so well as their conscious or subconscious guiding principles.

Part III

Passage 1: F F T T F

Passage 2: T F F T T

Passage 3: A B D B C

Passage 4: A C B C D

Passage 5:21. suffering 22.attention 23.prime 24.sign 25. labeled

26.wide 27. pressure 28.caught 29.pace 30.disoriented

Passage 6:31.birth 32.unique 33.characteristics 34. apart 35. inhabit

36.endangered 37.population 38.enables 39.intriguing 40.unfortunately Passage 7: 41.issue 42.copyright 43.personal 44. borders 45.legislate

46.predators 47.harmful 48.doubt 49.experienced 50.full-length

Unit 5

Part I


1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A. 5. A . 6. C.


1. 当然,他们最热衷于谈论的话题是人际关系:男人不愿意承诺,女人的独立,啥时候生孩子,或者是越来越多地讨论究竟要不要孩子。

2. 希腊曾被认为是欧洲最为传统的社会之一,正教会要求人们结婚生子的严格戒律在过去占主导地位。

3. 在英国,像《无子无女享人生》这样的书市场越来越大。身为记者的尼克•德华格说,她写这本书的目的就是“让决定不生小孩的女人知道她们的感受绝对正常”。

4. 事实上,人口学家说,是家庭生活幸福的20世纪50年代和60年代才不把历史规范放在眼里。

5. 在美国和西欧的大城市,成家不要孩子长期以来都很常见,这种家庭模式在更为传统的农村地区也正快速地得到人们的认可。


1. childlessness, odd, held sway, barren, cast suspicion on

2. timing, given, swath of the population

3. shift, disparate, extending, postponing

4. spawned, capitalize on, cater to

5. product, infertility, a complex combination of factors

6. households, gaining acceptability

Part II


1. Because support for working mothers is almost non-existent (though recently that’s begun to change). Child care is expensive, men don’t help out, and some companies strongly discourage mothers from returning to work.

2. From the sentence “At the same time, around the world it’s mostly men who are at the head of a growing backlash against the childless”, we can say that men are more against childlessness.

3. In Germany, economists and politicians have demanded that public pensions for the childless be slashed by up to 50 percent.

4. France recently raised child subsidies to increase sharply with children numbers three and four.

5. Because polls among young adults today show a continued decline in their ideal family size.

Part III

Passage 1: T T F T F

Passage 2: T F F T F

Passage 3: B B C A D

Passage 4: D A A B C

Passage 5:21. way 22.nerve 23.thought 24.kindness 25. critically

26.consultation 27. determined 28.final 29.take 30.flooded

Passage 6: 31.behalf 32.sorrow 33.survivors 34. ranging 35.banned

36.symbolic 37.specifying 38.acknowledged 39.laboured 40.amounted Passage 7: 41.as 42.differences 43.opposed 44. reconcile 45.reunited

46.lay 47.example 48.reflect 49.heights 50.splendor

Unit Six

Part I


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.D


1. 我们的血液藏有我们是谁的秘密。人类基因组99.0%是一样的;我们的相似之处远远多于相异之处。

2. 离我们最近的共同祖先—基因上的“亚当”和“夏娃”—已经被追溯到非洲,在世界各地也发现了其他让人感兴趣的祖先。

3. 我们每个细胞中的DNA不仅决定了我们眼睛的颜色,而且含有我们先辈的足迹。一个小孩的基因几乎完全是父母结合所产生的基因混合体。

4. 科学的确有其局限之处。既然科研人员并没有真正采到成吉思汗之类人物的DNA,要想证明是否为某些历史人物的嫡系后代几乎是不可能的。

5. 土著民众已经遭受殖民掠夺,许多人依然对主流文化不信任,惟恐交出自己的血液样本及其里面含有的信息。


1. Identical; reveals clues to;

2. larger story; collecting; DNA samples; indigenous populations;

3. dictates; footprint;

4. uncover links to; have its limit; the likes; direct descent from;

5. debated; originated in;

6. wary of; have had their share of; distrustful;

Part II


1. The drying up of underground water resources from overpumping is a far more serious issue.

2. The consequences are collapsing fisheries, shrinking forests, expanding deserts, escalating CO2 levels, eroding soil, elevating temperatures, disappearing species, falling water tables, melting glaciers, deteriorating grasslands, rising seas, and rivers that are running by.

3. Wheat, rice and corn.

4. The three principal steps needed to secure future food suppliers are worldwide efforts to raise water productivity, cut carbon emissions, and stabilize population.

5. Many Americans see terrorism as the principal threat to security.

Part III

Passage 1: F T F F T

Passage 2: T F T F T

Passage 3: D A C D B

Passage 4: A C A B D

Passage 5: 21. set 22.by 23.visitors 24.volunteered 25. laugh

26.insects 27. confidently 28.direction 29.endure 30.fall

Passage 6: 31.tight 32.decorate 33.gift 34. embarrassed 35.harsh

36.tears 37.knees 38.took 39.imaginary 40.precious Passage 7: 41.unspeakable 42.issued 43.aid 44. witnessed 45.short

46.victims 47.humbled 48.loving 49.weep 50.unanswered

Unit Seven

Part I


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.B


1.32岁的格蕾丝 张 卢卡莱丽拖着长腔、用柔和的得克萨斯口音回忆说:由于她 是镇上为数不多的亚裔美国人之一,因此“受到人们的嘲笑”,对此同伴们也是 同情她、但更为严肃地点了点头。

2. 正是在那(与外界隔绝的郊区)他们的孩子长大成人,如今年龄在20-40岁之


3. 如此,他们更新了古老的移民故事,塑造了全新的亚裔美国人的身份,这种身份在他们父母的祖国没有获得完全的认可,但就其混合性而言,洋溢着美国特性。

4. 如果你绘制一个表示文化适应的图表,一边是父辈移民的风俗习惯,另一边是生活在其中的社会风俗习惯,典型的模型会显示一个长期稳定的趋向,揭示一个缓慢的美国化过程,这一过程需要两三代人才能完成。

5. 但是在费城的拉维诺瓦大学,阿莫德找到了来自不同背景的朋友,他们赞同多样性,帮助她—用阿莫德的话说—“成为融合东西方文化的人”。

6. 她说:“我选择同时接受两种节日,而不是孤立自己只选择一种”。 III.

1. immigrated; sense;

2. identity;

3. assimilate;

4. urban; instead; isolation; traditional; maintain;

5. steady; Americanization; distinctive; immersion; ethnic roots;

6. foreigners; alienation;

7. commonplace; exclusion; neighbourhoods;

Part II


1. They usually find their self-affirmation when they go to college.

2. Both of them experienced a cultural boomerang: from trying every means to mingle into the white community to highlighting their ethnic legacies.

3. Most Asian parents’ biggest expectation of their children is that they can enter a top university. Therefore they tend to view their children’s active involvement in extracurricular activities as frivolous diversions from the main goal.

4. The claim that Asian children “are dealing with oil and water” indicates that they have to live in dramatically diversified cultures. The claim is best reflected in the incompatibility in romance. Most Asian-immigrant parents encourage their children to find partners of the same ethnicity.

5. The second-generation Asian Americans are going to be pioneers like their parents, but in a very different sense. They live between two worlds: the traditional domain their recently arrived parents sought to maintain at home and the fast-changing Western culture of the society outside the front door.

Part III

Passage 1: T F F F T

Passage 2: F T T T T

Passage 3: D A A B C

Passage 4: A B D C D

Passage 5: 21. limped 22.guard 23.wheelchair 24.definitive 25. imagined

26.basis 27. intent 28.supporting 29.might 30.separate

Passage 6:31.balanced 32.overweight 33.consume 34. obesity 35.promise

36.qualified 37.public 38.premise 39.implications 40.odds Passage 7:41.decent 42.canceled 43.focused 44. diploma 45.disappointments

46.match 47.hiding 48.religion 49.population 50.enormous

Unit Eight

Part I.


1.A 2.D 3. C 4.A 5.C 6 B


1. 巴黎艺术家凯蒂亚·艾利亚陷入停滞。她的创造力受阻,不能发挥自己的才智,不知何因无法在 画中用绿色和蓝色。

2. 今年会充满莫扎特的音乐,但今天也会重新审视莫扎特团团35年的一生带来矛盾和冲突的看法。

3. 《自然》杂志1993年的一篇文章首次给这个说法提供了科学依据,该文章指出,在一项要求在大脑里想象如何展开一页纸的空间推理测试中,听了莫扎特“D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲”第一章的大学生取得了更佳成绩。

4. 在随后的十年里,这些研究引起了学术界的轩然大波,罗切尔的许多同行对她的发现要么进行补充完善,要么进行反驳。

5. 目前,罗切尔甚至在根据其他人后来做的研究修改她最初的结论,她在写一本书,书名暂定为《莫扎特效应之外的音乐和智力》。


1. cast ; roles;

2. decade; controversial; healer;

3. claimed; treat; ranging from;

4. notion; disputed; enchance;

5. main; sparked; academic; trend;

6. influence; activated; spatial;

7. focal; classical; lies in; melodies;

Part II.


1. According to the author, museums are like homes where the public are admitted as visitors at certain hours. By saying that it’s fortunate that few museums have opened photographic departments, the author means photographs are still within the reach of the public.

2. Painting and sculpture as we know them are dying because they are becoming property, which nowadays has become opposed to all other values.

3. The common feature shared by memorable photographs and ordinary snapshots is that both of them are messages about the events they record.

4. Painting, the author believes, is an art of arrangement. Therefore, it is reasonable to demand that there is some kind of order in what is arranged. Photography, however,

is different. It is a misconception that a good photograph is a well-composed one. In fact we’d better rid ourselves of the notion that photographic images should imitate painted ones.

5. In the author’s eyes, a photograph is effective when the chosen moment which it records contains a quantum of truth which is as revealing about what is absent from the photograph as about what is present in it.

Part III

Passage 1: F T T F T

Passage 2: F T T F T

Passage 3: B A C B A

Passage 4: A B B D C

Passage 5: 21. stability 22.society 23.agree 24.driven 25. risk

26.impact 27. foster 28.examined 29.comparing 30.apply

Passage 6:31.levels 32.instant 33.physically 34. converse 35.interact

36.eventually 37.potential 38.flaws 39.discouraging 40.requirement Passage 7:41.games 42.intricacies 43.unless 44. winner 45.process

46.globe 47.contact 48.preferences 49.ad 50.details


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