

Book 1 Test 2 (lesson 11—15)

听力测试 一、听句子,将你所听到的单词选出来。

( )1.A . whose B. who C . where D.which ( )2.A . blue B. white C . yellow D.black ( )3.A . catch B.cat C . colour D.carpet

( )4.A . upstair B. downstair C . passport D.custom ( )5.A . lovely B. tie C . perhaps D.blouse ( )6.A . shut B.open C .long D.heavy

( )7.A .man B.assistant C .housewife D.employee ( )8.A . matter B.orange C . ice D.office ( )9.A .small B. big C . children D.rught ( )10.A .grandmother B.grandfather C . sister D.brother

二、听句子,判断对错,对的在括号里写“T” 错的写“F”。 1. Is this your hat ? ( )

2.What colour's your new dress ? ( ) 3. Are these your friends ? ( )

4. Those women are very lazy . ( ) 5.These ice creams are nice .( )


1. Is this your book ? ______________________. 2. What colour is Michael's coat ? _________________. 3. Are you Chinese ? _____________________. 4. What is Michael's job ? _________________. 5. Are you all right now ?__________________. 笔试部分 一、选择题。

( )1._______shirt is that ?

A . who B. whose C . What D.which ( )2.—What colour are bananas ? — They are _______.

A . blue B. white C . yellow D.black ( )3.—Here you are . — _______

A . Catch B.Cat C . Colour D.Carpet ( )4. Your _______,please .

A . upstair B. downstair C . passport D.custom ( )5. This is a ______ hat .

A . lovely B. tie C . perhaps D.blouse ( )6.The Great Wall (长城)is very _______

A . shut B.open C .long D.short ( )7.My father is a ___________.

A .man B.air hostess C .housewife D.policewoman( )8.What is the ___________?

A . matter B.orange C . ice D.office ( )9.The police is _______.

A .small B. big C . tall D.open ( )10.Who is a moman ?

A .mother B.father C . sister D.brother


1.This is red .That is red , _______. 2.Come upstairs _____ see it .

3.________ is Jack 's Job ?

4.Look , ________ is an ice cream man .

5.My mother is a nurse . _______ is very busy. 6.This case is not light .It is _________. 7.She is a _______ girl .

8.The colour of the sea is ________. 9.His ______is Mike . 10.How do you _____?


Mother :__________the matter ,children ? Girl : We're tired „

Boy:„ _________ thirsty .Mum. Mother :_________ down here.

Mother :Are you all __________ now ? Boy : No , we ___________.

Mother :Look ! _____________ an ice cream man . Mother :Two ice creams __________.

Mother :_________ ________ ________ ,children . Children: ___________ , Mum . Girl : These ice cream are __________. Mother :Are you all right _______?

Children:Yes,we are ,________ __________.


Book 1 Test 2 (lesson 11—15)

听力测试 一、听句子,将你所听到的单词选出来。

( )1.A . whose B. who C . where D.which ( )2.A . blue B. white C . yellow D.black ( )3.A . catch B.cat C . colour D.carpet

( )4.A . upstair B. downstair C . passport D.custom ( )5.A . lovely B. tie C . perhaps D.blouse ( )6.A . shut B.open C .long D.heavy

( )7.A .man B.assistant C .housewife D.employee ( )8.A . matter B.orange C . ice D.office ( )9.A .small B. big C . children D.rught ( )10.A .grandmother B.grandfather C . sister D.brother

二、听句子,判断对错,对的在括号里写“T” 错的写“F”。 1. Is this your hat ? ( )

2.What colour's your new dress ? ( ) 3. Are these your friends ? ( )

4. Those women are very lazy . ( ) 5.These ice creams are nice .( )


1. Is this your book ? ______________________. 2. What colour is Michael's coat ? _________________. 3. Are you Chinese ? _____________________. 4. What is Michael's job ? _________________. 5. Are you all right now ?__________________. 笔试部分 一、选择题。

( )1._______shirt is that ?

A . who B. whose C . What D.which ( )2.—What colour are bananas ? — They are _______.

A . blue B. white C . yellow D.black ( )3.—Here you are . — _______

A . Catch B.Cat C . Colour D.Carpet ( )4. Your _______,please .

A . upstair B. downstair C . passport D.custom ( )5. This is a ______ hat .

A . lovely B. tie C . perhaps D.blouse ( )6.The Great Wall (长城)is very _______

A . shut B.open C .long D.short ( )7.My father is a ___________.

A .man B.air hostess C .housewife D.policewoman( )8.What is the ___________?

A . matter B.orange C . ice D.office ( )9.The police is _______.

A .small B. big C . tall D.open ( )10.Who is a moman ?

A .mother B.father C . sister D.brother


1.This is red .That is red , _______. 2.Come upstairs _____ see it .

3.________ is Jack 's Job ?

4.Look , ________ is an ice cream man .

5.My mother is a nurse . _______ is very busy. 6.This case is not light .It is _________. 7.She is a _______ girl .

8.The colour of the sea is ________. 9.His ______is Mike . 10.How do you _____?


Mother :__________the matter ,children ? Girl : We're tired „

Boy:„ _________ thirsty .Mum. Mother :_________ down here.

Mother :Are you all __________ now ? Boy : No , we ___________.

Mother :Look ! _____________ an ice cream man . Mother :Two ice creams __________.

Mother :_________ ________ ________ ,children . Children: ___________ , Mum . Girl : These ice cream are __________. Mother :Are you all right _______?

Children:Yes,we are ,________ __________.


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