
An Internet website launched a topic how we can lead a low-carbon life, and caused a heated discussion. I also joined in it.

As to me, I do appreciate travelling by public transportation such as the underground or going to school by bicycle, which is an easy but effective way to reduce the release of the wastes. What ’s more, the

healthy life style enables me to take more physical exercise, enjoy the fresh air and thus relieve the stress. Besides, using electricity saving lamps is also another good measure I take to save the limited energy, which may benefit my future generation. Each time I do shopping with my mum, I will never forget to take a reusable bag instead of a plastic


Such is some of my low-carbon life. I strongly appeal to you to live a low-carbon life. In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.

An Internet website launched a topic how we can lead a low-carbon life, and caused a heated discussion. I also joined in it.

As to me, I do appreciate travelling by public transportation such as the underground or going to school by bicycle, which is an easy but effective way to reduce the release of the wastes. What ’s more, the

healthy life style enables me to take more physical exercise, enjoy the fresh air and thus relieve the stress. Besides, using electricity saving lamps is also another good measure I take to save the limited energy, which may benefit my future generation. Each time I do shopping with my mum, I will never forget to take a reusable bag instead of a plastic


Such is some of my low-carbon life. I strongly appeal to you to live a low-carbon life. In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.


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