

考试模拟题 (含解析)










(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)


第1题:Not only Jack but also Tom and I ______ interested in English. A. are B. is C. am D. be


讲解:not only ...but also遵循就近一致原则。Tom and I是复数,所以用are 选A

第2题:国籍 A. address B. nationality C. nation D. affair


讲解:A. 地址 B.国籍 C.国家 D.事务

第3题:下列各项词语中,每组加横线字读音都不相同的一项是 ( )

A .涤纶/羽扇纶巾 榛莽/各臻其妙 拘泥/泥沙俱下B .徇私/瘦骨嶙峋 诧异

/叱咤风云 纠葛/百舸争流C .汲水/岌岌可危 脊梁/土地贫瘠 缴获/战斗檄文D .掮客/潜移默化 徜徉/惝恍迷离 晦涩/诲人不倦


讲解:A 榛莽/各臻其妙 读音相同 zhēn C 汲水/岌岌可危都读jí 缴获/战斗檄文 都读

jiǎo D 掮客/潜移默化 都读qián

第4题:下列各句中,修辞手法不同的一句是( )

A .他们越过了人类儿童时代一座又一座真正的“三峡”。 B.一个朋友说:“我们不是单靠

吃米活着。” C.做饭可以用汽油,可以用焦炭,为什么要用高原上唯一的绿色! D.天地也!

只合把清浊分辨,可怎生糊突了盗跖、颜渊? 【正确答案】A


第5题:He _____ to bed _____ he finished his homework last night.

A. didn't go; until B. didn't go; after C. went; until




not...until... 结构。

第6题:It took______ men______ years to build the Great Wall.

A. millions; millions B. hundreds of; hundreds ofC. millions of;

hundreds of D. hundreds of; millions of


讲解:【解析】细节理解题,从原文It took millions of men hundreds of years to build

it. 可知选C

第7题:下列词语中每对读音都不相同的一组是( )

A .朴素/返璞归真 浩然/皓首穷经 喝彩/和衷共济B .勉强/强辩 横行/纵横

四海 弹道/弹冠相庆C .颤抖/颤栗 省心/不省人事 落魄/丢三落四D .纤绳/纤维 抹布/转弯抹角 没落/没齿难忘


讲解:A 一二组相同pǔ hào B第二组相同 héng D第三组相同mò

第8题: Passage C This is a story about one kind of sea mammal(哺乳动物), big

business, fishing boats, sandwiches and kids.Fishermen catch big tuna(金枪鱼) for

the canning companies. They used to set out their nets when they saw dolphins(海

豚), which often swim with tuna. When tuna swam into the nets, dolphins were

also caught. They could not escape to the surface to breathe air. Before fishermen

could pull in the nets, the dolphins had drowned. People interested in dolphins

protested at this practice. They asked everyone to persuade the big tuna-canning

companies to stop the killing. Many kids sent letters to the companies that buy

tuna from fishermen. Their message was clear —protect dolphins, or the cans of

tuna will stay on supermarket shelves! The result? Tuna companies saw that their

profits would become less if kids and their families stopped buying tuna. They

worked out ways that, with extra time and effort, let fishermen catch tuna but not

dolphins. Now it costs a little more for a tuna sandwich. But most kids agree

it's worth it to share the world with dolphins! The kind of sea mammal in

Paragraph 1 refers to a __________. A. fish B. dolphin C. whale D.




used to set out their nets when they saw dolphins(海豚), which often swim with

tuna. 选B

第9题:下列各项有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是( )

A .诗歌的语言精练、含蓄,讲究连贯性,阅读时要充分发挥想象和联想,特别要辨出言外之

意,听出弦外之音。B .散文的特点是选材广泛而主旨集中,结构自由而线索贯穿,表达方式

灵活多样。C .小说可以突破时空限制,变换叙事角度,多方位、多层次地反映社会、揭示人

生。D .戏剧的“戏”,就是戏剧冲突,是对社会生活的素材,经过选择、提炼、加工而典型




第10题: Passage CScientists have found that shopping daily can help one live

longer. The research was done on 1,850 elderly people who were living alone at

home. They were asked how often they went shopping, with choices from never to

every day.Nearly half of them never or seldom shopped during the week, and around

one in four shopped between two and four times a week. A further 17% shopped every

day, and the rest shopped just once a week. Almost two thirds of them were under

the age of 75. Just over a half were men.Those who went shopping more than once a

week were men and between the ages of 65 and 70. They were also smokers and

drinkers, who had better health, took exercise every day and had a lot of friends.

Those who shopped daily lived longer than those who shopped less often. Those who

shopped daily were 27% less likely to die, with men daily shoppers 28% less likely

to die and women shoppers 23% less likely to die.The researchers said that

shopping could be a good method for good health to begin with, but suggested that

shopping itself may improve health, by having a good supply of food to keep

healthy meals, for example.Shopping among the elderly may not always be about

buying things, but about looking for friends or taking exercise, which is easier

to do than more formal exercise that usually requires interest and energy.The

findings dispel the idea that good health only depends on physical activity;

taking part in social activities in later life may also be good for better

health.David Oliver, a professor at City University, London, said, 《The findings

made sense. What the researchers have shown is that continuing to shop is good for

happiness and good health.》

he study was made by ______.A. comparing likes and dislikes of the elderlyB.

examining how often old people went shoppingC. looking at how elderly people went outD. collecting information about shoppers



第11题:依次填入句中横线处的词语, 正确的一项是( )

①文学艺术创作来源于生活。作家塑造的人物形象, 往往是以现实生活中的真实人物为

创作而成的。 ②一辆运载盐酸的货车在高速公路上发生了侧翻事故, 交通、消防等部门的人

员迅速赶赴出事现场, 并做出了紧急 。 ③保险丝是电路安全的报警器。当电路里的

电流超过允许值时, 保险丝就会 , 从而切断电源, 保障线路和电器的安全。

A. 原形 处置 融化 B.原型 处治 融化 C.原型 处置 熔化 D.原形 处治 熔化



状;本来面目。含贬义。 由《原型》一词,排除AD 。《处治》,安排;处理。处罚;惩治。






第12题:下列关于应用文知识的表述,不正确的一项是( )

A .会议记录的格式一般由两部分组成。第一部分是会议的基本情况,第二部分是会议的具体

内容。B .写说明书要讲究科学性和实用性。说明书的语言要简明、通俗、易懂。C .写总结要

大量占有材料,并对材料进行整理、分析、归类,要善于概括出那些带规律性的东西,并上升到理论层面。D .标题是新闻内容的提要。一则新闻,如果用一个标题概括不了内容,还可以



讲解:D 项引题与正题作用搞反。

第13题:The old soldier in the story was very___________.

A. stupid B. polite C. friendly

D. clever

【正确答案】D 讲解:读了两人对话可知老兵很聪明。选D

第14题:下列各句中使用的修辞手法,与其他三项不同的一项是( )

A. 虽不养鸟,每天早晨有鸟语盈耳。无须挂画,门外有幅巨画——名叫自然。 B.也许那是上

帝玩赏的牡丹或芍药,我们叫它云或霞。 C.花好比人的面庞,树好比人的姿态。 D.天地相连



讲解:本题考查修辞手法的运用。ABD 均运用比喻修辞中的暗喻,C 选项是明喻。

第15题:American children don't need _______if they want to study in public schools.

A. to work hard at their lessonsB. to pay for the educationC. to hit the booksD. to take many tests



第16题:People read this book _________.

A. only to children when they lose a petB. when they want to show their love for their childrenC. to help children love dogs and other petsD. to help them deal with the loss of the one they love


讲解:People read the book to their children when their dogs die. People buy it in memory of their dogs. It helps children ― and even adults ― deal with the loss of a pet or even a person whom they love. 选D

第17题:A. on B. with C. to

D. by



第18题:下列各句成语运用正确的一句是( )

A. 说是让我们提出合理化建议,可我们还没有说完一句话, 他就勃然大怒了。B. 用第二代《厨中宝》制作残羹冷炙非常方便,只要轻轻一按电扭,即刻就会做成。 C.全国人大代表的种种提案,出神入化,喊出了广大人民群众的心声。 D.这座楼属于典型的豆腐渣工程,刚建起不久便突然倒塌,砸死了不少人,真是祸起萧墙啊!


讲解:勃然大怒:突然变脸大发脾气。 残羹冷炙指吃剩的饭菜,也比喻别人施舍的东西。 出神入化形容技艺高超、神妙。祸起萧墙指祸乱发生在家里,比喻内部发生祸乱。

第19题:下列书写无误的一项是( )

A 、黜免 杖义 藤蔓 莫衷一是 B、繁殖 追逐 嬉闹 竭尽全力 C、陡峭 消融 摔跤 难以捉磨 D、纷纭 迷惑 锻炼 兴高彩烈



第20题: Passage B TYPING This course is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who want to improve their typing. The course is not common. You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper. Course fee(费用):$125 Matericls:$25Two hours each evening for two weeks .New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of professional business education teachers who have successfully taught trying courses before. UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS This twelve-hour course is for

people who do not know very much about computers, but who need to learn about them. You will learn what computers are, what they can and can't do and how to use them. Course fee:$75 Jan.4,7,11,14,18 Wed.& Sat. 9:00-11:30 a.m. Equipment fee:$10 David is a professor of Computer Science at Beijing University. He has over twenty years of experience in computer field. STOP SMOKING Do you want to stop smoking ?Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now is the time to stop

smoking using the latest methods. You can stop smoking ,and this twelve-hour

course will help you do it. Course fee:$30 Jan.2.9,16,23 Mon.2:00-5:00 p.m Dr John is a practicing psychologist who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking.If you choose the UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS course, you will have


A. from Monday to Sunday B. on Wednesday and Saturday C. on Saturday and SundayD. from Wednesday and Saturday


讲解:UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS 每周授课时间是周三和周六早上9点到11点半。选B


考试模拟题 (含解析)










(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)


第1题:Not only Jack but also Tom and I ______ interested in English. A. are B. is C. am D. be


讲解:not only ...but also遵循就近一致原则。Tom and I是复数,所以用are 选A

第2题:国籍 A. address B. nationality C. nation D. affair


讲解:A. 地址 B.国籍 C.国家 D.事务

第3题:下列各项词语中,每组加横线字读音都不相同的一项是 ( )

A .涤纶/羽扇纶巾 榛莽/各臻其妙 拘泥/泥沙俱下B .徇私/瘦骨嶙峋 诧异

/叱咤风云 纠葛/百舸争流C .汲水/岌岌可危 脊梁/土地贫瘠 缴获/战斗檄文D .掮客/潜移默化 徜徉/惝恍迷离 晦涩/诲人不倦


讲解:A 榛莽/各臻其妙 读音相同 zhēn C 汲水/岌岌可危都读jí 缴获/战斗檄文 都读

jiǎo D 掮客/潜移默化 都读qián

第4题:下列各句中,修辞手法不同的一句是( )

A .他们越过了人类儿童时代一座又一座真正的“三峡”。 B.一个朋友说:“我们不是单靠

吃米活着。” C.做饭可以用汽油,可以用焦炭,为什么要用高原上唯一的绿色! D.天地也!

只合把清浊分辨,可怎生糊突了盗跖、颜渊? 【正确答案】A


第5题:He _____ to bed _____ he finished his homework last night.

A. didn't go; until B. didn't go; after C. went; until




not...until... 结构。

第6题:It took______ men______ years to build the Great Wall.

A. millions; millions B. hundreds of; hundreds ofC. millions of;

hundreds of D. hundreds of; millions of


讲解:【解析】细节理解题,从原文It took millions of men hundreds of years to build

it. 可知选C

第7题:下列词语中每对读音都不相同的一组是( )

A .朴素/返璞归真 浩然/皓首穷经 喝彩/和衷共济B .勉强/强辩 横行/纵横

四海 弹道/弹冠相庆C .颤抖/颤栗 省心/不省人事 落魄/丢三落四D .纤绳/纤维 抹布/转弯抹角 没落/没齿难忘


讲解:A 一二组相同pǔ hào B第二组相同 héng D第三组相同mò

第8题: Passage C This is a story about one kind of sea mammal(哺乳动物), big

business, fishing boats, sandwiches and kids.Fishermen catch big tuna(金枪鱼) for

the canning companies. They used to set out their nets when they saw dolphins(海

豚), which often swim with tuna. When tuna swam into the nets, dolphins were

also caught. They could not escape to the surface to breathe air. Before fishermen

could pull in the nets, the dolphins had drowned. People interested in dolphins

protested at this practice. They asked everyone to persuade the big tuna-canning

companies to stop the killing. Many kids sent letters to the companies that buy

tuna from fishermen. Their message was clear —protect dolphins, or the cans of

tuna will stay on supermarket shelves! The result? Tuna companies saw that their

profits would become less if kids and their families stopped buying tuna. They

worked out ways that, with extra time and effort, let fishermen catch tuna but not

dolphins. Now it costs a little more for a tuna sandwich. But most kids agree

it's worth it to share the world with dolphins! The kind of sea mammal in

Paragraph 1 refers to a __________. A. fish B. dolphin C. whale D.




used to set out their nets when they saw dolphins(海豚), which often swim with

tuna. 选B

第9题:下列各项有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是( )

A .诗歌的语言精练、含蓄,讲究连贯性,阅读时要充分发挥想象和联想,特别要辨出言外之

意,听出弦外之音。B .散文的特点是选材广泛而主旨集中,结构自由而线索贯穿,表达方式

灵活多样。C .小说可以突破时空限制,变换叙事角度,多方位、多层次地反映社会、揭示人

生。D .戏剧的“戏”,就是戏剧冲突,是对社会生活的素材,经过选择、提炼、加工而典型




第10题: Passage CScientists have found that shopping daily can help one live

longer. The research was done on 1,850 elderly people who were living alone at

home. They were asked how often they went shopping, with choices from never to

every day.Nearly half of them never or seldom shopped during the week, and around

one in four shopped between two and four times a week. A further 17% shopped every

day, and the rest shopped just once a week. Almost two thirds of them were under

the age of 75. Just over a half were men.Those who went shopping more than once a

week were men and between the ages of 65 and 70. They were also smokers and

drinkers, who had better health, took exercise every day and had a lot of friends.

Those who shopped daily lived longer than those who shopped less often. Those who

shopped daily were 27% less likely to die, with men daily shoppers 28% less likely

to die and women shoppers 23% less likely to die.The researchers said that

shopping could be a good method for good health to begin with, but suggested that

shopping itself may improve health, by having a good supply of food to keep

healthy meals, for example.Shopping among the elderly may not always be about

buying things, but about looking for friends or taking exercise, which is easier

to do than more formal exercise that usually requires interest and energy.The

findings dispel the idea that good health only depends on physical activity;

taking part in social activities in later life may also be good for better

health.David Oliver, a professor at City University, London, said, 《The findings

made sense. What the researchers have shown is that continuing to shop is good for

happiness and good health.》

he study was made by ______.A. comparing likes and dislikes of the elderlyB.

examining how often old people went shoppingC. looking at how elderly people went outD. collecting information about shoppers



第11题:依次填入句中横线处的词语, 正确的一项是( )

①文学艺术创作来源于生活。作家塑造的人物形象, 往往是以现实生活中的真实人物为

创作而成的。 ②一辆运载盐酸的货车在高速公路上发生了侧翻事故, 交通、消防等部门的人

员迅速赶赴出事现场, 并做出了紧急 。 ③保险丝是电路安全的报警器。当电路里的

电流超过允许值时, 保险丝就会 , 从而切断电源, 保障线路和电器的安全。

A. 原形 处置 融化 B.原型 处治 融化 C.原型 处置 熔化 D.原形 处治 熔化



状;本来面目。含贬义。 由《原型》一词,排除AD 。《处治》,安排;处理。处罚;惩治。






第12题:下列关于应用文知识的表述,不正确的一项是( )

A .会议记录的格式一般由两部分组成。第一部分是会议的基本情况,第二部分是会议的具体

内容。B .写说明书要讲究科学性和实用性。说明书的语言要简明、通俗、易懂。C .写总结要

大量占有材料,并对材料进行整理、分析、归类,要善于概括出那些带规律性的东西,并上升到理论层面。D .标题是新闻内容的提要。一则新闻,如果用一个标题概括不了内容,还可以



讲解:D 项引题与正题作用搞反。

第13题:The old soldier in the story was very___________.

A. stupid B. polite C. friendly

D. clever

【正确答案】D 讲解:读了两人对话可知老兵很聪明。选D

第14题:下列各句中使用的修辞手法,与其他三项不同的一项是( )

A. 虽不养鸟,每天早晨有鸟语盈耳。无须挂画,门外有幅巨画——名叫自然。 B.也许那是上

帝玩赏的牡丹或芍药,我们叫它云或霞。 C.花好比人的面庞,树好比人的姿态。 D.天地相连



讲解:本题考查修辞手法的运用。ABD 均运用比喻修辞中的暗喻,C 选项是明喻。

第15题:American children don't need _______if they want to study in public schools.

A. to work hard at their lessonsB. to pay for the educationC. to hit the booksD. to take many tests



第16题:People read this book _________.

A. only to children when they lose a petB. when they want to show their love for their childrenC. to help children love dogs and other petsD. to help them deal with the loss of the one they love


讲解:People read the book to their children when their dogs die. People buy it in memory of their dogs. It helps children ― and even adults ― deal with the loss of a pet or even a person whom they love. 选D

第17题:A. on B. with C. to

D. by



第18题:下列各句成语运用正确的一句是( )

A. 说是让我们提出合理化建议,可我们还没有说完一句话, 他就勃然大怒了。B. 用第二代《厨中宝》制作残羹冷炙非常方便,只要轻轻一按电扭,即刻就会做成。 C.全国人大代表的种种提案,出神入化,喊出了广大人民群众的心声。 D.这座楼属于典型的豆腐渣工程,刚建起不久便突然倒塌,砸死了不少人,真是祸起萧墙啊!


讲解:勃然大怒:突然变脸大发脾气。 残羹冷炙指吃剩的饭菜,也比喻别人施舍的东西。 出神入化形容技艺高超、神妙。祸起萧墙指祸乱发生在家里,比喻内部发生祸乱。

第19题:下列书写无误的一项是( )

A 、黜免 杖义 藤蔓 莫衷一是 B、繁殖 追逐 嬉闹 竭尽全力 C、陡峭 消融 摔跤 难以捉磨 D、纷纭 迷惑 锻炼 兴高彩烈



第20题: Passage B TYPING This course is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who want to improve their typing. The course is not common. You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper. Course fee(费用):$125 Matericls:$25Two hours each evening for two weeks .New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of professional business education teachers who have successfully taught trying courses before. UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS This twelve-hour course is for

people who do not know very much about computers, but who need to learn about them. You will learn what computers are, what they can and can't do and how to use them. Course fee:$75 Jan.4,7,11,14,18 Wed.& Sat. 9:00-11:30 a.m. Equipment fee:$10 David is a professor of Computer Science at Beijing University. He has over twenty years of experience in computer field. STOP SMOKING Do you want to stop smoking ?Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now is the time to stop

smoking using the latest methods. You can stop smoking ,and this twelve-hour

course will help you do it. Course fee:$30 Jan.2.9,16,23 Mon.2:00-5:00 p.m Dr John is a practicing psychologist who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking.If you choose the UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS course, you will have


A. from Monday to Sunday B. on Wednesday and Saturday C. on Saturday and SundayD. from Wednesday and Saturday


讲解:UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS 每周授课时间是周三和周六早上9点到11点半。选B


  • 2016年中国专科院校排行榜
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