

1. If you could travel around the world, which places would you like to visit? And why?

2. Could you name a person/book/movie/TV series//cartoon/computer game/an event that has influenced you most greatly? And what are the reasons?

3. Do you write blogs on the Internet? Do you often read blogs? Whose blogs are you most interested in? And why?

4. What good study habits do you have? Do you have any bad study habits? Why? How can you get rid of these bad habits and get into good study habits?

5. Is online chatting a reliable and effective way to make friends?

6. What books do you read in your spare time? Can you introduce one of the books you like best?

7. How will the old people be taken care of in the future? Is it a good idea to send them to the nursing home? What suggestion would you like to give to the families or the government?

8. Have you met with any frustrations in your life? Are you prepared for more severe frustrations in life? Do you know how to overcome frustrations?

9. Should “golden weeks” be canceled or not? Why or why not? Are there better ways to enjoy the holidays? How about paid holidays?

How about allowing each institution to decide the holiday rules on their own?

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages in going abroad to study?

11. Work experience is important for landing a new job. How can college students accumulate some work experience before they graduate?

12. Which is better, to go to the graduate school upon graduation or to find a job first?

13. Who contribute more to society, men or men?

14. Where can we live a better life, in the cities or in the countryside of China?

15.Does the Internet have more positive effects than negative effects on college students or vise versa相反?

16. Should people be encouraged to buy private cars presently in China?

17. Do you agree that “Money talks”? What are the things that money cannot buy?

18. Suppose you are 60 years old now and you show your grandson or granddaughter around our campus. What would you say to him or her?


1. If you could travel around the world, which places would you like to visit? And why?

2. Could you name a person/book/movie/TV series//cartoon/computer game/an event that has influenced you most greatly? And what are the reasons?

3. Do you write blogs on the Internet? Do you often read blogs? Whose blogs are you most interested in? And why?

4. What good study habits do you have? Do you have any bad study habits? Why? How can you get rid of these bad habits and get into good study habits?

5. Is online chatting a reliable and effective way to make friends?

6. What books do you read in your spare time? Can you introduce one of the books you like best?

7. How will the old people be taken care of in the future? Is it a good idea to send them to the nursing home? What suggestion would you like to give to the families or the government?

8. Have you met with any frustrations in your life? Are you prepared for more severe frustrations in life? Do you know how to overcome frustrations?

9. Should “golden weeks” be canceled or not? Why or why not? Are there better ways to enjoy the holidays? How about paid holidays?

How about allowing each institution to decide the holiday rules on their own?

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages in going abroad to study?

11. Work experience is important for landing a new job. How can college students accumulate some work experience before they graduate?

12. Which is better, to go to the graduate school upon graduation or to find a job first?

13. Who contribute more to society, men or men?

14. Where can we live a better life, in the cities or in the countryside of China?

15.Does the Internet have more positive effects than negative effects on college students or vise versa相反?

16. Should people be encouraged to buy private cars presently in China?

17. Do you agree that “Money talks”? What are the things that money cannot buy?

18. Suppose you are 60 years old now and you show your grandson or granddaughter around our campus. What would you say to him or her?


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