

Nowdays,people are faced with serious problems.One third of the world’s people don’t have enough clean water.I think water is the most impor-tant thing for human beings to live.I suggest we should save water and protect it from pollution.Not only the water,but also the air was polluted.More and more diseases were caused by polluted air.It is really a big problem.I hope factories would pay more attention to the condition in fut-ure.And it is also everyone’s responsibility to care for our environment.



1. Take showers rather than bath and reduce your shower time by two minutes.This will save water and give you an extra two minutes in bed. 建议采用喷头淋浴而非泡澡。缩短两分钟洗澡的时间,省水的同时为自己多争取两分钟的随眠时间。

2. Only turn the winter heater on when necesssary,and adjust temperature controls to avoid overheating.Put a lid a pan when boiling water. 热水器不用就别开,温度控制不要过热。烧水时吧壶盖盖好。

3. Switch off all appliances when you’re not using them.This includes light. 不使用时,关掉所有的电器。包括灯。

4. Only print things out when necessary,and print double-sided and reduce them edges. 取消不必要的打印工作,纸张两面都可打印,尽量减少页边空白。


1. Never trouble troubles till trouble troules you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去找麻烦。

2. I think that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在很板上的那个“that ”是错误的。 3. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。(这个句子中包含了英文中的26个字母) 4. Was it a bar or a bat I saw?

把这句话倒过来写是一样的:was I tab a ro rab a ti saw?

The little girl did not like the look of the barking dog.

"It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?"

"Ah, yes," answered the little girl. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher

asked her students what they thought of it. The smallest girl in the class said she wished the dancers were taller so that they would not have to stand on their toes all the time.




Nowdays,people are faced with serious problems.One third of the world’s people don’t have enough clean water.I think water is the most impor-tant thing for human beings to live.I suggest we should save water and protect it from pollution.Not only the water,but also the air was polluted.More and more diseases were caused by polluted air.It is really a big problem.I hope factories would pay more attention to the condition in fut-ure.And it is also everyone’s responsibility to care for our environment.



1. Take showers rather than bath and reduce your shower time by two minutes.This will save water and give you an extra two minutes in bed. 建议采用喷头淋浴而非泡澡。缩短两分钟洗澡的时间,省水的同时为自己多争取两分钟的随眠时间。

2. Only turn the winter heater on when necesssary,and adjust temperature controls to avoid overheating.Put a lid a pan when boiling water. 热水器不用就别开,温度控制不要过热。烧水时吧壶盖盖好。

3. Switch off all appliances when you’re not using them.This includes light. 不使用时,关掉所有的电器。包括灯。

4. Only print things out when necessary,and print double-sided and reduce them edges. 取消不必要的打印工作,纸张两面都可打印,尽量减少页边空白。


1. Never trouble troubles till trouble troules you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去找麻烦。

2. I think that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在很板上的那个“that ”是错误的。 3. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。(这个句子中包含了英文中的26个字母) 4. Was it a bar or a bat I saw?

把这句话倒过来写是一样的:was I tab a ro rab a ti saw?

The little girl did not like the look of the barking dog.

"It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?"

"Ah, yes," answered the little girl. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher

asked her students what they thought of it. The smallest girl in the class said she wished the dancers were taller so that they would not have to stand on their toes all the time.




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