数控机床的发展前景 精品


毕 业 论 文


院 系: 河南农业职业学院

专 业: 数控技术

姓 名: 谭喜贵

学 号:

指导老师: 马永杰

2012 年 月 日

目 录

摘要 . ........................................................................................... 1

第一章 机床行业经济运行的特点 . ................................................... 3

第二章 中国机床工业的三个阶段 . ................................................... 3

第三章 我国机床工业已跨入世界第一方阵 ........................................ 4

3.1 总量供给能力不凡 ..................................................................................... 4

3.2 产品品种达3500种无重要缺门空白 ....................................................... 4

3.3 数控机床进入成熟期 ................................................................................ 5

第四章 中国机床工业展望 . .................................................................................... 6

第五章 什么是数控技术 ..................................................................................... 7

5.1 数控技术的发展历程 ................................................................................. 8

5.2 我国数控技术的发展及现状 ..................................................................... 8

第六章 数控技术的发展趋势 ........................................................................... 10

6.1 高速、高精加工技术及装备的新趋势10 6.2 5轴联动加工和复合加工机床快速发展11 6.3 智

能化、开放式、网络化成为当代数控系统发展的主要趋势........................... 11

6.4 重视新技术标准、规范的建立 ............................................................... 12

结论与展望.. ……………………………………………………………13

致谢.. ……………………………………………………………………13

参考文献. ………………………………………………………………. 13





机床数控系统,即计算机数字控制(cnc ) 系统是在传统的硬件数控(nc)的基础上发展起来的。它主要由硬件和软件两大部分组成。通过系统控制软件与硬件的配合,完成对进给坐标控制、主轴控制、刀具控制、辅助功能控制等。cnc 系统利用计算机来实现零件程序编辑、坐标系偏移、刀具补偿、插补运算、公英制变换、图形显示和固定循环等, 使数控机床按照操作设计要求,加工出需要的零件。

The engine bed is the mechanical industry basic production equipment, the mechanical product components usually all are process with the engine bed, the engine bed variety, the quality and the processing efficiency are directly affecting other mechanical product production technical level, therefore, machine tool industry modernization Shui Pin and the scale, are one of national industry developed important expressions.In the B.C.E. more than 2000 years ago the trees lathe may say was the engine bed earliest embryonic form.A.D. 12 centuries and 13 century second halves of, appeared were loaded with the rope escapement mechanism primitive clock and the balance type clock, indicated the clock gear system had has further developed.This time crank link motion gear principle already used in the

machinery.The processing mechanical aspect appeared the manual lathe.Because 15 centuries the clock and watch makes the development, impelled the mechanical technical development, appeared the thread cutting lathe and the gear finishing lathe which the clockmaker uses.The 18th century Industrial Revolution have brought the mechanical industry big development, and hereafter each kind of automated engine bed starts to develop faces the precision direction to make great strides forward

In the last few years, the mechanical processing industry uses the numerical control engine bed substitution tradition the ordinary engine bed to carry on the machine-finishing massively, the ordinary machinery is replaced gradually by the numerical control machinery. The numerical control engine bed synthesized the micro electron, the computer, the information processing, the automatic detection, the automatic control, the electrical machinery and the dragging. Has the high accuracy, the high efficiency, characteristics and so on flexible automation had decided the


毕 业 论 文


院 系: 河南农业职业学院

专 业: 数控技术

姓 名: 谭喜贵

学 号:

指导老师: 马永杰

2012 年 月 日

目 录

摘要 . ........................................................................................... 1

第一章 机床行业经济运行的特点 . ................................................... 3

第二章 中国机床工业的三个阶段 . ................................................... 3

第三章 我国机床工业已跨入世界第一方阵 ........................................ 4

3.1 总量供给能力不凡 ..................................................................................... 4

3.2 产品品种达3500种无重要缺门空白 ....................................................... 4

3.3 数控机床进入成熟期 ................................................................................ 5

第四章 中国机床工业展望 . .................................................................................... 6

第五章 什么是数控技术 ..................................................................................... 7

5.1 数控技术的发展历程 ................................................................................. 8

5.2 我国数控技术的发展及现状 ..................................................................... 8

第六章 数控技术的发展趋势 ........................................................................... 10

6.1 高速、高精加工技术及装备的新趋势10 6.2 5轴联动加工和复合加工机床快速发展11 6.3 智

能化、开放式、网络化成为当代数控系统发展的主要趋势........................... 11

6.4 重视新技术标准、规范的建立 ............................................................... 12

结论与展望.. ……………………………………………………………13

致谢.. ……………………………………………………………………13

参考文献. ………………………………………………………………. 13





机床数控系统,即计算机数字控制(cnc ) 系统是在传统的硬件数控(nc)的基础上发展起来的。它主要由硬件和软件两大部分组成。通过系统控制软件与硬件的配合,完成对进给坐标控制、主轴控制、刀具控制、辅助功能控制等。cnc 系统利用计算机来实现零件程序编辑、坐标系偏移、刀具补偿、插补运算、公英制变换、图形显示和固定循环等, 使数控机床按照操作设计要求,加工出需要的零件。

The engine bed is the mechanical industry basic production equipment, the mechanical product components usually all are process with the engine bed, the engine bed variety, the quality and the processing efficiency are directly affecting other mechanical product production technical level, therefore, machine tool industry modernization Shui Pin and the scale, are one of national industry developed important expressions.In the B.C.E. more than 2000 years ago the trees lathe may say was the engine bed earliest embryonic form.A.D. 12 centuries and 13 century second halves of, appeared were loaded with the rope escapement mechanism primitive clock and the balance type clock, indicated the clock gear system had has further developed.This time crank link motion gear principle already used in the

machinery.The processing mechanical aspect appeared the manual lathe.Because 15 centuries the clock and watch makes the development, impelled the mechanical technical development, appeared the thread cutting lathe and the gear finishing lathe which the clockmaker uses.The 18th century Industrial Revolution have brought the mechanical industry big development, and hereafter each kind of automated engine bed starts to develop faces the precision direction to make great strides forward

In the last few years, the mechanical processing industry uses the numerical control engine bed substitution tradition the ordinary engine bed to carry on the machine-finishing massively, the ordinary machinery is replaced gradually by the numerical control machinery. The numerical control engine bed synthesized the micro electron, the computer, the information processing, the automatic detection, the automatic control, the electrical machinery and the dragging. Has the high accuracy, the high efficiency, characteristics and so on flexible automation had decided the


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