
福 建 江 夏 学 院


课 程 名 称 系 (部) 教 研 室 授 课 教 师 职 称 案(首页)

教 案 大学英语(4)本科 公共外语部 大学英语二教研室 黄皓萍 讲师




Under present circumstances, graduates feel hard-pressed to find a relatively suitable job.


3) contaminate: v. make sth. dirty or poisonous

The water supply was contaminated by the chemicals.


The violent movies will contaminate the minds of youg people.


7) object to: oppose or disapprove of sth.

Do you object to our design? 你反对我们的决定吗?

More and more people object to smoking. 越来越多的人反对吸烟。

8) be intimate with: maintain a close relationship with; involve or have sexual relationship

with sb.

She was accused of being intimate with several men. 有人说她同几个男子关系暧昧。

She is intimate with all her classmates.


9) accuse sb. of sth.: point out sb. has done something illegal or wrong

The public accuse the government of slow reaction to the crisis. 公众责难政府面对灾难


The director was accused of bribery. 主任被指控受贿。

.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

Ss are required to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. Then teacher picks out some difficult sentences to explain.

1. They develop a style that agents market agressively to hasten popularity, and their ride on the express elevator to the top is a blur. Most would be hard-pressed to tell you how they even got there. (Para. 3)

Meaning: The arists form a style that agents push hard to make them become popular in a fairly quick way. Most of artists would have rather a vague idea about how on earth they become famous. Here, in this sentence, “ride on the express elevator to the top” is metaphorically used, indicating the artists seek their fame in a rapid way.

2. After their enthusiasm dissolved, the public simply move on to the next flavor of the the month. (Para. 3)

Meaning: After their enthusiasm has disappeared, the public simply turn to another star who is very popular at that time, but similarly only for a short period of time. Here the author use “the month” to indicate a short period of time.

3. Fame’s spotlight can be hotter than a tropical jungle — a fraud is quickly exposed, and the pressure of so much attention is too much for most to endure. (Para. 5)

Meaning: Fame leads to a lot of publicity. If a famous person commits a fraud, it will be discovered by the public quickly. And famous people are always the focus of the public, so they attract too much attention which makes them live under g reat pressure. Here “a tropical jungle” is metaphorically used.

4. One drop of fame will likely contaminate the entire well of a man’s soul, and so an artist who remains true to himself or herself is particularly amazing. (Para. 6)

Meaning: Even a little bit of fame can poison a man’s soul to great extent, and so an artist who still acts according to his or her own will or judgment is especially amazing. Here both “drop” and “well” are metaphorically used. “drop” here means a little bit, or a small tinge..

If you say someone is/remains true to sb./sth., you mean someone is loyal to sb./sth. in a consistent way.

I promise I will always remain to myself forever. 我发誓我将永远忠于自我。

Purpose: Enhance students’ understanding of the text and train students’ analysis ability.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.


3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Require students to retell the text according to the text-structure chart given above.

Purpose: To make sure students get a clear understanding of the text. At the same time, teacher displays the text structure on the screen again, so that students can retell it easily.



5) all that: very

Do you really need all that much sleep?


Things aren’t all that good.


6) come down in the world: become poorer or less successful than used to be

She has really come down in the world.


3.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

Ss are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions

on the screen. During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:

Language Points:

1. He already had the urge to explore and extend a talent he discovered in

himself as he went along. (Para. 5)

Meaning: He then had a strong desire to further discover and develop his talent as

he progressed in his career.

have the/an urge to do sth.: have a strong desire to do something

She has a strong urge to achieve success.


go along: advance; move further with something

You’ll find it easier as you go along.


2. Lifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make “contact” with himself as an

artist. (Para. 6)

Meaning : For Chaplin, everyday things were especially useful in his creations.

3. This physical transformaiton, plus the skill with which he executed it again and

again, is surely the secret of Chaplin’s great comedy. (Para. 6)

Meaning: The key to Chaplin’s success in comedy is that he was able to convert one

object to another quite effectively and skillfully all the time.

4. It’s a relief to know that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stability and

happiness it had earlier denied him. (Para. 8)

Meaning: We are happy to learn that in spite of his early misfortunes he finally found

the woman who brought him the stability and happiness in his later life.

relief: n. a feeling of comfort when something frightening, painful, etc. has ended or

has not happened

5. The police recovered it with more efficiency than Mack Sennett’s clumsy

Keystone Cops would have done. (Para. 9)

Meaning: the police found Chaplin’s body much more quickly than the silly policemen

in Mack Sennett’s comedies would have.

“Keystone Cops” refer to a group of police officers who appeared in Mack Sennett’s

films frome 1914 to the early 1920s. They made a lot of mistakes and did stupid but funny


Typical patterns:

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some

difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading

approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total

physical response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

1. for many countries in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern

It takes+(sb.) + 时间/条件 + to do 需要花费„„做

It would take a strong man lift that weight. 身强力壮的人才能举得起那么重的东西。

the winners from the losers.

there is little dispute that… 毋庸争辩的是„„

There is little dispute that advanced knowledge can lend wings to their rise in life. 毋庸争辩的是, 先进的知识将给他们的腾飞插上翅膀。

3. That’s partly because Latin American customers talk people in North America.

… times as … as … 是„„的„„倍

This book is three times as long as the length of that one.

Typical patterns:

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.

Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Step 8. Discussion

Show a movie clip about the life living broad and ask the Ss the following questions:

Purpose: To present a real situation

To grasp the main idea

To consolidate language points

To fossilize the way of structured writing

Method: Use the CAI and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, audiolingual method, Audio-visual Method and total physical response method.

Step 9. Assignment

Review the key points of Section A

Finish the exercises after class

Finish online homework

Preview Section B

Step 10. Assessment

Write a composition of comparision.

T checks if Ss have done the after-text exercises in their spare time and discuss some common errors that crop up.

Writing: Topic: travel by air vs. travel by train

Pre-view Section B


教 案(末页)



5) settle down

It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson.


They decide to get married and settle down.

6) might as well:do something because it seems best in the circumstances, though often


Since you are here, you might as well stay. 你既然来了,就不妨呆在这儿吧。

3.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

Ss are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions

on the screen. During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:

Language Points:

1)Loneliness may be a sort of national disease here, and it’s more embarrassing for

us to admit than any other sin. (Para. 2)

Meaning : Loneliness is a kind of typical American illness, and Americans feel more

embarrassed to admit this than any other problem.

Here the word “disease” is used figuratively, meaning something unpleasant, usually

one tht a group of people have.

2) No doubt about it, solitude is improved by being voluntary. (Para. 5)

Meaning : Undoubtedly, one can find pleasure in living alone if they choose it

according to their own free will.

3) The American high priest of solitude was Thoreau. (Para. 7)

Meaning : The representative figure of the solitary way of life is Thoreau.

A “high priest” is a person who has a leadership position in a certain field.

4) Thoreau had his own self-important for company.

Meaning : Thoreau’s life was self-content; he enjoys being alone.

5) Those absent will be back. Their waterproof winter coats are in the closet and the


keeps watching for them at the window. (Para. 11)

Meaning: Those who are staying away from you will be back. They have their winter

coats kept in the closet and even the dog keeps watching at the window for their

coming back.

Note that “-proof” is a suffix used with some nouns for describing something that

will provide protection against the damaging effect of something else. For



bulletproof 防弹的; soundproof 隔音的; fireproof 防火的

6) After all, here we are. It may not be where we expected to be. But for the time

being we might as well call it home Anyway, there is no place like home. (Para. 16)

6) After all, here we are. It may not be where we expected to be. But for the

time being we might as well call it home Anyway, there is no place like home.

(Para. 16)

Meaning : We may not be content with the condition we are now in, but at present there

is no harm in calling the place where we now live home.

after all: in spite of what has been said, done or expected

After all, you are young and there is a lot more of life yet to come. 毕竟你还年


After all money is not everything. The richest people are not necessarily happiest.

for the time being: for a short period of time from now, but not permanently

They will take no action for the time being. 他们暂时还不会采取行动。

Typical patterns:

1) not / never so … as

The young girl is not so innocent as she appears.

Men are never so peaceful, so harmonious with each other as they are now.

2) might as well do something

Since you are here, you might as well stay. 你既然来了,就不妨呆在这儿吧。

While you live alone, you can do whatever you like. We might as well call it


Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability ) to find out

some difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method : Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading

approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical

response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Questions for discussion:

1) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of solitude or living alone.

2) Do you have the moments when you feel solitude is the best companion?

3) Do you think solitude can give rise to inspiration? Give your reasons.

Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To

show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.

Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching

method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Step 8. Assignment


Review the key points of Section A

Finish online homework

Preview Section B




approach and total physical response method.

1. contend vt.

to argue or state that something is true


The lawyer contended that her client had never been near the scene of the crime. There are three world-class tennis players contending for this title

2. delicate a.

needing skillful, careful, or sensitive treatment


3. concession n.

sth. that you agree to do or give up in order to end an argument

The pay negotiations have reached a delicate stage.

4. extension n.

① (an example of) the act of extending or being extended

applied for an extension to my work permit.

3. be scheduled to do sth.

to plan to do sth. at a particular time

The restoration work is scheduled to begin early next year

5. attendance n.

[C, U] the number of people who attend a

game, concert, meeting, etc

Matches this season have attracted record attendance.

3.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

1.For all its concern about foreign cultural invasion and its defense against the pollution of the French language by English

for all: despite; in spite of




• For all his knowledge and experience, he is not conceited.

2. If Euro Disneyland succeeds—theme parksalready in France have so far failed —a second and even a third park is likely to be built by the end of the century.


• e. Only one of the escaped prisoners has been captured so far.

Typical patterns:

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.

Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.





福 建 江 夏 学 院


课 程 名 称 系 (部) 教 研 室 授 课 教 师 职 称 案(首页)

教 案 大学英语(4)本科 公共外语部 大学英语二教研室 黄皓萍 讲师




Under present circumstances, graduates feel hard-pressed to find a relatively suitable job.


3) contaminate: v. make sth. dirty or poisonous

The water supply was contaminated by the chemicals.


The violent movies will contaminate the minds of youg people.


7) object to: oppose or disapprove of sth.

Do you object to our design? 你反对我们的决定吗?

More and more people object to smoking. 越来越多的人反对吸烟。

8) be intimate with: maintain a close relationship with; involve or have sexual relationship

with sb.

She was accused of being intimate with several men. 有人说她同几个男子关系暧昧。

She is intimate with all her classmates.


9) accuse sb. of sth.: point out sb. has done something illegal or wrong

The public accuse the government of slow reaction to the crisis. 公众责难政府面对灾难


The director was accused of bribery. 主任被指控受贿。

.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

Ss are required to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. Then teacher picks out some difficult sentences to explain.

1. They develop a style that agents market agressively to hasten popularity, and their ride on the express elevator to the top is a blur. Most would be hard-pressed to tell you how they even got there. (Para. 3)

Meaning: The arists form a style that agents push hard to make them become popular in a fairly quick way. Most of artists would have rather a vague idea about how on earth they become famous. Here, in this sentence, “ride on the express elevator to the top” is metaphorically used, indicating the artists seek their fame in a rapid way.

2. After their enthusiasm dissolved, the public simply move on to the next flavor of the the month. (Para. 3)

Meaning: After their enthusiasm has disappeared, the public simply turn to another star who is very popular at that time, but similarly only for a short period of time. Here the author use “the month” to indicate a short period of time.

3. Fame’s spotlight can be hotter than a tropical jungle — a fraud is quickly exposed, and the pressure of so much attention is too much for most to endure. (Para. 5)

Meaning: Fame leads to a lot of publicity. If a famous person commits a fraud, it will be discovered by the public quickly. And famous people are always the focus of the public, so they attract too much attention which makes them live under g reat pressure. Here “a tropical jungle” is metaphorically used.

4. One drop of fame will likely contaminate the entire well of a man’s soul, and so an artist who remains true to himself or herself is particularly amazing. (Para. 6)

Meaning: Even a little bit of fame can poison a man’s soul to great extent, and so an artist who still acts according to his or her own will or judgment is especially amazing. Here both “drop” and “well” are metaphorically used. “drop” here means a little bit, or a small tinge..

If you say someone is/remains true to sb./sth., you mean someone is loyal to sb./sth. in a consistent way.

I promise I will always remain to myself forever. 我发誓我将永远忠于自我。

Purpose: Enhance students’ understanding of the text and train students’ analysis ability.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.


3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Require students to retell the text according to the text-structure chart given above.

Purpose: To make sure students get a clear understanding of the text. At the same time, teacher displays the text structure on the screen again, so that students can retell it easily.



5) all that: very

Do you really need all that much sleep?


Things aren’t all that good.


6) come down in the world: become poorer or less successful than used to be

She has really come down in the world.


3.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

Ss are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions

on the screen. During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:

Language Points:

1. He already had the urge to explore and extend a talent he discovered in

himself as he went along. (Para. 5)

Meaning: He then had a strong desire to further discover and develop his talent as

he progressed in his career.

have the/an urge to do sth.: have a strong desire to do something

She has a strong urge to achieve success.


go along: advance; move further with something

You’ll find it easier as you go along.


2. Lifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make “contact” with himself as an

artist. (Para. 6)

Meaning : For Chaplin, everyday things were especially useful in his creations.

3. This physical transformaiton, plus the skill with which he executed it again and

again, is surely the secret of Chaplin’s great comedy. (Para. 6)

Meaning: The key to Chaplin’s success in comedy is that he was able to convert one

object to another quite effectively and skillfully all the time.

4. It’s a relief to know that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stability and

happiness it had earlier denied him. (Para. 8)

Meaning: We are happy to learn that in spite of his early misfortunes he finally found

the woman who brought him the stability and happiness in his later life.

relief: n. a feeling of comfort when something frightening, painful, etc. has ended or

has not happened

5. The police recovered it with more efficiency than Mack Sennett’s clumsy

Keystone Cops would have done. (Para. 9)

Meaning: the police found Chaplin’s body much more quickly than the silly policemen

in Mack Sennett’s comedies would have.

“Keystone Cops” refer to a group of police officers who appeared in Mack Sennett’s

films frome 1914 to the early 1920s. They made a lot of mistakes and did stupid but funny


Typical patterns:

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some

difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading

approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total

physical response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

1. for many countries in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern

It takes+(sb.) + 时间/条件 + to do 需要花费„„做

It would take a strong man lift that weight. 身强力壮的人才能举得起那么重的东西。

the winners from the losers.

there is little dispute that… 毋庸争辩的是„„

There is little dispute that advanced knowledge can lend wings to their rise in life. 毋庸争辩的是, 先进的知识将给他们的腾飞插上翅膀。

3. That’s partly because Latin American customers talk people in North America.

… times as … as … 是„„的„„倍

This book is three times as long as the length of that one.

Typical patterns:

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.

Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Step 8. Discussion

Show a movie clip about the life living broad and ask the Ss the following questions:

Purpose: To present a real situation

To grasp the main idea

To consolidate language points

To fossilize the way of structured writing

Method: Use the CAI and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, audiolingual method, Audio-visual Method and total physical response method.

Step 9. Assignment

Review the key points of Section A

Finish the exercises after class

Finish online homework

Preview Section B

Step 10. Assessment

Write a composition of comparision.

T checks if Ss have done the after-text exercises in their spare time and discuss some common errors that crop up.

Writing: Topic: travel by air vs. travel by train

Pre-view Section B


教 案(末页)



5) settle down

It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson.


They decide to get married and settle down.

6) might as well:do something because it seems best in the circumstances, though often


Since you are here, you might as well stay. 你既然来了,就不妨呆在这儿吧。

3.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

Ss are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions

on the screen. During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:

Language Points:

1)Loneliness may be a sort of national disease here, and it’s more embarrassing for

us to admit than any other sin. (Para. 2)

Meaning : Loneliness is a kind of typical American illness, and Americans feel more

embarrassed to admit this than any other problem.

Here the word “disease” is used figuratively, meaning something unpleasant, usually

one tht a group of people have.

2) No doubt about it, solitude is improved by being voluntary. (Para. 5)

Meaning : Undoubtedly, one can find pleasure in living alone if they choose it

according to their own free will.

3) The American high priest of solitude was Thoreau. (Para. 7)

Meaning : The representative figure of the solitary way of life is Thoreau.

A “high priest” is a person who has a leadership position in a certain field.

4) Thoreau had his own self-important for company.

Meaning : Thoreau’s life was self-content; he enjoys being alone.

5) Those absent will be back. Their waterproof winter coats are in the closet and the


keeps watching for them at the window. (Para. 11)

Meaning: Those who are staying away from you will be back. They have their winter

coats kept in the closet and even the dog keeps watching at the window for their

coming back.

Note that “-proof” is a suffix used with some nouns for describing something that

will provide protection against the damaging effect of something else. For



bulletproof 防弹的; soundproof 隔音的; fireproof 防火的

6) After all, here we are. It may not be where we expected to be. But for the time

being we might as well call it home Anyway, there is no place like home. (Para. 16)

6) After all, here we are. It may not be where we expected to be. But for the

time being we might as well call it home Anyway, there is no place like home.

(Para. 16)

Meaning : We may not be content with the condition we are now in, but at present there

is no harm in calling the place where we now live home.

after all: in spite of what has been said, done or expected

After all, you are young and there is a lot more of life yet to come. 毕竟你还年


After all money is not everything. The richest people are not necessarily happiest.

for the time being: for a short period of time from now, but not permanently

They will take no action for the time being. 他们暂时还不会采取行动。

Typical patterns:

1) not / never so … as

The young girl is not so innocent as she appears.

Men are never so peaceful, so harmonious with each other as they are now.

2) might as well do something

Since you are here, you might as well stay. 你既然来了,就不妨呆在这儿吧。

While you live alone, you can do whatever you like. We might as well call it


Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability ) to find out

some difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method : Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading

approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical

response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Questions for discussion:

1) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of solitude or living alone.

2) Do you have the moments when you feel solitude is the best companion?

3) Do you think solitude can give rise to inspiration? Give your reasons.

Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To

show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.

Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching

method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Step 8. Assignment


Review the key points of Section A

Finish online homework

Preview Section B




approach and total physical response method.

1. contend vt.

to argue or state that something is true


The lawyer contended that her client had never been near the scene of the crime. There are three world-class tennis players contending for this title

2. delicate a.

needing skillful, careful, or sensitive treatment


3. concession n.

sth. that you agree to do or give up in order to end an argument

The pay negotiations have reached a delicate stage.

4. extension n.

① (an example of) the act of extending or being extended

applied for an extension to my work permit.

3. be scheduled to do sth.

to plan to do sth. at a particular time

The restoration work is scheduled to begin early next year

5. attendance n.

[C, U] the number of people who attend a

game, concert, meeting, etc

Matches this season have attracted record attendance.

3.2 While-reading Activities

Step 6. Intensive reading

1.For all its concern about foreign cultural invasion and its defense against the pollution of the French language by English

for all: despite; in spite of




• For all his knowledge and experience, he is not conceited.

2. If Euro Disneyland succeeds—theme parksalready in France have so far failed —a second and even a third park is likely to be built by the end of the century.


• e. Only one of the escaped prisoners has been captured so far.

Typical patterns:

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.

3.3 Post-reading Activities

Step7. Consolidation

Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.

Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.






  • 新视野大学英语1教案参模板unit1(听力)
  • Unit I第7.8学时课堂教学设计(Listening and Speaking) 授课日期: 授课班次:新闻 授课教师: 批准人: 重点难点 1. 掌握听力技巧: 2. 掌握和理解文章大意: 3. 掌握会话技巧. 教学方法 1. 教师讲 ...查看

  • 新视野大学英语unit1教案
  • 课程名称 授课内容 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 教学过程 作业 辅助手段 新视野大学英语 1 授课班级 Unit 1 Fresh Start 授课学时 6(270 min) 1.Grasp the words, expressi ...查看

  • 英语阅读课教案
  • 英语阅读课教案 张锦秀 阅读课,教学难度大,学生阅读感到困难,因此如何在阅读训练中掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读效果,就显得尤为重要.阅读训练是英语教学的一个重要环节,随着教学模式的不断更新,阅读训练越来越重要,阅读不仅能帮助快速获取信息,开阔视野 ...查看

  • 互动性原则与大学英语多媒体网络教学模式研究
  • DOI:10. 16362/j.cn k i . cn61-1457/h. 2005. 01. 022 2005年3月西安外国语学院学报第13卷 第1期Journal of X i ' a n International Studies U ...查看

  • 语文教师必读书目
  • 上传: 祝红星     更新时间:2012-12-19 22:34:37 语文教师修养要目 01.<接受反应论>,金元浦,山东教育出版社,1998. 02.<语用学与语文教学>,王建华,浙江大学出版社, 2000年版 ...查看

  • 2013年齐河县小学英语五组(基本式)磨课反思
  • 2013年齐河县小学英语五组(基本式五年级M3U1) 磨课反思 远程研修磨课穿插在教育教学的工作中,伴我们走过了几周的时间.小组经过制定计划.备课研讨.修改教案.观课议课,拓宽了我们的教学视野和教学思路,丰富了教学方法,激活了教学灵感,使我 ...查看

  • 使用高倍镜观察几种细胞教案
  • 理科教案总第 12 页 课题 第二节:细胞的多样性和统一性 课型 新授课 授课时间 9月 2 日星期四 第 1 课时 (共 2 课时) 教学目标 1.领悟原理,细心操作,学会使用高倍镜. 2.使用高倍镜观察几种细胞,比较不同细胞的异同点 3 ...查看

  • 教研组长工作总结 1
  • 教研组长工作总结(一) 语新课程标准对英语学科的发展提出了新的要求, 这就要求我 们要认真学习理论, 更新教学观念和知识结构, 提高自身的综合素质, 才能符合时代潮流的发展要求.在教学中,我们要求每位教师努力做 到三创新 创新课堂教学设计, ...查看

  • 人教版英语七年级上册教案 1单元第一课
  • Starter Unit   1 Goodmorning! 教学设计 Unit 1 是初一上的第一单元.它是为了使那些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的.它的主要内容为 26 个字母和最基本的英语日常用语. 本单元的教学内容为: ...查看
