
The wedding description:

With the development of people ’s living standard, the cost of wedding now is 30 times as much as the cost in the last 30 years, and the cost preponderated over the growth of people’s total income, which makes people feel that the wedding is robbing their money.

First, this is people’s view of the wedding in shanghai:---(饼图) It shows that most of people think a satisfying wedding is very expensive. Today, we raise an idea which is about cheap, green, and breakthrough.

We need a lot of resources. We divided it in to three parts: before, at present, and after.

These are our highlights. Have you ever heard of the wedding in the agritainment? Our wedding invitations are not made of paper! We send email to invite them, thus we can save a lot of papers. Besides, the bride’s wedding dress is made with toilet paper. When you design the toilet paper wedding dress, you just need three things: 2 to 3 rolls of toilet paper, glue and adhesive tape, and all these materials only cost no more than 15 dollars, and parking lot is unnecessary :There are double-decker buses to pick up guests.

This is the mainly costing. (Including wedding company)

How do think about our idea of the wedding ?

This is our risk analysis.

if there is some accidents happened, such as someone get ill, don’t be afraid, we have ?

if it rains, we can move the wedding into the room.

So, Come to adopt our idea!!!

The wedding description:

With the development of people ’s living standard, the cost of wedding now is 30 times as much as the cost in the last 30 years, and the cost preponderated over the growth of people’s total income, which makes people feel that the wedding is robbing their money.

First, this is people’s view of the wedding in shanghai:---(饼图) It shows that most of people think a satisfying wedding is very expensive. Today, we raise an idea which is about cheap, green, and breakthrough.

We need a lot of resources. We divided it in to three parts: before, at present, and after.

These are our highlights. Have you ever heard of the wedding in the agritainment? Our wedding invitations are not made of paper! We send email to invite them, thus we can save a lot of papers. Besides, the bride’s wedding dress is made with toilet paper. When you design the toilet paper wedding dress, you just need three things: 2 to 3 rolls of toilet paper, glue and adhesive tape, and all these materials only cost no more than 15 dollars, and parking lot is unnecessary :There are double-decker buses to pick up guests.

This is the mainly costing. (Including wedding company)

How do think about our idea of the wedding ?

This is our risk analysis.

if there is some accidents happened, such as someone get ill, don’t be afraid, we have ?

if it rains, we can move the wedding into the room.

So, Come to adopt our idea!!!


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