四年级上册 第四单元

四年级上册 第四单元

第1课时 教案

Teaching contents 教学内容

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 学生能够阅读理解故事内容。

2. 学生能够在理解的基础上表演故事。

3. 学生能够在表演的基础上,适当拓展改编故事为小短剧并进行表演。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

教学重点:1. 从整体上阅读故事并理解。

2. 语音语调正确地朗读对话,表演故事。


Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting &Warm up

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello …

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too

T: Good. Today I’m very happy. Are you happy too?

S: Yes.

T: Great!

2. Play a game (Get to know each other)

T: First, let’s play a game—Listen, read and judge. Look at the rules. Please say “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” if you think it is true. Say “No, No, No” if you think it is false. Got it?

S: Yes.

T: Good. Here we go. It’s about me. Ready? Go.

I can run. I can sing. I can swim. I can dance. I can fly.

I can speak English. I can play basketball.

(老师带着学生边说边做动作:run, sing, swim, dance, fly等。)

S: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah./No, No, No.

【设计意图:让学生初步感知句型I can „,带动学生在课堂开始时的学习热情,也为下一步学习进行铺垫】

Step 2 Presentation

T: Now, you know something about me. I can speak English. I can sing and dance. I can play basketball. Look, this is me. And I am working for the Super Kids Club. You know super kids? Follow me. Super Kids Club. (PPT出现Super Kids Club)

S: Super Kids Club.

T: I’m the coach at the Super Kids Club. Would you like to join this Super Kids Club? S: Yes.

T: OK, I see you want to be super kids. But first, you need to finish some tasks. Can you play

sports? We have Sports time today. Can you read? We have Story time today. Can you act? We have Show time today. When you finish Sports time, Story time and Show time, you can be Super Kids. Are you ready? (教师带领学生了解本课需要完成的任务,以及完成任务后获得的奖励) S: Yes.

T: OK. First, let’s go to Sports time. Before that, this is the slogan of Super Kids Club. Follow me, I can! I try! I’m super! (教师引导学生说出口号,并配上动作)

S: I can! I try! I’m super!

T: Let’s go to Sports time. What sports are we going to play? Take a look.

S: Basketball.

T: Can you play basketball?


S1: Yes, I can.

T: Show us, please.

S1: Look! (学生拿起篮球,对准球框投篮)

T: Cool!/Nice!/Great!

T: Can you play basketball?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: It’s OK. Have a try.

T: Cool!/Nice!/Great!


Step 3 Story time

1. Sports time

a. Ask and answer

T: Can you play basketball?

S: Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

T: Now, I need you to ask and answer in pairs. (两人一组,操练本课句型)



2. Read the story (Story time)

a. Look and talk

T: OK. Now I’m sure you can play basketball. I think we finish Sports time. Let’s go to Story time. What story are we going to read? First, there are three boys. Who are they? (PPT出示课文图片,教师带领学生观察图片并展开讨论)

S: Mike, Wang Bing and Liu Tao.

T: Where are they?

S: They are in the playground.

T: What do they want to play?

S: They want to play basketball.

T: Good! Look at Liu Tao’s face. What do you think? Try to ask some questions.

S1: Can Liu Tao play basketball?

T: I wonder so.

S2: Can Wang Bing play basketball?

T: Yes, of course.

S: Can Mike play basketball?

T: I think so.


b. Watch and answer

T: With these three questions, let’s watch a funny cartoon. Here we go.


T: Now can you answer these questions? No.1, Can Wang Bing play basketball?

S: Yes, he can. Wang Bing can play basketball. (教师板书这个句子)

T: No.2, Can Mike play basketball?

S: Yes, he can.

T: Mike can play basketball. And he can play very well. (板书)

Can Liu Tao play basketball?

S1 No, he can’t.


c. Watch and choose

T: What do you think? Let’s watch again and choose.

T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at first (首先)?

S: No, he can’t.

T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at last (最后)?

S: Yes, he can.

T: Liu Tao can’t play basketball at first. But he can play basketball at last. (板书)

Now, you got the main idea of this story. Let’s say it together.

S: Wang Bing can play basketball.

Mike can play basketball. And he can play very well.

Liu Tao can’t play basketball at first. But he can play basketball at last.



d. Listen and repeat (听录音,重复句子后跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿语音语调)

【设计意图:通过精读课文句子,模仿语音语调,理解文中人物的心理与情感变化。】 e. Read aloud in roles (三人一组,分角色朗读课文内容)


Step 4 Consolidation

1. Act the story

T: You really did a good job in this story time. It’s Show time for you. Can you act the story? Prepare it into groups of three. Then come to the blackboard and act it out. (教师组织学生三人一组,表演课文)


2. Make a short play and act it out

T: I know you can act the story very well. Now I’ll give you a big challenge. Look here. Can you make a short play? This time, you need to work in groups of four. Make a short play with the story. I think one of you can be the narrator, and the other three can be actors. I also give you some tips. (四人一组,将课文改编成短剧的形式,旁白一人,演员三人,教师给出开头于结尾的提示,以供参考)

T: Excellent, boys and girls. Wonderful jobs you did today. I can see you can play, you can read and you can act. Now you are Super kids!

S: Yeah!


Homework 家庭作业

1. Listen and read the story. Try to recite it.

第2课时 教案

Teaching contents 教学内容

Grammar time, Fun Time, Sound time & Song time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 能听懂、会读、会说有关“运动”的词汇。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会用can 句型询问对方或他人的运动能力。

3. 能自主阅读趣味小短文,获取信息。

4. 能听懂,学唱歌曲。

5. 能了解辅音字母f 在单词中的发音。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点


教学难点:根据所询问的对象正确运用Can you „? Can he/she „? 。

Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting &Warm up

1. Greeting

T: Class begins!

S: Stand up.

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

S: Good morning, „

T: Sit down, please.

2. Warm up

T: I’m the super coach at the super kids school. Welcome back. What’s for today? We have Revision time, Fun time, Words time, Song time, Sound time, Survey time. Are you ready? Do you remember the slogan?

S: I can! I try! I’m super.

T: Great! First, Happy revision time. Can you recite Story time?


T: You can recite it. You are super kids. Can you act? Who wants to act it out? Let’s welcome. (学生表演课文内容)

【设计意图:教师在课堂伊始,帮助学生复习第一课时学习的内容,通过背诵和表演的方式,任务难度递进,自然复现旧知,为下一步学习新知做好准备。】 Step 2 Revision and presentation

1. Game: Brainstorm

T: Now, I know you can recite and you can act. I think we finished “Revision time ”. Next, let’s go to “Words time”. What words are we going to say? You know our topic today is “Sports ”. Can you name some sports? Now let’s have brainstorm. I will give you five seconds to prepare for it. For example, run. S: Climb, play football, play basketball „


2. Learn the new words

T: Here I have some names of sports. Can you say them? (PPT出现新授词汇) S: Run. Jump. Swim. Skate.

T: Can you skate? (老师带领学生一起学习单词)

S: Yes, I can.

T: Really? Can you act it for us?

S: (做溜冰动作)

T: More words for you. (PPT出现新授词汇)

S: Play football. Play basketball. Play table tennis.

T: Cool. I’m sure you can say these words. Can you play a game? Please say the words when you see the words. Please clap your hands when you see the super coach. Are you ready? Go!

【设计意图:经过第一课时的学习后,学生对于本课的词汇并不陌生,教师鼓励学生自己阅读词汇,并反复带读,帮助学生巩固这些单词与词组,通过TPR 教学方式,复习所学内容,激发学生学习兴趣的同时,提高学习效果。】

3. Sentence drill

T: Can you try to ask and answer? Can you run?

S: Yes, I can.

T: Ask and answer in pairs. Try to ask more questions.

Can you run/jump/swim „?

(学生两人一组,利用Can you „? 相互问答)


Step 3 Song time

T: So much for “Words time”. Now let’s go on to “Song time”. This is the song of the super kids club. Try to sing it.

S: (学生试着演唱歌曲)

T: You can sing. Let’s try to sing it together.

S: Sing it in pairs.

T: Can you sing now? Can you sing like this? Face to face, clap your hands in pairs and sing.

【设计意图:歌曲教授的环节,教师通过试唱、领唱、齐唱、对唱、 击掌等多个方法,帮助学生记忆歌曲,也是记忆本单元的重点词句。】

Step 4 Fun time

1. Ask some questions

T: Good. You can sing the song of super kids club. That’s great. Now let’s go to Fun time. What fun is it? Take a look. Answer my questions. Can he skate? Can he run? Do you know?

S: No.

T: You don’t know. But let’s read something for fun. After that, you will know. OK? The three children, who are they? What can they do? Let’s read and circle in our books. It’s really fun.

S: (学生阅读书上P26 Fun time的内容)

T: Have you finished? After reading, let’s get their information. Who’s the boy in a green T-shirt? How old is he? What can he do? What can’t he do?

S: He’s Tom. He’s 11. He can play football. He can’t play basketball.

T: How about this girl?

S: She is Lucy. She’s nine. She can play table tennis. She can’t swim.

S: He’s Peter. He’s four. He can run and swim. He can’t play football. (学生根据PPT 上的个人信息表,复述文中人物信息)


2. Game: Good memory

T: Now, let’s read it again. This time, I will check your memory. I will ask you questions about them. Answer my questions quickly. First one, Tom.

T: Can Tom play basketball?

S: No, he can’t.

T: Can he play football?

S: Yes, he can.

T: This one, can Lucy play table tennis?

S: Yes, she can.

T: Can Lucy swim?

S: No, she can’t.

T: This one, can Peter run?

S: Yes, he can.

T: Can he jump?

S: Yes, he can.

T: Can he play football?

S: No, he can’t.

T: Now, this time, ask and answer in pairs. Can Tom/Lucy/Peter „?

(学生操练句型Can Tom/Lucy/Peter „?)

T: Now, close your books. Let’s have a memory check. We are going to have a match. Team One, Team Two, ask questions. Team Three, Team Four, answer questions. OK?


3. Task: Introduction

T: Next, these three kids want to be in Super Kids Club, too. But they need to introduce themselves. Can you act and say like this? For example, hi, I’m Peter. I can „ Can I join Super Kids Club? (学生操练后,带着头饰反馈,加动作和表情)

【设计意图:在学习完Fun time后,教师以“超级学院”为情境,以“自我介绍”的形式,让学生对文中的三个孩子的个人信息进行复述,配以头饰和动作,让平淡的文本有了生机,让学生真正学以致用。】

Step 5 Sound time

T: Good, you help them join Super Kids Club. Thank you! After Fun time, we are going to Sound time. But first, take a look. What can Tom do?

S: He can play football.

T: Here are his four other brothers. They are very happy, because they are waiting for his father. What does his father have?

S: He has five footballs.

T: Here we have a chant. Father has five footballs for his five funny boys. Let’s read it.

S: Father has five footballs for his five funny boys.

T: Let’s listen to the tape. Try to follow it.

S: Father has five footballs for his five funny boys.

T: Can we chant like this? (教师可以让学生快读、慢读和击掌读)

S: Father has five footballs for his five funny boys.

T: You can chant. Can you read? Say the words together.

S: Afternoon. Breakfast. Family. Father. Football.

T: Now, look here, in all the words, they have the same letter “f ”. Right? It has the same pronunciation in all the words, it is pronounced/f/.Try to read it the words again.

S: Afternoon. Breakfast. Family. Father. Football.

T: Can you say more words with the letter “f ”? Think it over.

S: Fly/fall/fish/farmer/face/fork/feel/fun „

【设计意图:语音环节是教学中的一大难点,为避免食之无味,弃之可惜的尴尬局面,教师让学生自己感受单词的发音,并为句子配上节奏感十足的音乐,激发学生的学习动力,通过快读、慢读、击掌读等形式,为语音环节的学习增添乐趣。】 Step 6 Survey time

T: We finished the “Sound time”. At last, let’s go to the “Survey time”. What does it mean? I want to know what you can do. Look at the form. Let’s talk. For example: What's your name? Can you play football? Can you play basketball? Can you „.? Do you understand?

Step 1 Let’s do the survey in pairs. Can you „? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Step 2 Ask for information about others. Can he „? Can she „?

Step 3 I need you to report in groups of four. When the captain reports, the others do the action.


Homework 家庭作业

1. Read Fun time.

2. Sing the song and try to make a new one.

3. Discuss the results of the survey in groups and choose one to be the candidate for

“Super Star”.

第3课时 教案

Teaching contents 教学内容

Cartoon time, Checkout time & Ticking time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 在语境学习中进一步巩固运用句型Can you „? 、Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 、What can „ do? 、„ can „。

2. 能够在情景对话中,理解并正确使用can 和can ’t 。

3. 能够熟练运用动词run, jump, skate, swim, play basketball/football/table tennis等动词及短语。

4. 理解和运用fly, quack, tweet, can’t = cannot,并扩充词汇sing, dance。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

教学重点:1. 在语境学习中进一步巩固运用句型Can you „? 、Yes, I can./No, I

can ’t. 、What can „ do? 、„ can „。

2. 能够熟练运用动词run, jump, skate, swim, play

basketball/football/table tennis 等动词及短语。

教学难点:1. 能够在情景对话中,理解并正确使用can 和can ’t 。

2. 理解和运用fly, quack, tweet, can’t = cannot,并扩充sing, dance。

Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting & Revision

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, „

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you too.

2. Sing a song: I can skate and I can jump

T: Can you sing?

S: Yes, we can.

T: OK, let’s sing it together.


3. Free talk

T: Wow, you can sing the song very well. OK, boys and girls. You know you are all super kids in the Super Kids Club. Yes?

S: Yes.

T: Today, Super Kids Club has some goals for us. Take a look.

a. I can name some sports and activities.

b. I can understand the cartoon and act it out.

c. I can use “can ” and “can ’t ”.

d. I can recommend the Super Kid Star.

Can you get all the stars? We need to get at least 10 stars to be a good member. Are you ready for it?

S: Yes.


T: OK. Let’s move to the first step: I can name some sports and activities. Can you?

S: Play football. Play basketball „ (学生说出运动类的单词。)

T: Good, you know a lot about sports. Let’s play a game: Word Chain. Say the word one by one, when you say the word out, give the next one five and say “yeah ”.

T: Time’s up. Turn around and face me. How many stars can you get?


Step 2 Cartoon time

1. Show the second goal: I can understand the cartoon and act it out.

T: I know you can name some sports. Can you do the sports? Tell me, what can

you do? You can say I can.

S: I can play football/play basketball „

T: What can he do? (指着刚刚发言的男同学)

S: He can „

T: What can she do? (指着刚刚发言的一位女同学)

S: She can „

2. Presentation

T: (呈现Bobby) What can Bobby do? Guess!

S: He can „


S: Bobby can swim.

T: Can Bobby fly? (学习单词fly)

S: No, he can’t.

3. Read Cartoon time

(Tips: Eyes—to read carefully. Underline the sentences that show Bobby can’t fly.) T: How do you know that Bobby can’t fly? Open your books and turn to P27,

read the dialogue and find the sentences that show Bobby can’t fly. Use your pencil to underline them.

T: (呈现图片和句子Ouch! I can’t fly.。并教授这句话)

T: Look at poor Bobby. He’s black and blue. He’s so sad. (教授sad)


T: Bobby is so sad. What do you want to say to him?

S: Don’t worry./„

T: What does Sam say to him?

S: Don’t be sad, Bobby. I can’t fly either. (教师教授这句话)



4. Listen and repeat.

a. Try to read and dub. (跟读录音、齐读、分角色配音)

b. Set an example for students to act the cartoon. (师生示范表演)

c. Act it out in groups of four. (小组合作,表演对话)

(Tips: Mouth—to speak out. Try to imitate the tone and the intonation.) T: How many stars can you get?


Step 3 Checkout time

1. T: Great! You can do it very well.

Now, let’s move to the third goal: I can use “can ” and “can ’t ”. Are you ready?

Bobby can swim, but he can’t fly. What about this boy? Let’s listen to him. Oh, I can swim, swim, swim.

Oh, I can swim, swim, swim.

Oh, I can play table tennis and swim very well.

Oh, but I can’t play, play basketball and I can’t jump.

T: What can he do? And what can’t he do?

S: He can play table tennis and swim. He can’t play basketball or jump.

2. T: If you are the boy, what can you say? Please discuss in pairs.

I can play table tennis and swim, but I can’t play basketball and I can’t jump.

3. T: The boy can swim and play table tennis. But he can’t jump. He cannot play

basketball. Right? (板书 can ’t = cannot)

T: What about Helen, Su Yang, Liu Tao and Yang Ling? What can they do? And what can ’t they do? Let ’s open the book and take a look at P29. Do the exercises “Listen and judge”.

(Tips: Heart—to concentrate. Listen carefully and try to catch the information.)

5. (1) Check up in pairs first. Correct the wrong information. (核对答案,并纠错)

(2) Then check up in groups. (小组合作)

(3) Get the students to read the correct sentences.

T: How many stars can you get?


Step 4 Consolidation

1. Let’s take a look at the fourth goal: I can recommend the Star Kid.

2. Super Kids Sports Club is going to discuss and select the star kid. Show the six candidates from each group and explain the rules:

a. Discuss in groups of four and select one to be the candidate.

b. Every group member should take part in the discussion for at least one sentence. c. Do not say the name of the candidate.

For example: We recommend No.

She/He is nice/cool/clever/lovely/smart „

She/He can „ very well.

She/He can’t „ very well, but she/he can „

3. Group report. The others guess the name of the candidate.


Step 5 Summary

1. T: Great! You can do it very well. Let’s chant.

Model: Oh, I can play, play, play.

Oh, I can swim, swim, swim.

Oh, I can jump, jump, jump.

Oh, what can you do?

Oh, play, swim, jump, skate, run and fly.

Oh, what can you do? Yeah!

T: Can you change the lyrics.

2. T: How many stars can you get in total?

【设计意图:Summary 环节以儿歌形式将本节课的知识点进行了一个梳理,教师可以让学生改编歌词,变成学生感兴趣的形式,也为了再一次加深印象。】

Homework 家庭作业

1. Listen and read the story in Cartoon Time. Try to recite.

2. Try to make your own information cards in 3—5 sentences. Prepare for a super kids club show.

第4课时 教案

Teaching contents 教学内容


Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写basketball, football, jump, skate, swim, table tennis。

2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:Can you „/„? ,并且会用Yes, „ can./No, „ can ’t. 来回答。

3. 完成Checkout time。

4. 完成Ticking time的评价。

5. 完成补充习题和课课练的练习。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

教学重点:1. 完成Checkout time。

2. 完成Ticking time的评价。

3. 完成补充习题和课课练的练习。


Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting & Revision

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, „

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

2. Sing a song: I can skate and I can jump

T: Can you sing?

S: Yes, we can.

T: OK, let’s sing it together.

Sing a song: I can skate and I can jump

【设计意图:在课前先复习上节课所学的歌曲,创造良好的学习氛围。】 Step 2 Practice

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

S: Good morning/afternoon, „

T: Hello, „ How are you?

S: I’m „

T: How old are you?

S: I’m „/I’m „ years old.

T: I can „ What can you do?

S: I can „

T: Can you „ well?

S: Yes, I can. I can „ very well./No, I can’t.

T: Can xxx „?

S: Yes, he/she can./No, he/she can’t.

T: Please make dialogues with your partner.

【设计意图:学生之间进行对话练习,进一步掌握本单元的重点句型。】 Step 3 Production

T: Here I have a report. Which sports do you want to join? Let’s do a survey.

First, talk about your entry form in groups. You can say like this: My name is „ I can „ I can „, too. I can’t „; Then, ask your friends and write down. Finally, give us a report.


Step 4 Do the exercises

1. 补充习题

在听录音之前先让学生说说在图上能看到哪些内容,让学生学会观察题目。 部分题目也可以作为听写题,提高学生听说读写的语言综合运用能力。

2. 课课练


Homework 家庭作业

1. 完成练习,复习本单元字词句。

2. 预习Project 1。

四年级上册 第四单元

第1课时 教案

Teaching contents 教学内容

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 学生能够阅读理解故事内容。

2. 学生能够在理解的基础上表演故事。

3. 学生能够在表演的基础上,适当拓展改编故事为小短剧并进行表演。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

教学重点:1. 从整体上阅读故事并理解。

2. 语音语调正确地朗读对话,表演故事。


Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting &Warm up

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello …

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too

T: Good. Today I’m very happy. Are you happy too?

S: Yes.

T: Great!

2. Play a game (Get to know each other)

T: First, let’s play a game—Listen, read and judge. Look at the rules. Please say “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” if you think it is true. Say “No, No, No” if you think it is false. Got it?

S: Yes.

T: Good. Here we go. It’s about me. Ready? Go.

I can run. I can sing. I can swim. I can dance. I can fly.

I can speak English. I can play basketball.

(老师带着学生边说边做动作:run, sing, swim, dance, fly等。)

S: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah./No, No, No.

【设计意图:让学生初步感知句型I can „,带动学生在课堂开始时的学习热情,也为下一步学习进行铺垫】

Step 2 Presentation

T: Now, you know something about me. I can speak English. I can sing and dance. I can play basketball. Look, this is me. And I am working for the Super Kids Club. You know super kids? Follow me. Super Kids Club. (PPT出现Super Kids Club)

S: Super Kids Club.

T: I’m the coach at the Super Kids Club. Would you like to join this Super Kids Club? S: Yes.

T: OK, I see you want to be super kids. But first, you need to finish some tasks. Can you play

sports? We have Sports time today. Can you read? We have Story time today. Can you act? We have Show time today. When you finish Sports time, Story time and Show time, you can be Super Kids. Are you ready? (教师带领学生了解本课需要完成的任务,以及完成任务后获得的奖励) S: Yes.

T: OK. First, let’s go to Sports time. Before that, this is the slogan of Super Kids Club. Follow me, I can! I try! I’m super! (教师引导学生说出口号,并配上动作)

S: I can! I try! I’m super!

T: Let’s go to Sports time. What sports are we going to play? Take a look.

S: Basketball.

T: Can you play basketball?


S1: Yes, I can.

T: Show us, please.

S1: Look! (学生拿起篮球,对准球框投篮)

T: Cool!/Nice!/Great!

T: Can you play basketball?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: It’s OK. Have a try.

T: Cool!/Nice!/Great!


Step 3 Story time

1. Sports time

a. Ask and answer

T: Can you play basketball?

S: Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

T: Now, I need you to ask and answer in pairs. (两人一组,操练本课句型)



2. Read the story (Story time)

a. Look and talk

T: OK. Now I’m sure you can play basketball. I think we finish Sports time. Let’s go to Story time. What story are we going to read? First, there are three boys. Who are they? (PPT出示课文图片,教师带领学生观察图片并展开讨论)

S: Mike, Wang Bing and Liu Tao.

T: Where are they?

S: They are in the playground.

T: What do they want to play?

S: They want to play basketball.

T: Good! Look at Liu Tao’s face. What do you think? Try to ask some questions.

S1: Can Liu Tao play basketball?

T: I wonder so.

S2: Can Wang Bing play basketball?

T: Yes, of course.

S: Can Mike play basketball?

T: I think so.


b. Watch and answer

T: With these three questions, let’s watch a funny cartoon. Here we go.


T: Now can you answer these questions? No.1, Can Wang Bing play basketball?

S: Yes, he can. Wang Bing can play basketball. (教师板书这个句子)

T: No.2, Can Mike play basketball?

S: Yes, he can.

T: Mike can play basketball. And he can play very well. (板书)

Can Liu Tao play basketball?

S1 No, he can’t.


c. Watch and choose

T: What do you think? Let’s watch again and choose.

T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at first (首先)?

S: No, he can’t.

T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at last (最后)?

S: Yes, he can.

T: Liu Tao can’t play basketball at first. But he can play basketball at last. (板书)

Now, you got the main idea of this story. Let’s say it together.

S: Wang Bing can play basketball.

Mike can play basketball. And he can play very well.

Liu Tao can’t play basketball at first. But he can play basketball at last.



d. Listen and repeat (听录音,重复句子后跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿语音语调)

【设计意图:通过精读课文句子,模仿语音语调,理解文中人物的心理与情感变化。】 e. Read aloud in roles (三人一组,分角色朗读课文内容)


Step 4 Consolidation

1. Act the story

T: You really did a good job in this story time. It’s Show time for you. Can you act the story? Prepare it into groups of three. Then come to the blackboard and act it out. (教师组织学生三人一组,表演课文)


2. Make a short play and act it out

T: I know you can act the story very well. Now I’ll give you a big challenge. Look here. Can you make a short play? This time, you need to work in groups of four. Make a short play with the story. I think one of you can be the narrator, and the other three can be actors. I also give you some tips. (四人一组,将课文改编成短剧的形式,旁白一人,演员三人,教师给出开头于结尾的提示,以供参考)

T: Excellent, boys and girls. Wonderful jobs you did today. I can see you can play, you can read and you can act. Now you are Super kids!

S: Yeah!


Homework 家庭作业

1. Listen and read the story. Try to recite it.

第2课时 教案

Teaching contents 教学内容

Grammar time, Fun Time, Sound time & Song time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 能听懂、会读、会说有关“运动”的词汇。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会用can 句型询问对方或他人的运动能力。

3. 能自主阅读趣味小短文,获取信息。

4. 能听懂,学唱歌曲。

5. 能了解辅音字母f 在单词中的发音。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点


教学难点:根据所询问的对象正确运用Can you „? Can he/she „? 。

Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting &Warm up

1. Greeting

T: Class begins!

S: Stand up.

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

S: Good morning, „

T: Sit down, please.

2. Warm up

T: I’m the super coach at the super kids school. Welcome back. What’s for today? We have Revision time, Fun time, Words time, Song time, Sound time, Survey time. Are you ready? Do you remember the slogan?

S: I can! I try! I’m super.

T: Great! First, Happy revision time. Can you recite Story time?


T: You can recite it. You are super kids. Can you act? Who wants to act it out? Let’s welcome. (学生表演课文内容)

【设计意图:教师在课堂伊始,帮助学生复习第一课时学习的内容,通过背诵和表演的方式,任务难度递进,自然复现旧知,为下一步学习新知做好准备。】 Step 2 Revision and presentation

1. Game: Brainstorm

T: Now, I know you can recite and you can act. I think we finished “Revision time ”. Next, let’s go to “Words time”. What words are we going to say? You know our topic today is “Sports ”. Can you name some sports? Now let’s have brainstorm. I will give you five seconds to prepare for it. For example, run. S: Climb, play football, play basketball „


2. Learn the new words

T: Here I have some names of sports. Can you say them? (PPT出现新授词汇) S: Run. Jump. Swim. Skate.

T: Can you skate? (老师带领学生一起学习单词)

S: Yes, I can.

T: Really? Can you act it for us?

S: (做溜冰动作)

T: More words for you. (PPT出现新授词汇)

S: Play football. Play basketball. Play table tennis.

T: Cool. I’m sure you can say these words. Can you play a game? Please say the words when you see the words. Please clap your hands when you see the super coach. Are you ready? Go!

【设计意图:经过第一课时的学习后,学生对于本课的词汇并不陌生,教师鼓励学生自己阅读词汇,并反复带读,帮助学生巩固这些单词与词组,通过TPR 教学方式,复习所学内容,激发学生学习兴趣的同时,提高学习效果。】

3. Sentence drill

T: Can you try to ask and answer? Can you run?

S: Yes, I can.

T: Ask and answer in pairs. Try to ask more questions.

Can you run/jump/swim „?

(学生两人一组,利用Can you „? 相互问答)


Step 3 Song time

T: So much for “Words time”. Now let’s go on to “Song time”. This is the song of the super kids club. Try to sing it.

S: (学生试着演唱歌曲)

T: You can sing. Let’s try to sing it together.

S: Sing it in pairs.

T: Can you sing now? Can you sing like this? Face to face, clap your hands in pairs and sing.

【设计意图:歌曲教授的环节,教师通过试唱、领唱、齐唱、对唱、 击掌等多个方法,帮助学生记忆歌曲,也是记忆本单元的重点词句。】

Step 4 Fun time

1. Ask some questions

T: Good. You can sing the song of super kids club. That’s great. Now let’s go to Fun time. What fun is it? Take a look. Answer my questions. Can he skate? Can he run? Do you know?

S: No.

T: You don’t know. But let’s read something for fun. After that, you will know. OK? The three children, who are they? What can they do? Let’s read and circle in our books. It’s really fun.

S: (学生阅读书上P26 Fun time的内容)

T: Have you finished? After reading, let’s get their information. Who’s the boy in a green T-shirt? How old is he? What can he do? What can’t he do?

S: He’s Tom. He’s 11. He can play football. He can’t play basketball.

T: How about this girl?

S: She is Lucy. She’s nine. She can play table tennis. She can’t swim.

S: He’s Peter. He’s four. He can run and swim. He can’t play football. (学生根据PPT 上的个人信息表,复述文中人物信息)


2. Game: Good memory

T: Now, let’s read it again. This time, I will check your memory. I will ask you questions about them. Answer my questions quickly. First one, Tom.

T: Can Tom play basketball?

S: No, he can’t.

T: Can he play football?

S: Yes, he can.

T: This one, can Lucy play table tennis?

S: Yes, she can.

T: Can Lucy swim?

S: No, she can’t.

T: This one, can Peter run?

S: Yes, he can.

T: Can he jump?

S: Yes, he can.

T: Can he play football?

S: No, he can’t.

T: Now, this time, ask and answer in pairs. Can Tom/Lucy/Peter „?

(学生操练句型Can Tom/Lucy/Peter „?)

T: Now, close your books. Let’s have a memory check. We are going to have a match. Team One, Team Two, ask questions. Team Three, Team Four, answer questions. OK?


3. Task: Introduction

T: Next, these three kids want to be in Super Kids Club, too. But they need to introduce themselves. Can you act and say like this? For example, hi, I’m Peter. I can „ Can I join Super Kids Club? (学生操练后,带着头饰反馈,加动作和表情)

【设计意图:在学习完Fun time后,教师以“超级学院”为情境,以“自我介绍”的形式,让学生对文中的三个孩子的个人信息进行复述,配以头饰和动作,让平淡的文本有了生机,让学生真正学以致用。】

Step 5 Sound time

T: Good, you help them join Super Kids Club. Thank you! After Fun time, we are going to Sound time. But first, take a look. What can Tom do?

S: He can play football.

T: Here are his four other brothers. They are very happy, because they are waiting for his father. What does his father have?

S: He has five footballs.

T: Here we have a chant. Father has five footballs for his five funny boys. Let’s read it.

S: Father has five footballs for his five funny boys.

T: Let’s listen to the tape. Try to follow it.

S: Father has five footballs for his five funny boys.

T: Can we chant like this? (教师可以让学生快读、慢读和击掌读)

S: Father has five footballs for his five funny boys.

T: You can chant. Can you read? Say the words together.

S: Afternoon. Breakfast. Family. Father. Football.

T: Now, look here, in all the words, they have the same letter “f ”. Right? It has the same pronunciation in all the words, it is pronounced/f/.Try to read it the words again.

S: Afternoon. Breakfast. Family. Father. Football.

T: Can you say more words with the letter “f ”? Think it over.

S: Fly/fall/fish/farmer/face/fork/feel/fun „

【设计意图:语音环节是教学中的一大难点,为避免食之无味,弃之可惜的尴尬局面,教师让学生自己感受单词的发音,并为句子配上节奏感十足的音乐,激发学生的学习动力,通过快读、慢读、击掌读等形式,为语音环节的学习增添乐趣。】 Step 6 Survey time

T: We finished the “Sound time”. At last, let’s go to the “Survey time”. What does it mean? I want to know what you can do. Look at the form. Let’s talk. For example: What's your name? Can you play football? Can you play basketball? Can you „.? Do you understand?

Step 1 Let’s do the survey in pairs. Can you „? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Step 2 Ask for information about others. Can he „? Can she „?

Step 3 I need you to report in groups of four. When the captain reports, the others do the action.


Homework 家庭作业

1. Read Fun time.

2. Sing the song and try to make a new one.

3. Discuss the results of the survey in groups and choose one to be the candidate for

“Super Star”.

第3课时 教案

Teaching contents 教学内容

Cartoon time, Checkout time & Ticking time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 在语境学习中进一步巩固运用句型Can you „? 、Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 、What can „ do? 、„ can „。

2. 能够在情景对话中,理解并正确使用can 和can ’t 。

3. 能够熟练运用动词run, jump, skate, swim, play basketball/football/table tennis等动词及短语。

4. 理解和运用fly, quack, tweet, can’t = cannot,并扩充词汇sing, dance。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

教学重点:1. 在语境学习中进一步巩固运用句型Can you „? 、Yes, I can./No, I

can ’t. 、What can „ do? 、„ can „。

2. 能够熟练运用动词run, jump, skate, swim, play

basketball/football/table tennis 等动词及短语。

教学难点:1. 能够在情景对话中,理解并正确使用can 和can ’t 。

2. 理解和运用fly, quack, tweet, can’t = cannot,并扩充sing, dance。

Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting & Revision

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, „

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you too.

2. Sing a song: I can skate and I can jump

T: Can you sing?

S: Yes, we can.

T: OK, let’s sing it together.


3. Free talk

T: Wow, you can sing the song very well. OK, boys and girls. You know you are all super kids in the Super Kids Club. Yes?

S: Yes.

T: Today, Super Kids Club has some goals for us. Take a look.

a. I can name some sports and activities.

b. I can understand the cartoon and act it out.

c. I can use “can ” and “can ’t ”.

d. I can recommend the Super Kid Star.

Can you get all the stars? We need to get at least 10 stars to be a good member. Are you ready for it?

S: Yes.


T: OK. Let’s move to the first step: I can name some sports and activities. Can you?

S: Play football. Play basketball „ (学生说出运动类的单词。)

T: Good, you know a lot about sports. Let’s play a game: Word Chain. Say the word one by one, when you say the word out, give the next one five and say “yeah ”.

T: Time’s up. Turn around and face me. How many stars can you get?


Step 2 Cartoon time

1. Show the second goal: I can understand the cartoon and act it out.

T: I know you can name some sports. Can you do the sports? Tell me, what can

you do? You can say I can.

S: I can play football/play basketball „

T: What can he do? (指着刚刚发言的男同学)

S: He can „

T: What can she do? (指着刚刚发言的一位女同学)

S: She can „

2. Presentation

T: (呈现Bobby) What can Bobby do? Guess!

S: He can „


S: Bobby can swim.

T: Can Bobby fly? (学习单词fly)

S: No, he can’t.

3. Read Cartoon time

(Tips: Eyes—to read carefully. Underline the sentences that show Bobby can’t fly.) T: How do you know that Bobby can’t fly? Open your books and turn to P27,

read the dialogue and find the sentences that show Bobby can’t fly. Use your pencil to underline them.

T: (呈现图片和句子Ouch! I can’t fly.。并教授这句话)

T: Look at poor Bobby. He’s black and blue. He’s so sad. (教授sad)


T: Bobby is so sad. What do you want to say to him?

S: Don’t worry./„

T: What does Sam say to him?

S: Don’t be sad, Bobby. I can’t fly either. (教师教授这句话)



4. Listen and repeat.

a. Try to read and dub. (跟读录音、齐读、分角色配音)

b. Set an example for students to act the cartoon. (师生示范表演)

c. Act it out in groups of four. (小组合作,表演对话)

(Tips: Mouth—to speak out. Try to imitate the tone and the intonation.) T: How many stars can you get?


Step 3 Checkout time

1. T: Great! You can do it very well.

Now, let’s move to the third goal: I can use “can ” and “can ’t ”. Are you ready?

Bobby can swim, but he can’t fly. What about this boy? Let’s listen to him. Oh, I can swim, swim, swim.

Oh, I can swim, swim, swim.

Oh, I can play table tennis and swim very well.

Oh, but I can’t play, play basketball and I can’t jump.

T: What can he do? And what can’t he do?

S: He can play table tennis and swim. He can’t play basketball or jump.

2. T: If you are the boy, what can you say? Please discuss in pairs.

I can play table tennis and swim, but I can’t play basketball and I can’t jump.

3. T: The boy can swim and play table tennis. But he can’t jump. He cannot play

basketball. Right? (板书 can ’t = cannot)

T: What about Helen, Su Yang, Liu Tao and Yang Ling? What can they do? And what can ’t they do? Let ’s open the book and take a look at P29. Do the exercises “Listen and judge”.

(Tips: Heart—to concentrate. Listen carefully and try to catch the information.)

5. (1) Check up in pairs first. Correct the wrong information. (核对答案,并纠错)

(2) Then check up in groups. (小组合作)

(3) Get the students to read the correct sentences.

T: How many stars can you get?


Step 4 Consolidation

1. Let’s take a look at the fourth goal: I can recommend the Star Kid.

2. Super Kids Sports Club is going to discuss and select the star kid. Show the six candidates from each group and explain the rules:

a. Discuss in groups of four and select one to be the candidate.

b. Every group member should take part in the discussion for at least one sentence. c. Do not say the name of the candidate.

For example: We recommend No.

She/He is nice/cool/clever/lovely/smart „

She/He can „ very well.

She/He can’t „ very well, but she/he can „

3. Group report. The others guess the name of the candidate.


Step 5 Summary

1. T: Great! You can do it very well. Let’s chant.

Model: Oh, I can play, play, play.

Oh, I can swim, swim, swim.

Oh, I can jump, jump, jump.

Oh, what can you do?

Oh, play, swim, jump, skate, run and fly.

Oh, what can you do? Yeah!

T: Can you change the lyrics.

2. T: How many stars can you get in total?

【设计意图:Summary 环节以儿歌形式将本节课的知识点进行了一个梳理,教师可以让学生改编歌词,变成学生感兴趣的形式,也为了再一次加深印象。】

Homework 家庭作业

1. Listen and read the story in Cartoon Time. Try to recite.

2. Try to make your own information cards in 3—5 sentences. Prepare for a super kids club show.

第4课时 教案

Teaching contents 教学内容


Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写basketball, football, jump, skate, swim, table tennis。

2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:Can you „/„? ,并且会用Yes, „ can./No, „ can ’t. 来回答。

3. 完成Checkout time。

4. 完成Ticking time的评价。

5. 完成补充习题和课课练的练习。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

教学重点:1. 完成Checkout time。

2. 完成Ticking time的评价。

3. 完成补充习题和课课练的练习。


Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting & Revision

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, „

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

2. Sing a song: I can skate and I can jump

T: Can you sing?

S: Yes, we can.

T: OK, let’s sing it together.

Sing a song: I can skate and I can jump

【设计意图:在课前先复习上节课所学的歌曲,创造良好的学习氛围。】 Step 2 Practice

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

S: Good morning/afternoon, „

T: Hello, „ How are you?

S: I’m „

T: How old are you?

S: I’m „/I’m „ years old.

T: I can „ What can you do?

S: I can „

T: Can you „ well?

S: Yes, I can. I can „ very well./No, I can’t.

T: Can xxx „?

S: Yes, he/she can./No, he/she can’t.

T: Please make dialogues with your partner.

【设计意图:学生之间进行对话练习,进一步掌握本单元的重点句型。】 Step 3 Production

T: Here I have a report. Which sports do you want to join? Let’s do a survey.

First, talk about your entry form in groups. You can say like this: My name is „ I can „ I can „, too. I can’t „; Then, ask your friends and write down. Finally, give us a report.


Step 4 Do the exercises

1. 补充习题

在听录音之前先让学生说说在图上能看到哪些内容,让学生学会观察题目。 部分题目也可以作为听写题,提高学生听说读写的语言综合运用能力。

2. 课课练


Homework 家庭作业

1. 完成练习,复习本单元字词句。

2. 预习Project 1。


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