








第八只狐狸企图从第一只狐狸那里偷、骗、或抢些葡萄过来,也得到了严厉的惩罚。 第九只狐狸因为得不到葡萄而气急攻心,蓬头垢面,口中还念念有词:“吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮”。



A time when the dog days of summer, a group of thirsty fox came under a grape trellis. A string of sparkling grape seductively swaying in the fox's head, greedy fox had saliva DC, mouth vine too.

The first fox jumped only a few still out of reach grapes. So he sent for a ladder from a nearby on the way, he had got what they wanted rewarding.

Second only to fox jumped many times, still will not find any grapes. He go around looking for tools, but not be found. Then he sneered and said:

The Third fox shouted:

4th foxes because the grapes out of reach all day long unhappy, Jiyu illness, finally died from his injuries.

5th foxes think:

Fox is not only the grapes on the sixth shouted abuse, were passers-by a stick and killed.

7th foxes have the

8th foxes foxes from the first where an attempt to steal, cheat, or grab some grapes over, has also been severely punished.

9th foxes because of lack of grapes and shortness of breath hearts and minds, unkempt, mouth still mutter prayers:

There are several fox came to a higher grape trellis, and through friendly consultations, they have used the method Zhai pyramids to the grapes, along with access to, the satisfaction of all.

This story is purely fictional, please unpleasant. Xue-fu five cars, Caigaobadou friend, you are willing to do what foxes do?









第八只狐狸企图从第一只狐狸那里偷、骗、或抢些葡萄过来,也得到了严厉的惩罚。 第九只狐狸因为得不到葡萄而气急攻心,蓬头垢面,口中还念念有词:“吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮”。



A time when the dog days of summer, a group of thirsty fox came under a grape trellis. A string of sparkling grape seductively swaying in the fox's head, greedy fox had saliva DC, mouth vine too.

The first fox jumped only a few still out of reach grapes. So he sent for a ladder from a nearby on the way, he had got what they wanted rewarding.

Second only to fox jumped many times, still will not find any grapes. He go around looking for tools, but not be found. Then he sneered and said:

The Third fox shouted:

4th foxes because the grapes out of reach all day long unhappy, Jiyu illness, finally died from his injuries.

5th foxes think:

Fox is not only the grapes on the sixth shouted abuse, were passers-by a stick and killed.

7th foxes have the

8th foxes foxes from the first where an attempt to steal, cheat, or grab some grapes over, has also been severely punished.

9th foxes because of lack of grapes and shortness of breath hearts and minds, unkempt, mouth still mutter prayers:

There are several fox came to a higher grape trellis, and through friendly consultations, they have used the method Zhai pyramids to the grapes, along with access to, the satisfaction of all.

This story is purely fictional, please unpleasant. Xue-fu five cars, Caigaobadou friend, you are willing to do what foxes do?


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