


__________有礼貌的、客气的__________工作努力的、辛勤的__________有用的、愿意帮忙的__________聪明的、聪颖的__________羞怯的、腼腆的、怕生的 know__________our __________ sometimes __________

robot__________ him__________speak __________ finish__________


science teacher __________ art teacher __________

head teacher __________ will be __________

speak Chinese __________ finish my homework __________


1、--Is he young? ____________________

--No, he isn’t. ____________________

2、--What’s she like? ____________________

--She’s kind. ____________________

3、-Who is your Chinese teacher?____________________

4、Do you know her?______________________________

5、He is very helpful at home. ____________________

6、Robin is short but strong.____________________


__________星期一__________ 星期二__________星期三

__________星期四__________ 星期五__________星期六

__________星期日__________ 周末__________ 一天、一日

__________洗我的衣服__________看电视__________做作业__________读书__________踢足球cooking __________ often __________ park __________ sport __________ every __________day __________


play ping pong __________ play football __________

listen to music __________ play the pipa __________

play sports __________ every day __________


1、--What do you have on Thursday? ____________________

--I have maths, English and music. ____________________

2、--Do you often read books in this park?


--No, I don’t. ____________________

3、Is it Monday? ____________________

4、What about you? ____________________

5、I have a cooking class with your grandma.





drink __________ thirsty__________favourite __________ food __________ onion__________


1、--what would you like to eat? ________________________

--A sandwich, please. ________________________

2、--What would you like to drink? ______________________

--I’d like some water. ________________________

3、--what’s your favourite food? ________________________

--Noodles. They’re delicious. ________________________

4、--What do you like?________________________

--I like apples.________________________


banana____________ pear ____________ apple ____________ sandwich ____________ potato ___________ tomato ____________ box ____________ glass ____________ dress ____________

class____________ photo ____________ zoo ____________

strawberry ____________ orange ____________ party ____________


____________ 画漫画 ____________打篮球____________打乒乓球


party ____________ next ____________ wonderful ____________

learn ____________ any ____________ problem ____________

want ____________send ____________


Draw pictures ____________ clean the classroom ____________

make a puppet/robot ____________ sing a birthday song____________


1、--What can you do for the party,children?


--I can sing English songs. ________________________

2、--Can you do any kung fu,John?________________________ --Yes,I can.________________________

3、--How about you? ________________________

4、He can’t play the erhu. ________________________

5、Do you want a new friend? ________________________


____________时钟____________植物____________水瓶____________自行车 ____________照片____________时刻、钟____________在…前面____________在…中间____________在(或向)…上面____________在旁边(附近)____________在…后面their ____________ house____________ lots of____________flower____________

move ____________ dirty____________ everywhere ____________

mouse ____________ live ____________ nature ____________


in the picture____________ on the desk____________ on the plate____________ so many ____________ an old house ____________ nature park ____________

near the door ____________ under the desk ____________

1、There is a big bed.____________________________________

2、There are so many pictures here. ____________________________________

3、You look cool!____________________________________

4、There is a tree in front of the house. ____________________________________

5、Where is the ball? ____________________________________

6、They’re my grandma’s pictures. ____________________________________


____________森林____________河、江____________湖泊____________高山、山岳____________山丘、小山____________树、树木、乔木____________桥 ____________建筑物、房子、楼房____________村庄、村镇____________房子 boating____________ go boating ____________rabbit ____________ high ___________


1、--Is there a river in the forest,Miss White?


--No,there isn’t. ____________________________________

2、--Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?


--No,there aren’t. ____________________________________


1. There are_____ pencils in my pencil box.

A. a B. an C. some

3. There are _____ new books for you.

A. a B. an C. two

4. There is _______ ruler on the desk.

A. a B. an C. some

5. There is ________apple on the desk.

A. a B. an C. three



__________有礼貌的、客气的__________工作努力的、辛勤的__________有用的、愿意帮忙的__________聪明的、聪颖的__________羞怯的、腼腆的、怕生的 know__________our __________ sometimes __________

robot__________ him__________speak __________ finish__________


science teacher __________ art teacher __________

head teacher __________ will be __________

speak Chinese __________ finish my homework __________


1、--Is he young? ____________________

--No, he isn’t. ____________________

2、--What’s she like? ____________________

--She’s kind. ____________________

3、-Who is your Chinese teacher?____________________

4、Do you know her?______________________________

5、He is very helpful at home. ____________________

6、Robin is short but strong.____________________


__________星期一__________ 星期二__________星期三

__________星期四__________ 星期五__________星期六

__________星期日__________ 周末__________ 一天、一日

__________洗我的衣服__________看电视__________做作业__________读书__________踢足球cooking __________ often __________ park __________ sport __________ every __________day __________


play ping pong __________ play football __________

listen to music __________ play the pipa __________

play sports __________ every day __________


1、--What do you have on Thursday? ____________________

--I have maths, English and music. ____________________

2、--Do you often read books in this park?


--No, I don’t. ____________________

3、Is it Monday? ____________________

4、What about you? ____________________

5、I have a cooking class with your grandma.





drink __________ thirsty__________favourite __________ food __________ onion__________


1、--what would you like to eat? ________________________

--A sandwich, please. ________________________

2、--What would you like to drink? ______________________

--I’d like some water. ________________________

3、--what’s your favourite food? ________________________

--Noodles. They’re delicious. ________________________

4、--What do you like?________________________

--I like apples.________________________


banana____________ pear ____________ apple ____________ sandwich ____________ potato ___________ tomato ____________ box ____________ glass ____________ dress ____________

class____________ photo ____________ zoo ____________

strawberry ____________ orange ____________ party ____________


____________ 画漫画 ____________打篮球____________打乒乓球


party ____________ next ____________ wonderful ____________

learn ____________ any ____________ problem ____________

want ____________send ____________


Draw pictures ____________ clean the classroom ____________

make a puppet/robot ____________ sing a birthday song____________


1、--What can you do for the party,children?


--I can sing English songs. ________________________

2、--Can you do any kung fu,John?________________________ --Yes,I can.________________________

3、--How about you? ________________________

4、He can’t play the erhu. ________________________

5、Do you want a new friend? ________________________


____________时钟____________植物____________水瓶____________自行车 ____________照片____________时刻、钟____________在…前面____________在…中间____________在(或向)…上面____________在旁边(附近)____________在…后面their ____________ house____________ lots of____________flower____________

move ____________ dirty____________ everywhere ____________

mouse ____________ live ____________ nature ____________


in the picture____________ on the desk____________ on the plate____________ so many ____________ an old house ____________ nature park ____________

near the door ____________ under the desk ____________

1、There is a big bed.____________________________________

2、There are so many pictures here. ____________________________________

3、You look cool!____________________________________

4、There is a tree in front of the house. ____________________________________

5、Where is the ball? ____________________________________

6、They’re my grandma’s pictures. ____________________________________


____________森林____________河、江____________湖泊____________高山、山岳____________山丘、小山____________树、树木、乔木____________桥 ____________建筑物、房子、楼房____________村庄、村镇____________房子 boating____________ go boating ____________rabbit ____________ high ___________


1、--Is there a river in the forest,Miss White?


--No,there isn’t. ____________________________________

2、--Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?


--No,there aren’t. ____________________________________


1. There are_____ pencils in my pencil box.

A. a B. an C. some

3. There are _____ new books for you.

A. a B. an C. two

4. There is _______ ruler on the desk.

A. a B. an C. some

5. There is ________apple on the desk.

A. a B. an C. three


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