

Hello, everyone! Please allow me to express a warm welcome on behalf of Shenyang citizens. I’m with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from now on I will show you around Shenyang Imperial Palace, where the founder of Qing Dynasty Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji lived.

Shenyang Imperial Palace, Fuling tomb and Zhaoling Tomb made in the early period of Qing Dynasty are the three famous historical sites in Shenyang. Shenyang Imperial Palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 and was roughly accomplished in 1636 during the reign of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had come back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. They were Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. Therefore, until 1783 the palace was finally finished. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the two royal palaces well kept in China. The other one is Forbidden City in Beijing. Shenyang Imperial Palace was entitled inistrative affairs in early Qing Dynasty and had witnessed many national ceremonies. Flying Dragon and Flying Phoenix Pavilions were for storing music instruments. Holy Administration Hall was Emperor Huangtaiji’s office. In front of the hall are Rigui and Jiangliang, which were used as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. In accident construction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area is in the rear.Since we have visited the place where the Emperors worked and now we’ll pay a visit to the place where empress and concubines lived. Here is the Phoenix Tower. It served as an entrance to the rear chambers and also the entertainment area of Huangtaiji and his concubines, and some gatherings or banquets were held occasionally. The tower was built on a terrace 3.8 meters tall. It was the tallest building in Shenyang at that time .It is amazing watching sunrise in the morning on the tower and Phoenix Sunrise is one of the famous Eight fascinating Scenes in Shenyang. Look upward, we will see a board hanging up on Phoenix Tower ,on which Emperor Qianlong inscribed Zhuang was the wisest and the mother of the next emperor, Fulin. Therefore, she had a special status among the concubines. The only chimney was built on the rear of Purity and Tranquility hall from the ground with 11 layers, representing the 11 emperors from Emperor Huangtaiji to the last emperor Puyi. This chimney was the highest one at that time. In Chinese, the sound of chimney watching plays. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the cultural relics in China and it is the symbol of this city. It is a good combination of different nationalities as well as a tourist attraction.And now we have to end our visiting, I hope you all enjoy it and thank you for your cooperation, goodbye.


Hello, everyone! Please allow me to express a warm welcome on behalf of Shenyang citizens. I’m with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from now on I will show you around Shenyang Imperial Palace, where the founder of Qing Dynasty Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji lived.

Shenyang Imperial Palace, Fuling tomb and Zhaoling Tomb made in the early period of Qing Dynasty are the three famous historical sites in Shenyang. Shenyang Imperial Palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 and was roughly accomplished in 1636 during the reign of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had come back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. They were Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. Therefore, until 1783 the palace was finally finished. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the two royal palaces well kept in China. The other one is Forbidden City in Beijing. Shenyang Imperial Palace was entitled inistrative affairs in early Qing Dynasty and had witnessed many national ceremonies. Flying Dragon and Flying Phoenix Pavilions were for storing music instruments. Holy Administration Hall was Emperor Huangtaiji’s office. In front of the hall are Rigui and Jiangliang, which were used as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. In accident construction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area is in the rear.Since we have visited the place where the Emperors worked and now we’ll pay a visit to the place where empress and concubines lived. Here is the Phoenix Tower. It served as an entrance to the rear chambers and also the entertainment area of Huangtaiji and his concubines, and some gatherings or banquets were held occasionally. The tower was built on a terrace 3.8 meters tall. It was the tallest building in Shenyang at that time .It is amazing watching sunrise in the morning on the tower and Phoenix Sunrise is one of the famous Eight fascinating Scenes in Shenyang. Look upward, we will see a board hanging up on Phoenix Tower ,on which Emperor Qianlong inscribed Zhuang was the wisest and the mother of the next emperor, Fulin. Therefore, she had a special status among the concubines. The only chimney was built on the rear of Purity and Tranquility hall from the ground with 11 layers, representing the 11 emperors from Emperor Huangtaiji to the last emperor Puyi. This chimney was the highest one at that time. In Chinese, the sound of chimney watching plays. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the cultural relics in China and it is the symbol of this city. It is a good combination of different nationalities as well as a tourist attraction.And now we have to end our visiting, I hope you all enjoy it and thank you for your cooperation, goodbye.


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