

中国科学技术大学商学院MPA 系列教材《MPA&MBA研究生英语教程》,由陶伟老师编著,中国科学技术大学出版社出版。





P 18 . Assignment 1.


Use one or two examples in your work or life to illustrate how outlook affects performance. 用工作、生活中的一、两个例子,阐述‘观念如何影响行为/表现’。

【Possible Version One】

Don ’t worry about failing.


For a lot of people, the word “failure ” carries with it a feeling of coming to an end, but for the successful ones, who would always look on the bright side with reason, failure is just a beginning, a seed of hope.


One leader at work said to me once, “a mistake is just another way of doing things. If I have a secret of leadership, it is to make as many mistakes as quickly I can in order to learn.” Then, he recalled Harry Truman’s famous saying: “Whenever I make a bad decision, I just go out and make another one. ”

我单位的一位领导曾这样对我说:“犯错误,只是做事的另一种方式而已。如我说我有什么领导秘诀的话,那就是尽快地多犯错误,以便尽早吸取教训。”他还引用了哈里. 杜鲁门的一句名言:“我每次做出糟糕的决策后,一定会尽快走出来,另寻新策”

The lesson here, understood by these optimists, is that failure equals learning. While we can’t say that they exactly welcome failure, they are uniform in their ability to profit from it. They use the healthy energy coming from failure to reach higher goals. Almost every “false step ” is regarded as an opportunity and not as the end of the world.



【Possible Version Two】

Never give up.


Ray Lee, my high school football team leader, is one of the most positive, ‘up ’ people I’ve ever seen in my life and the person whom I admire deeply in my heart.


That was our final match in the regular season. Our opponent was the defending champion. At the beginning of the match, our team gained the upper hand, the first goal, and everyone was so excited. However, we lost our strength and suffered a disastrous decline ever since, while the defending champion had a sequence of three goals. Incredibly, Ray’s response was full of

confidence: “Great! We are here to win. Now let’s focus on winning, rather than on not losing. ” 那是我们那个常规赛季的总决赛,我们的对手是上届卫冕冠军。刚开场那会儿,我们队占着上风,首先进了一球,每个人都兴奋极了。但从那开始,我们逐渐失势,随着对手连进三球,我们的士气一落千丈。不可思议的,雷却信心十足:“好极了!我们是为了胜利而来的。现在,全力以赴来打赢比赛,别一心想着怎么不输球。”

That ’s Ray. He always shows a spirit of working towards positive goals, pouring his energy into the task, even the circumstances seemed a dead end, and never looking behind and making excuses for outside forces.


We won the match.


As people often say, “Attitude decides everything. A good attitude is a prerequisite leading us to the final success.



【Possible Version Three】

Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way.


Where there is a will, there is a way. This statement means that if you’re really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will eventually find a way to do it well. The important point is that you must have the will to achieve success.


On many occasions, people tend to exaggerate every minute obstacle, making the objective impossible to attain. I myself used to be like this. Easily got upset and frustrated when there was something unexpected. Easily tended to gave up when there was something seemed difficult. Lucky me, my parents corrected my behavior just in time and prevented me from making a bad habit of giving up halfway.


In reality, if we have the will to succeed, we can get rid of the obstacles and can achieve our goals. Many a famous man has the same experience. They have attained their status because they have had the will to overcome apparently insuperable obstacles.


“Carve but give up halfway, even a decayed piece of wood will not break; carve without stop, even metal and stone can be engraved. “ From this, we can see that the main thing which one needs is a strong will. Weak-willed people never climb to the top. They crumble at the slightest use of force against them. Strong-willed people, on the other hand, will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed ultimately.



【Possible Version Four】

Keeping Optimistic.


Facing difficulties, different people take different attitudes. Keeping optimistic can bring us confidence as well as hope to overcome various difficulties in life, which is sure to result in success.


Take my experience for example. In junior middle school, I didn’t have a good command in

English, and I made little progress though I had devoted all my spare time to it. So desperate was I that I really wanted to give up. Thanks to my teacher, he encouraged me never accept difficulties in a passive way, but rather draw strength from them. As a result, I worked even harder than ever before. To my pride, my effort finally paid off and I caught up with my

classmates by the end of the term .It was optimism as well as my endless effort that led me to success.


To sum up briefly, keeping optimistic plays an important role in our life and will bring us a

successful life. From my experience, I draw a conclusion that as teenagers of 21st century, we are able to overcome any problem to fulfill our ambition on condition that we can remain optimistic. ( we can face it with a positive and optimistic attitude. )




Nowadays, we are living in a modern society with pressure and challenges. Under such

competitive circumstances there’s no doubt that optimism/keeping optimistic does benefit us a lot both physically and psychologically. It’s optimism that provides us with more courage to deal with the hardship in our studies and get through the hard time. With optimism, it’s easier for us to get along with others, which will make our life more enjoyable.


【Possible Version Five】

A Way of Seeing.


“You ’ve way changed. Before we were married, you were a caring man, ” my wife shouted at me once in a quarrel. “Since we’ve been married, you’ve become a couch potato and watches ball games more than watches me! ” “Very funny, ”I responded, “When we got married, you were beautiful. But now? Have you looked at yourself lately? I’m not the only one who have changed. ” “你变了。结婚前,你温柔体贴;自从结婚后,你就在沙发上生根了,看球赛比看我的时间还多!”一次吵架时,我老婆这般冲我吼到。“笑死人了”我回嘴,“刚结婚那会你美丽动人。现在呢?你最近照过镜子吗?变得又不是我一个。”

My father said to me after he knew that fight , “This hurtful, infantile argument illustrates that you two, instead of loving each other, were looking for flaws. The secret of lasting love is a way of looking. How we see our partners often depends more on how we are than how they are. Husbands and wives are not audience, but participant observers in each other’s life. Grow up, start loving. Don’t try to win in your marriage, win for your marriage.”


After this conversation, I finally got the old saying:” This law of lasting love instructs us to look with instead of for love. ” Now, my wife and I are living a happy, harmonious life.




中国科学技术大学商学院MPA 系列教材《MPA&MBA研究生英语教程》,由陶伟老师编著,中国科学技术大学出版社出版。





P 18 . Assignment 1.


Use one or two examples in your work or life to illustrate how outlook affects performance. 用工作、生活中的一、两个例子,阐述‘观念如何影响行为/表现’。

【Possible Version One】

Don ’t worry about failing.


For a lot of people, the word “failure ” carries with it a feeling of coming to an end, but for the successful ones, who would always look on the bright side with reason, failure is just a beginning, a seed of hope.


One leader at work said to me once, “a mistake is just another way of doing things. If I have a secret of leadership, it is to make as many mistakes as quickly I can in order to learn.” Then, he recalled Harry Truman’s famous saying: “Whenever I make a bad decision, I just go out and make another one. ”

我单位的一位领导曾这样对我说:“犯错误,只是做事的另一种方式而已。如我说我有什么领导秘诀的话,那就是尽快地多犯错误,以便尽早吸取教训。”他还引用了哈里. 杜鲁门的一句名言:“我每次做出糟糕的决策后,一定会尽快走出来,另寻新策”

The lesson here, understood by these optimists, is that failure equals learning. While we can’t say that they exactly welcome failure, they are uniform in their ability to profit from it. They use the healthy energy coming from failure to reach higher goals. Almost every “false step ” is regarded as an opportunity and not as the end of the world.



【Possible Version Two】

Never give up.


Ray Lee, my high school football team leader, is one of the most positive, ‘up ’ people I’ve ever seen in my life and the person whom I admire deeply in my heart.


That was our final match in the regular season. Our opponent was the defending champion. At the beginning of the match, our team gained the upper hand, the first goal, and everyone was so excited. However, we lost our strength and suffered a disastrous decline ever since, while the defending champion had a sequence of three goals. Incredibly, Ray’s response was full of

confidence: “Great! We are here to win. Now let’s focus on winning, rather than on not losing. ” 那是我们那个常规赛季的总决赛,我们的对手是上届卫冕冠军。刚开场那会儿,我们队占着上风,首先进了一球,每个人都兴奋极了。但从那开始,我们逐渐失势,随着对手连进三球,我们的士气一落千丈。不可思议的,雷却信心十足:“好极了!我们是为了胜利而来的。现在,全力以赴来打赢比赛,别一心想着怎么不输球。”

That ’s Ray. He always shows a spirit of working towards positive goals, pouring his energy into the task, even the circumstances seemed a dead end, and never looking behind and making excuses for outside forces.


We won the match.


As people often say, “Attitude decides everything. A good attitude is a prerequisite leading us to the final success.



【Possible Version Three】

Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way.


Where there is a will, there is a way. This statement means that if you’re really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will eventually find a way to do it well. The important point is that you must have the will to achieve success.


On many occasions, people tend to exaggerate every minute obstacle, making the objective impossible to attain. I myself used to be like this. Easily got upset and frustrated when there was something unexpected. Easily tended to gave up when there was something seemed difficult. Lucky me, my parents corrected my behavior just in time and prevented me from making a bad habit of giving up halfway.


In reality, if we have the will to succeed, we can get rid of the obstacles and can achieve our goals. Many a famous man has the same experience. They have attained their status because they have had the will to overcome apparently insuperable obstacles.


“Carve but give up halfway, even a decayed piece of wood will not break; carve without stop, even metal and stone can be engraved. “ From this, we can see that the main thing which one needs is a strong will. Weak-willed people never climb to the top. They crumble at the slightest use of force against them. Strong-willed people, on the other hand, will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed ultimately.



【Possible Version Four】

Keeping Optimistic.


Facing difficulties, different people take different attitudes. Keeping optimistic can bring us confidence as well as hope to overcome various difficulties in life, which is sure to result in success.


Take my experience for example. In junior middle school, I didn’t have a good command in

English, and I made little progress though I had devoted all my spare time to it. So desperate was I that I really wanted to give up. Thanks to my teacher, he encouraged me never accept difficulties in a passive way, but rather draw strength from them. As a result, I worked even harder than ever before. To my pride, my effort finally paid off and I caught up with my

classmates by the end of the term .It was optimism as well as my endless effort that led me to success.


To sum up briefly, keeping optimistic plays an important role in our life and will bring us a

successful life. From my experience, I draw a conclusion that as teenagers of 21st century, we are able to overcome any problem to fulfill our ambition on condition that we can remain optimistic. ( we can face it with a positive and optimistic attitude. )




Nowadays, we are living in a modern society with pressure and challenges. Under such

competitive circumstances there’s no doubt that optimism/keeping optimistic does benefit us a lot both physically and psychologically. It’s optimism that provides us with more courage to deal with the hardship in our studies and get through the hard time. With optimism, it’s easier for us to get along with others, which will make our life more enjoyable.


【Possible Version Five】

A Way of Seeing.


“You ’ve way changed. Before we were married, you were a caring man, ” my wife shouted at me once in a quarrel. “Since we’ve been married, you’ve become a couch potato and watches ball games more than watches me! ” “Very funny, ”I responded, “When we got married, you were beautiful. But now? Have you looked at yourself lately? I’m not the only one who have changed. ” “你变了。结婚前,你温柔体贴;自从结婚后,你就在沙发上生根了,看球赛比看我的时间还多!”一次吵架时,我老婆这般冲我吼到。“笑死人了”我回嘴,“刚结婚那会你美丽动人。现在呢?你最近照过镜子吗?变得又不是我一个。”

My father said to me after he knew that fight , “This hurtful, infantile argument illustrates that you two, instead of loving each other, were looking for flaws. The secret of lasting love is a way of looking. How we see our partners often depends more on how we are than how they are. Husbands and wives are not audience, but participant observers in each other’s life. Grow up, start loving. Don’t try to win in your marriage, win for your marriage.”


After this conversation, I finally got the old saying:” This law of lasting love instructs us to look with instead of for love. ” Now, my wife and I are living a happy, harmonious life.




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