

Abstract:The main factors affecfing the heat transfer end difference of a condenser were analyzed as well as the relations among them.Some related expressions and concepts which are difficult to understand were explaind.Calculations were conducted using relevant parameters of units with different capacity to further prove the correctness of fhe analyzing method and the result using actual engineering data.The result is not only suitable for analyzing the heat transfer end difference of the condenser,but also suitable to other heat exchangers.It put forward some reasons for high end difference of stram condenser and corresponding measures according to the practical conditions in Wanneng Tongling Power.In addition,it gave a detailed analysis about the effects of these measures and economic efficiency resulting from it.

Key words:condenser;heat transfer end difference;calculation;analysis;corresponding measure



Abstract:The main factors affecfing the heat transfer end difference of a condenser were analyzed as well as the relations among them.Some related expressions and concepts which are difficult to understand were explaind.Calculations were conducted using relevant parameters of units with different capacity to further prove the correctness of fhe analyzing method and the result using actual engineering data.The result is not only suitable for analyzing the heat transfer end difference of the condenser,but also suitable to other heat exchangers.It put forward some reasons for high end difference of stram condenser and corresponding measures according to the practical conditions in Wanneng Tongling Power.In addition,it gave a detailed analysis about the effects of these measures and economic efficiency resulting from it.

Key words:condenser;heat transfer end difference;calculation;analysis;corresponding measure



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