


1. 反意问句是由两部分组成的,前一部分是对事物的陈述,后一部分是简短的提问。

2. 结构为:前面是肯定陈述句,后边加简略问句的否定式;例如:You want to get you TV set back , didn't you ?前面是否定陈述句,后边加简略问句的肯定式;例如:Tom's parents don't speak German , do they ?

3. 简略问句的主语用人称代词而不用名词,并要和陈述句的主语保持一致,同时前后两部分的助动词、情态动词或者动词在人称、数、时态上要保持一致。否定疑问句中的not 要用缩写形式。

4. 朗读时,陈述部分用降调,后边用升调。但是,如果提问者陈述部分把握较大时,后边用降调;反之,则用升调。

5. 对反意问句的回答,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就用yes 回答;事实是否定的,就用no 来回答。但是翻译成中文时,有时,意义不同,要特别注意。例如: Bill studies very hard , doesn't he ?

Yes , he does . (是的,他很努力。)

No, he doesn't . (不,他不努力。)

Bill doesn't study very hard , does he ?

Yes , he does .(不,他很努力。)

No, he doesn't . (是的,他不努力。)

6. 注意:

1 当句中含有表示否定意义的词:hardly , seldom , no , neither , little , few , ○

nobody , nowhere , too... to ... 等, 附加问句应用肯定形式。如:

She seldom speaks to him , does she ?

He can hardly stand , can he ?

He is too young to join the army , is he ?

He did nothing that day , did he ?

但是要注意的是,如果句中有:useless , unhappy , dislike , impolite 等,由某个加了前缀或后缀的词,尽管本身也有否定意义,但它们不构成否定句。如:

He is a useless man , isn't he ?

2“I think (believe , guess , hope , suppose , feel 等)/I am sure (afraid 等)○

作主语+ 宾语从句”的反意疑问句,这种反意疑问句是针对宾语从句提问的,所以,附加疑问句应该同宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致。如:

I don't think he is a gook worker , is he ?

I don't believe he can find her nowhere , can he ?

I am sure he was wrong , wasn't he ?

但是, 当主句的主语不是I 时,附加问句的主谓语同主句的主谓语应一致。如: Your brother think you can do the job well , doesn't he ?

He believed you had seen him before , didn't he ?

3祈使句的反意疑问句 ○

祈使句的反意疑问句多用 will you ? 或 won't you ? 如:

Have a little more tea , will you ?/won't you ?

当祈使句含有“能够”的含义时,附加问句可用can't you ? 或 can you ? Jump over the wall , can you ?/can't you ?

Let' ... 引导的祈使句,表示提出建议,包括对方,即“让 我们......”时,附加问句一般用 shallwe?例如:Let's go to the island , shall we ?

表示请示,其意思不包括对方,即“你让我们......”,附加问句用“will you?” 例如:Let us have a look at your photos , will you ?

4陈述部分的主语是everything ,nothing , this , that 或不定式(短语),动名词(短○

语), 从句时,反意疑问句的主语要用it . 如:

Nothing can be done now , isn't it ?

That is an easy question , isn't it ?

Getting up early is good habit , isn't it ?

但是,主语是these , those 时, 其附加疑问句部分的主语是they 。

5陈述句主语是someone , everyone , anyone , everybody , somebody , no one 时, ○

反意疑问句的主语通常用be (但在非正式文体中也可用they); 陈述句的主语是none 时, 反意疑问句的主语通常用they 。如:

Everyone likes the book , doesn't he?/ don't they ?

另外, 注意neither ...nor... 反意问句的用法:

Neither you nor I like the book , do we ?

Neither you nor he likes the book , do you ?

二、 完成下列反意疑问句:

1.Everything is ready , ? 2.Somebody came here just now , ? 3.This isn't your book , ? 4.There aren't ten boys here , ? 5.I'm a student , ? 6.He was really unhappy , ? 7.He has a nice picture , ? 8.He had breakfast at seven o'clock , ? 9.I must do it , ? 10.He is at the cinema now , ? 11.She had to go there , ? 12.You had better go home , ? 13.There is little water in the glass , ? 14.Listen to me carefully , ? 15.Don't look out of the window , ? 16.Let's go the park , ? 17.Let us look at your new book , ?

18.She thinks you are right , ? 19.I don't think you are right , ? 20.Learning English well is hard , ? 21.He is going to the football match , ? 22.Liu Ying does well in English , ? 23.She hasn't got a ticket for the examination , ? 24.There was a picture on the wall last term , ? 25.Xiao Li had made good progress , ? 26.The plane leaves at ten , ? 27.I'm late , ? 28.Nobody is waiting for you , ? 29.This is a lovely city , ? 30.Lend me your bike, ? 31.You have no lessons on Saturday afternoon , ? 32.Our city has changed a lot since 1978, ? 33.He doesn't talk much , ? 34.There is a ball in his hand , ? 35.They were singing when you got there , ? 36.Mike will be late for school today , ? 37.They were going to be teachers in the future , ? 38.He's never been to the Great Wall , ? 39.There were few people in this place hundreds of years ago, ? 40.There is little ink in the pen , ? 41.Let's have a rest , ? 42.I think he will come soon , ? 43.Pass me that book , ?

44.Tom didn't go to the park yesterday , did he ?(肯定回答并翻译)

45.Lucy is a Chinese girl , isn't she ?(否定回答并翻译)



1. 反意问句是由两部分组成的,前一部分是对事物的陈述,后一部分是简短的提问。

2. 结构为:前面是肯定陈述句,后边加简略问句的否定式;例如:You want to get you TV set back , didn't you ?前面是否定陈述句,后边加简略问句的肯定式;例如:Tom's parents don't speak German , do they ?

3. 简略问句的主语用人称代词而不用名词,并要和陈述句的主语保持一致,同时前后两部分的助动词、情态动词或者动词在人称、数、时态上要保持一致。否定疑问句中的not 要用缩写形式。

4. 朗读时,陈述部分用降调,后边用升调。但是,如果提问者陈述部分把握较大时,后边用降调;反之,则用升调。

5. 对反意问句的回答,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就用yes 回答;事实是否定的,就用no 来回答。但是翻译成中文时,有时,意义不同,要特别注意。例如: Bill studies very hard , doesn't he ?

Yes , he does . (是的,他很努力。)

No, he doesn't . (不,他不努力。)

Bill doesn't study very hard , does he ?

Yes , he does .(不,他很努力。)

No, he doesn't . (是的,他不努力。)

6. 注意:

1 当句中含有表示否定意义的词:hardly , seldom , no , neither , little , few , ○

nobody , nowhere , too... to ... 等, 附加问句应用肯定形式。如:

She seldom speaks to him , does she ?

He can hardly stand , can he ?

He is too young to join the army , is he ?

He did nothing that day , did he ?

但是要注意的是,如果句中有:useless , unhappy , dislike , impolite 等,由某个加了前缀或后缀的词,尽管本身也有否定意义,但它们不构成否定句。如:

He is a useless man , isn't he ?

2“I think (believe , guess , hope , suppose , feel 等)/I am sure (afraid 等)○

作主语+ 宾语从句”的反意疑问句,这种反意疑问句是针对宾语从句提问的,所以,附加疑问句应该同宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致。如:

I don't think he is a gook worker , is he ?

I don't believe he can find her nowhere , can he ?

I am sure he was wrong , wasn't he ?

但是, 当主句的主语不是I 时,附加问句的主谓语同主句的主谓语应一致。如: Your brother think you can do the job well , doesn't he ?

He believed you had seen him before , didn't he ?

3祈使句的反意疑问句 ○

祈使句的反意疑问句多用 will you ? 或 won't you ? 如:

Have a little more tea , will you ?/won't you ?

当祈使句含有“能够”的含义时,附加问句可用can't you ? 或 can you ? Jump over the wall , can you ?/can't you ?

Let' ... 引导的祈使句,表示提出建议,包括对方,即“让 我们......”时,附加问句一般用 shallwe?例如:Let's go to the island , shall we ?

表示请示,其意思不包括对方,即“你让我们......”,附加问句用“will you?” 例如:Let us have a look at your photos , will you ?

4陈述部分的主语是everything ,nothing , this , that 或不定式(短语),动名词(短○

语), 从句时,反意疑问句的主语要用it . 如:

Nothing can be done now , isn't it ?

That is an easy question , isn't it ?

Getting up early is good habit , isn't it ?

但是,主语是these , those 时, 其附加疑问句部分的主语是they 。

5陈述句主语是someone , everyone , anyone , everybody , somebody , no one 时, ○

反意疑问句的主语通常用be (但在非正式文体中也可用they); 陈述句的主语是none 时, 反意疑问句的主语通常用they 。如:

Everyone likes the book , doesn't he?/ don't they ?

另外, 注意neither ...nor... 反意问句的用法:

Neither you nor I like the book , do we ?

Neither you nor he likes the book , do you ?

二、 完成下列反意疑问句:

1.Everything is ready , ? 2.Somebody came here just now , ? 3.This isn't your book , ? 4.There aren't ten boys here , ? 5.I'm a student , ? 6.He was really unhappy , ? 7.He has a nice picture , ? 8.He had breakfast at seven o'clock , ? 9.I must do it , ? 10.He is at the cinema now , ? 11.She had to go there , ? 12.You had better go home , ? 13.There is little water in the glass , ? 14.Listen to me carefully , ? 15.Don't look out of the window , ? 16.Let's go the park , ? 17.Let us look at your new book , ?

18.She thinks you are right , ? 19.I don't think you are right , ? 20.Learning English well is hard , ? 21.He is going to the football match , ? 22.Liu Ying does well in English , ? 23.She hasn't got a ticket for the examination , ? 24.There was a picture on the wall last term , ? 25.Xiao Li had made good progress , ? 26.The plane leaves at ten , ? 27.I'm late , ? 28.Nobody is waiting for you , ? 29.This is a lovely city , ? 30.Lend me your bike, ? 31.You have no lessons on Saturday afternoon , ? 32.Our city has changed a lot since 1978, ? 33.He doesn't talk much , ? 34.There is a ball in his hand , ? 35.They were singing when you got there , ? 36.Mike will be late for school today , ? 37.They were going to be teachers in the future , ? 38.He's never been to the Great Wall , ? 39.There were few people in this place hundreds of years ago, ? 40.There is little ink in the pen , ? 41.Let's have a rest , ? 42.I think he will come soon , ? 43.Pass me that book , ?

44.Tom didn't go to the park yesterday , did he ?(肯定回答并翻译)

45.Lucy is a Chinese girl , isn't she ?(否定回答并翻译)


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