
小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:气质女生与世界先生

I turned the wardrobe upside down, and the flowers filled the bed.

Li Xie Yufan sitting cross-legged in front of the computer game, on the melon seeds eyelid also do not look up, a long time to spit out a sentence, " people, you know it," he finished, continue with the mouse, the mouth of sunflower seeds spit into my skirt. I sniffed from the nose, who wanted to care for the little man who ate the melon seeds.

Half an hour later, I chose a small embroidered sling, a cowboy hot pants, and Escape the Ape posing in front of the mirror. Xie Yufan finally stood up, he pulled a coat from the wardrobe, hit me on me, " sister hibiscus, who also see you?" ? It's better to be wrapped up. I don't think I'm going to be red. ”

" why don't you say I'm better than sister lotus? " I was angry and ashamed.

" this is what you say," Xie Yufan stretch. " there is something wrong with the student union. I go first. " of course, he won't forget to pack the rest of the melon

seeds before leaving.

I look at the back of Xie Yufan, there is a little melancholy, this is more than I drag the person, is my pursuer. The suitor must come to see me every weekend, rain or shine, of course, he comes to scratch free online, and my snacks after search, even pack instant noodles to wipe.

He would also say sweet words, for example, flattering me like sister lotus.

So, he after me for half a year, we still - bachelor two.

A dinner for the ladies and gentlemen of the world

School " temperament girl selection," I cut the way into the final. Xie Yufan looked at me with an incredible view, " Li Rufei, did not all the girls in our school sign up?" ? ”

I had to take time to stare at him with my head, and then paint it with his hand, and Xie Yufan pushed the pudding and the little bread to me. I eat one side oblique look at the menu, Xie Yufan miser Pulling Hair, such a thousand years of opportunity, how can I miss.

The brain whirled, my electricity, my keyboard wear, my potato chips my chocolate my Ukrainian cherry, and my instant noodles. Until I feel almost ready to eat, I straighten up, wipe my mouth gracefully, and I said, " can you want another Italian?" ? ”

Originally with sweat preparing to pay the price of the Xie Yufan like an electric shock to look up, a moment before the mechanical point of nod. When I was happy to eat, he looked at me anxiously: " are you possessed by something?" ? Are you sure you're eating? ”

Noodles to eat half, Xie Yufan to go to the toilet, but until I ate the noodles, finally wipe the dishes clean, he did not come back. It's over. he's not running.

I said to his family in my heart, but took out my purse, I saw my electricity, my chocolate, my beautiful clothes, shoes are flying from my eyes to the past, to disappear in the horizon, a big hand suddenly appeared, and brushoff off some RMB.

Looking up, Xie Yufan was paying to look straight at the plate in front of me, he said; " the plate is afraid to be clean enough to be a mirror. ”

I walked slowly and slowly with my stomach back to the school, along the side

of the exhibition board, I put a lot of fine art, but also very use lame arguments writing the life motto.

I proudly ran to the side of the exhibition board, posing with a photo of the pose, dimple like a flower. I said, " I'm contestant no 7! " voice just fell, I couldn't have da a loud burp.

Xie Yufan laughed, and even Hyperbole to the ground, he said in a prophetic tone: " miss Li Rufei, if you choose temperament girls, I can be elected Mr world!" ! ”

Fat sister and street dance do not wear day

I was acquainted with Xie Yufan at the students' union, and I had long hair. At a party, Xie Yufan was drunk and threatened to chase me. The next day, I quit the student union and cut short hair to join the street dance association.

In fact, there is no inevitable connection between the two things, learning street dance is my dream, but the time is wrong, my departure made him lose face and made a laughingstock, so he held a grudge against me and began to torment me under the guise of chasing me.

Ready to prepare the final, the Xie Yufan is very good to me, to help me search the large number of street dance dishes, cold and warm, and three days and two invited me to eat.

I suspect a heavy meal, " is it toxic?" ? ”

Xie Yufan mouth of the tea spray out, he wipe his mouth and shoot my head, " you can rest assured, just hope that you will not forget the younger brother. ". ”

After that, the assiduous CLIP held a large piece of fat in my bowl.

It was not until a second before the game that I understood the sinister intention of Xie Yufan, who deliberately wanted to fatten me.

I wear tights, and feel the fat I come out of my waist. how can I get Li Rufei. Even with love handles, I can jump the street dance!

When I was full of confidence, in the background rubbing fists, Guo Mei passed by me, she was wearing a Hanfu! Holding a pipa expression quietly on the stage, the lights on her white face, she slightly low head, the fingers flowing out of the sounds of nature.

I lay down in the background, I saw the audience in the auditorium of Xie Yufan, he wore eye-catching red t - shirt, opened eyes, saliva flow one place.

Turn your head and look at yourself in the mirror. it's like a yanki. Xie Yufan is right. if I can choose the temperament, he can be the world, sir.

The performance was the street dance that I practiced for a long time, and when the music rang, the old self - esteem faded. I stood in the middle of the stage, with the music began to dance, a head roll, my eyes unconsciously fell on the seat of Xie Yufan, he disappeared. And the entrance of the auditorium, he was holding a bouquet of roses and Guo Mei left.

Right foot Heavy, I fell to the ground. Suddenly there was a Xie Yufan face in my mind. after that dinner, a storm, he gave me the umbrella, I went back crazy, I was carried away by the heavy rain, shouting at him: " Xie Yufan, if I got the first, I will be your girlfriend!" ! ”

Xie Yufan looked back big mouth, at that moment I saw his facial expression as a surprise, now want to come, it was panic.

And now, even if I complete this song, a lot of things, and finally can't. Loud music, cheers to stop, hot lights hit me, my tears are nowhere to hide.

The last but also the first

Temperament girl's laurel leaves no suspense on the Guo Meitou, I have only a Xiao Xiao consolation prize.

It is said that when accepting the prize, I was absent with Guo Meidou, I because of sprained my ankle, as for Guo Mei, the reason is unknown. Disappearing at the same time, and Xie Yufan.

The third day of the disappearance of Xie Yufan, my computer crashed, and I finally got the chance to call him grand. I think half a day, I should first let him lose my computer, or first to congratulate him have a lover to get married.

Zhang Xie Yufan likes the music talented girl Zhang Guo Mei, is I entered the school to know the first gossip, this with my hair scissors to learn the street dance has the inevitable link. Because he once said, I have long hair like Guo Mei. He also said that he likes talented women.

Hip-hop is not talented; Is the only skill that I can have.

I called countless times, all down.

Gloomily down the stairs to buy pots of rice, the exhibition of the game was not yet scattered, but when did it come to the dormitory? Looking back, I immediately get a ray of tender coke, is my exhibition, and the person PS a boy on the edge, and the boy is - Xie Yufan!

" Li Rufei, what are you looking at? " the evaporation took a few days, and the Xie Yufan burst out.

I screamed at the exhibition, but I was not tall enough, no matter what the shape, I could not hide behind the portrait of men and women. Looking at the Xie Yufan smile meaning deep, I hurriedly hand, " not what I do! ”

" I know it's not what you did. He blinked, " I did it. ”

" what are you so boring? ”

" I came to apologize, Guo meimei's mother is very serious, I accompany her to go back to aunt, I was a child, aunt was very good to me. " Xie Yufan did not smile again, he solemnly took a bunch of flowers from behind," sorry, did not see your performance, did not have time to give you flowers. ”

In the sunlight, rose petals are transparent and warm, I finally reached out my hand. Just touched the flower, Xie Yufan began to remind me, " you should not forget what you said?" ? You speak first place, be my girlfriend. ”

" I don't have the first. " I said, and tried to escape.

" the first and the first is the first one! " Xie Yufan smiled a little Rogue, he blocked in front of me, stretched out his hand to clap my head, my short hair was in his hand, I didn't speak, and no plan to escape, I approached him, clapped his hands on his shoulder, and then solemnly nodded.

I don't have beautiful long hair, nor beautiful dance, but this moment, I feel that I am surprised.

Because on the ground, my shadow, there is the companion of another shadow. From this perspective, we look like hugs.



半个小时后,我选了一件刺绣小吊带,牛仔热裤,在镜子面前蹦蹦跳跳地摆着POSE 。谢雨帆终于站了起来,他从衣柜里扯出一件大衣,砸在我身上,“有芙蓉姐姐露了,谁还看你?不如包个严实的,指不定就红了。”

“你说我不如芙蓉姐姐? ”我恼羞成怒了。






学校的“气质女生选拔赛”,我过关斩将一路杀进了决赛。谢雨帆用一种难以置信的眼光打量着我,“李茹菲,我们学校的女生是不是都没报名? ”


大脑飞快地转动着,我的电费,我的键盘磨损费,我的薯片我的巧克力我的乌克兰大樱桃,以及我的方便面。直到觉得差不多吃够本的时候,我直起腰,优雅地擦擦嘴,我说:“还可以再要份意大利面吗? ”

原本抹着汗准备埋单的谢雨帆像触电般抬起头,半晌才机械地点点头。我吃得眉飞色舞时,他担忧地看着我:“你是不是被什么附体了? 你确定是你一个人在吃? ”






我臭美地跑到展板边上,摆了个跟照片一样的POSE ,笑靥如花。我说:“我是7号选手李茹菲! ”话音刚落,我无法自控地打了一个响亮的饱嗝。

谢雨帆哈哈大笑起来,甚至夸张地笑得蹲在了地上,他用一种预言家的口吻说:“李茹菲小姐,你要是选上气质女生,我绝对可以当选世界先生! ”





我疑心重重地看着一桌大餐,“是不是有毒? ”






就在我信心满满,在后台摩拳擦掌的时候,郭美从我面前飘过,她竟然穿的是汉服! 抱着一把琵琶表情娴静地走上了舞台,灯光打在她洁白的脸庞上,她微微低下头,十指里便流淌出天籁般的音符。

我趴在后台偷偷观望,一眼便看到观众席上的谢雨帆,他穿着惹眼的红色T 恤,睁大了眼睛,哈喇子流了一地。



右脚重重一崴,我跌落在地。那一瞬间我脑海里突然出现了谢雨帆的脸庞,那次晚餐后下了一场暴雨,他把伞让给我,自己一路狂跑回去,我被大雨冲昏了头,对着他大喊:“谢雨帆,要是我得了第一名,我就做你女朋友吧! ”











沮丧地下楼买盆饭,比赛时候的展板竟然还没撒,可是,什么时候摆到宿舍楼下了? 回头张望了一下,我顿时被雷得里嫩外焦,竟然是我的展板,并且被人PS 了一个男生在边上,而且那个男生是——谢雨帆!

“李茹菲,你在看什么? ”蒸发了好几天的谢雨帆突然冒了出来。

我尖叫一声扑向展板,可是我毕竟不够魁梧,不管摆什么造型,都遮不住身后的那对男女肖像。看着谢雨帆笑得意味深长,我慌忙摆手,“不是我做的! ”


“你这么无聊干什么? ”


阳光下,玫瑰花瓣通透而热烈,我终于伸出了手。刚触到花,谢雨帆开始提醒我,“你该不会忘记自己说什么了吧? 你说得第一名的话,做我女朋友。”


“倒数第一也是第一嘛! ”谢雨帆笑得有点儿无赖,他堵在我面前,伸出手拍我的脑袋,我短短的头发扎着他的手心,我没有讲话,也没有打算再逃跑,我走近他一步,双手用力拍在他的肩膀上,然后郑重点头。



小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:气质女生与世界先生

I turned the wardrobe upside down, and the flowers filled the bed.

Li Xie Yufan sitting cross-legged in front of the computer game, on the melon seeds eyelid also do not look up, a long time to spit out a sentence, " people, you know it," he finished, continue with the mouse, the mouth of sunflower seeds spit into my skirt. I sniffed from the nose, who wanted to care for the little man who ate the melon seeds.

Half an hour later, I chose a small embroidered sling, a cowboy hot pants, and Escape the Ape posing in front of the mirror. Xie Yufan finally stood up, he pulled a coat from the wardrobe, hit me on me, " sister hibiscus, who also see you?" ? It's better to be wrapped up. I don't think I'm going to be red. ”

" why don't you say I'm better than sister lotus? " I was angry and ashamed.

" this is what you say," Xie Yufan stretch. " there is something wrong with the student union. I go first. " of course, he won't forget to pack the rest of the melon

seeds before leaving.

I look at the back of Xie Yufan, there is a little melancholy, this is more than I drag the person, is my pursuer. The suitor must come to see me every weekend, rain or shine, of course, he comes to scratch free online, and my snacks after search, even pack instant noodles to wipe.

He would also say sweet words, for example, flattering me like sister lotus.

So, he after me for half a year, we still - bachelor two.

A dinner for the ladies and gentlemen of the world

School " temperament girl selection," I cut the way into the final. Xie Yufan looked at me with an incredible view, " Li Rufei, did not all the girls in our school sign up?" ? ”

I had to take time to stare at him with my head, and then paint it with his hand, and Xie Yufan pushed the pudding and the little bread to me. I eat one side oblique look at the menu, Xie Yufan miser Pulling Hair, such a thousand years of opportunity, how can I miss.

The brain whirled, my electricity, my keyboard wear, my potato chips my chocolate my Ukrainian cherry, and my instant noodles. Until I feel almost ready to eat, I straighten up, wipe my mouth gracefully, and I said, " can you want another Italian?" ? ”

Originally with sweat preparing to pay the price of the Xie Yufan like an electric shock to look up, a moment before the mechanical point of nod. When I was happy to eat, he looked at me anxiously: " are you possessed by something?" ? Are you sure you're eating? ”

Noodles to eat half, Xie Yufan to go to the toilet, but until I ate the noodles, finally wipe the dishes clean, he did not come back. It's over. he's not running.

I said to his family in my heart, but took out my purse, I saw my electricity, my chocolate, my beautiful clothes, shoes are flying from my eyes to the past, to disappear in the horizon, a big hand suddenly appeared, and brushoff off some RMB.

Looking up, Xie Yufan was paying to look straight at the plate in front of me, he said; " the plate is afraid to be clean enough to be a mirror. ”

I walked slowly and slowly with my stomach back to the school, along the side

of the exhibition board, I put a lot of fine art, but also very use lame arguments writing the life motto.

I proudly ran to the side of the exhibition board, posing with a photo of the pose, dimple like a flower. I said, " I'm contestant no 7! " voice just fell, I couldn't have da a loud burp.

Xie Yufan laughed, and even Hyperbole to the ground, he said in a prophetic tone: " miss Li Rufei, if you choose temperament girls, I can be elected Mr world!" ! ”

Fat sister and street dance do not wear day

I was acquainted with Xie Yufan at the students' union, and I had long hair. At a party, Xie Yufan was drunk and threatened to chase me. The next day, I quit the student union and cut short hair to join the street dance association.

In fact, there is no inevitable connection between the two things, learning street dance is my dream, but the time is wrong, my departure made him lose face and made a laughingstock, so he held a grudge against me and began to torment me under the guise of chasing me.

Ready to prepare the final, the Xie Yufan is very good to me, to help me search the large number of street dance dishes, cold and warm, and three days and two invited me to eat.

I suspect a heavy meal, " is it toxic?" ? ”

Xie Yufan mouth of the tea spray out, he wipe his mouth and shoot my head, " you can rest assured, just hope that you will not forget the younger brother. ". ”

After that, the assiduous CLIP held a large piece of fat in my bowl.

It was not until a second before the game that I understood the sinister intention of Xie Yufan, who deliberately wanted to fatten me.

I wear tights, and feel the fat I come out of my waist. how can I get Li Rufei. Even with love handles, I can jump the street dance!

When I was full of confidence, in the background rubbing fists, Guo Mei passed by me, she was wearing a Hanfu! Holding a pipa expression quietly on the stage, the lights on her white face, she slightly low head, the fingers flowing out of the sounds of nature.

I lay down in the background, I saw the audience in the auditorium of Xie Yufan, he wore eye-catching red t - shirt, opened eyes, saliva flow one place.

Turn your head and look at yourself in the mirror. it's like a yanki. Xie Yufan is right. if I can choose the temperament, he can be the world, sir.

The performance was the street dance that I practiced for a long time, and when the music rang, the old self - esteem faded. I stood in the middle of the stage, with the music began to dance, a head roll, my eyes unconsciously fell on the seat of Xie Yufan, he disappeared. And the entrance of the auditorium, he was holding a bouquet of roses and Guo Mei left.

Right foot Heavy, I fell to the ground. Suddenly there was a Xie Yufan face in my mind. after that dinner, a storm, he gave me the umbrella, I went back crazy, I was carried away by the heavy rain, shouting at him: " Xie Yufan, if I got the first, I will be your girlfriend!" ! ”

Xie Yufan looked back big mouth, at that moment I saw his facial expression as a surprise, now want to come, it was panic.

And now, even if I complete this song, a lot of things, and finally can't. Loud music, cheers to stop, hot lights hit me, my tears are nowhere to hide.

The last but also the first

Temperament girl's laurel leaves no suspense on the Guo Meitou, I have only a Xiao Xiao consolation prize.

It is said that when accepting the prize, I was absent with Guo Meidou, I because of sprained my ankle, as for Guo Mei, the reason is unknown. Disappearing at the same time, and Xie Yufan.

The third day of the disappearance of Xie Yufan, my computer crashed, and I finally got the chance to call him grand. I think half a day, I should first let him lose my computer, or first to congratulate him have a lover to get married.

Zhang Xie Yufan likes the music talented girl Zhang Guo Mei, is I entered the school to know the first gossip, this with my hair scissors to learn the street dance has the inevitable link. Because he once said, I have long hair like Guo Mei. He also said that he likes talented women.

Hip-hop is not talented; Is the only skill that I can have.

I called countless times, all down.

Gloomily down the stairs to buy pots of rice, the exhibition of the game was not yet scattered, but when did it come to the dormitory? Looking back, I immediately get a ray of tender coke, is my exhibition, and the person PS a boy on the edge, and the boy is - Xie Yufan!

" Li Rufei, what are you looking at? " the evaporation took a few days, and the Xie Yufan burst out.

I screamed at the exhibition, but I was not tall enough, no matter what the shape, I could not hide behind the portrait of men and women. Looking at the Xie Yufan smile meaning deep, I hurriedly hand, " not what I do! ”

" I know it's not what you did. He blinked, " I did it. ”

" what are you so boring? ”

" I came to apologize, Guo meimei's mother is very serious, I accompany her to go back to aunt, I was a child, aunt was very good to me. " Xie Yufan did not smile again, he solemnly took a bunch of flowers from behind," sorry, did not see your performance, did not have time to give you flowers. ”

In the sunlight, rose petals are transparent and warm, I finally reached out my hand. Just touched the flower, Xie Yufan began to remind me, " you should not forget what you said?" ? You speak first place, be my girlfriend. ”

" I don't have the first. " I said, and tried to escape.

" the first and the first is the first one! " Xie Yufan smiled a little Rogue, he blocked in front of me, stretched out his hand to clap my head, my short hair was in his hand, I didn't speak, and no plan to escape, I approached him, clapped his hands on his shoulder, and then solemnly nodded.

I don't have beautiful long hair, nor beautiful dance, but this moment, I feel that I am surprised.

Because on the ground, my shadow, there is the companion of another shadow. From this perspective, we look like hugs.



半个小时后,我选了一件刺绣小吊带,牛仔热裤,在镜子面前蹦蹦跳跳地摆着POSE 。谢雨帆终于站了起来,他从衣柜里扯出一件大衣,砸在我身上,“有芙蓉姐姐露了,谁还看你?不如包个严实的,指不定就红了。”

“你说我不如芙蓉姐姐? ”我恼羞成怒了。






学校的“气质女生选拔赛”,我过关斩将一路杀进了决赛。谢雨帆用一种难以置信的眼光打量着我,“李茹菲,我们学校的女生是不是都没报名? ”


大脑飞快地转动着,我的电费,我的键盘磨损费,我的薯片我的巧克力我的乌克兰大樱桃,以及我的方便面。直到觉得差不多吃够本的时候,我直起腰,优雅地擦擦嘴,我说:“还可以再要份意大利面吗? ”

原本抹着汗准备埋单的谢雨帆像触电般抬起头,半晌才机械地点点头。我吃得眉飞色舞时,他担忧地看着我:“你是不是被什么附体了? 你确定是你一个人在吃? ”






我臭美地跑到展板边上,摆了个跟照片一样的POSE ,笑靥如花。我说:“我是7号选手李茹菲! ”话音刚落,我无法自控地打了一个响亮的饱嗝。

谢雨帆哈哈大笑起来,甚至夸张地笑得蹲在了地上,他用一种预言家的口吻说:“李茹菲小姐,你要是选上气质女生,我绝对可以当选世界先生! ”





我疑心重重地看着一桌大餐,“是不是有毒? ”






就在我信心满满,在后台摩拳擦掌的时候,郭美从我面前飘过,她竟然穿的是汉服! 抱着一把琵琶表情娴静地走上了舞台,灯光打在她洁白的脸庞上,她微微低下头,十指里便流淌出天籁般的音符。

我趴在后台偷偷观望,一眼便看到观众席上的谢雨帆,他穿着惹眼的红色T 恤,睁大了眼睛,哈喇子流了一地。



右脚重重一崴,我跌落在地。那一瞬间我脑海里突然出现了谢雨帆的脸庞,那次晚餐后下了一场暴雨,他把伞让给我,自己一路狂跑回去,我被大雨冲昏了头,对着他大喊:“谢雨帆,要是我得了第一名,我就做你女朋友吧! ”











沮丧地下楼买盆饭,比赛时候的展板竟然还没撒,可是,什么时候摆到宿舍楼下了? 回头张望了一下,我顿时被雷得里嫩外焦,竟然是我的展板,并且被人PS 了一个男生在边上,而且那个男生是——谢雨帆!

“李茹菲,你在看什么? ”蒸发了好几天的谢雨帆突然冒了出来。

我尖叫一声扑向展板,可是我毕竟不够魁梧,不管摆什么造型,都遮不住身后的那对男女肖像。看着谢雨帆笑得意味深长,我慌忙摆手,“不是我做的! ”


“你这么无聊干什么? ”


阳光下,玫瑰花瓣通透而热烈,我终于伸出了手。刚触到花,谢雨帆开始提醒我,“你该不会忘记自己说什么了吧? 你说得第一名的话,做我女朋友。”


“倒数第一也是第一嘛! ”谢雨帆笑得有点儿无赖,他堵在我面前,伸出手拍我的脑袋,我短短的头发扎着他的手心,我没有讲话,也没有打算再逃跑,我走近他一步,双手用力拍在他的肩膀上,然后郑重点头。




  • [美联英语]双语阅读:快乐工作的秘诀(双语)
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