

你是个好学上进、乐于助人的好孩子。作为一名班干部,你能以高标准、严要求来要求自己和同学,不愧为同学们的榜样。在学习上,你能做到一丝不苟、勤思多钻,取得了可喜的成绩。继续加油,希望你成为新时代的优秀学生! you are a study to make improvements, helpfulness of the child. as a class cadres, are you able to high standards and strict

requirements to ask the students themselves and are worthy of being called a model for the students. in learning, you could do a meticulous ground thinking more drilling, has made gratifying achievements. keep up the good work, i hope you become the best students to the new era!


as a class cadre of you, a serious and responsible work, teachers are grateful to you for reducing the burden on teachers. your

ambitions are, i think you already realize the


you are a pleasing child. you love learning, usually there are always hard to see you seriously figure. your job seriously, in order

to reduce the burden on teachers. this semester, you are through their own efforts, and achieved gratifying results. i hope that you learn in the future life, dare say, the courage to express their own opinion, that the new century is the most outstanding students. 热情大方的你,上课的神情是那么的专注,回答问题是那么的积极、大胆。但语文朗读还需加强。如果你能坚持发扬自己的优点,充分发挥自己的潜能,你将成为勇攀学业高峰的强者。老师期待你这一天的到来!

enthusiasm and generosity of you, class of expression is so focused, so the question is positive, bold. however, reading the language need to be strengthened. if you can carry forward its own merits, and give full play to their potential, you will become a pan-yong of the strong academic peak. teachers look forwarrd to your arrival day!

你是一个文静可爱的女孩。一直以来,诚实善良的你就懂得去关心同学,默默地为班集体做事。有这样的学生我感到骄傲。你上进心强,学习自觉主动,成绩有一定的进步。在新的一年里,你一定会有新的表现,对吗?加油哦! you are a lovely quiet girl. has always been honest and kind-hearted concern for your fellow students know how to go quietly to work for the class. so i am proud of the students. motivated you to learn to consciously take the initiative, a certain degree of

progress achieved. in the new year, you must be the performance of the new, right? refueling oh!


你是个好学上进、乐于助人的好孩子。作为一名班干部,你能以高标准、严要求来要求自己和同学,不愧为同学们的榜样。在学习上,你能做到一丝不苟、勤思多钻,取得了可喜的成绩。继续加油,希望你成为新时代的优秀学生! you are a study to make improvements, helpfulness of the child. as a class cadres, are you able to high standards and strict

requirements to ask the students themselves and are worthy of being called a model for the students. in learning, you could do a meticulous ground thinking more drilling, has made gratifying achievements. keep up the good work, i hope you become the best students to the new era!


as a class cadre of you, a serious and responsible work, teachers are grateful to you for reducing the burden on teachers. your

ambitions are, i think you already realize the


you are a pleasing child. you love learning, usually there are always hard to see you seriously figure. your job seriously, in order

to reduce the burden on teachers. this semester, you are through their own efforts, and achieved gratifying results. i hope that you learn in the future life, dare say, the courage to express their own opinion, that the new century is the most outstanding students. 热情大方的你,上课的神情是那么的专注,回答问题是那么的积极、大胆。但语文朗读还需加强。如果你能坚持发扬自己的优点,充分发挥自己的潜能,你将成为勇攀学业高峰的强者。老师期待你这一天的到来!

enthusiasm and generosity of you, class of expression is so focused, so the question is positive, bold. however, reading the language need to be strengthened. if you can carry forward its own merits, and give full play to their potential, you will become a pan-yong of the strong academic peak. teachers look forwarrd to your arrival day!

你是一个文静可爱的女孩。一直以来,诚实善良的你就懂得去关心同学,默默地为班集体做事。有这样的学生我感到骄傲。你上进心强,学习自觉主动,成绩有一定的进步。在新的一年里,你一定会有新的表现,对吗?加油哦! you are a lovely quiet girl. has always been honest and kind-hearted concern for your fellow students know how to go quietly to work for the class. so i am proud of the students. motivated you to learn to consciously take the initiative, a certain degree of

progress achieved. in the new year, you must be the performance of the new, right? refueling oh!


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