


1.sad, hot (写出两个相同类别的单词)

2. hobby, pilot (写出两个双音节词)

3.What are you doing? (把句子打上重音符号)

4.Jack is going to visit me next week. (把句子需要的地方打上连读符号)

5.Do you have comic books? (把句子按要求标上语调)


( you next week?

A. do; do B. are; doing C.are; going to do

( )2.Tim wants to a pilot.

A. is B. are C.be

( )3.Tom should a doctor.

A. see B.to see C. see

( )4.---How to Beijing by plane.

A. D o;go B. does, goes C. does, go

( basketball and Sarah and her friend like playing A. / ; / B. /; the C. the; a

( )6.Yellow means(意味着.

A. going B. stopping C. Slowing down and waiting

( )7. 7.Is your parent a postman?

A. Yes, you are. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, she is.

( )8.Can you help me Chinese?

A. learning B. learn C. learn

B) 根据所给单词或短语,写一个句子。(每小题2分,共8分)

1.take a deep breath

2.do more exercise

3.like doing sth

4.angry C) 按要求完成下列各题 (每小题1分,共5分)

1. 为什么那只猫对老鼠生气?(翻译成英语)

2. wants she work to in office an(连词成句



Today is Saturday. Oliver doesn’t go to school. He feels bored.(无聊的). His friends call him. They are going to play basketball together. Oliver is happy. But he doesn’t do well in match. He is angry with himself. At last, his team fails. Oliver feel sad. When he gets home, he is very tired. His mother cooks noodles for dinner. He likes noodles best. Oliver is happy.

( )1.Tomorrow is Monday.

( )2.They are going to have a football match.

( )3.Oliver wins the game.

( )4.When he gets home, he is very angry.

( )5.Oliver ’s favourite food is noodles.


Tony is a little Canadian child. He’s only six. Now he is in China with his parents. His parents are teachers. Tony goes to the primary school every day. Now he can speak Chinese well. But he can’t read or write. He likes China and the Chinese food.

1.Where is Tony from?

2.What do Tony’s father and mother do?

3.Can Tony speak Chinese now?

4.Can Tony read and write?

5.Does Tony like the Chinese food?


你的家人都从事什么职业?他们每天怎么去上班?他们有什么爱好?请以“My family”为题写一篇短文,描述一下你的家人的情况。





1.sad, hot (写出两个相同类别的单词)

2. hobby, pilot (写出两个双音节词)

3.What are you doing? (把句子打上重音符号)

4.Jack is going to visit me next week. (把句子需要的地方打上连读符号)

5.Do you have comic books? (把句子按要求标上语调)


( you next week?

A. do; do B. are; doing C.are; going to do

( )2.Tim wants to a pilot.

A. is B. are C.be

( )3.Tom should a doctor.

A. see B.to see C. see

( )4.---How to Beijing by plane.

A. D o;go B. does, goes C. does, go

( basketball and Sarah and her friend like playing A. / ; / B. /; the C. the; a

( )6.Yellow means(意味着.

A. going B. stopping C. Slowing down and waiting

( )7. 7.Is your parent a postman?

A. Yes, you are. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, she is.

( )8.Can you help me Chinese?

A. learning B. learn C. learn

B) 根据所给单词或短语,写一个句子。(每小题2分,共8分)

1.take a deep breath

2.do more exercise

3.like doing sth

4.angry C) 按要求完成下列各题 (每小题1分,共5分)

1. 为什么那只猫对老鼠生气?(翻译成英语)

2. wants she work to in office an(连词成句



Today is Saturday. Oliver doesn’t go to school. He feels bored.(无聊的). His friends call him. They are going to play basketball together. Oliver is happy. But he doesn’t do well in match. He is angry with himself. At last, his team fails. Oliver feel sad. When he gets home, he is very tired. His mother cooks noodles for dinner. He likes noodles best. Oliver is happy.

( )1.Tomorrow is Monday.

( )2.They are going to have a football match.

( )3.Oliver wins the game.

( )4.When he gets home, he is very angry.

( )5.Oliver ’s favourite food is noodles.


Tony is a little Canadian child. He’s only six. Now he is in China with his parents. His parents are teachers. Tony goes to the primary school every day. Now he can speak Chinese well. But he can’t read or write. He likes China and the Chinese food.

1.Where is Tony from?

2.What do Tony’s father and mother do?

3.Can Tony speak Chinese now?

4.Can Tony read and write?

5.Does Tony like the Chinese food?


你的家人都从事什么职业?他们每天怎么去上班?他们有什么爱好?请以“My family”为题写一篇短文,描述一下你的家人的情况。




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