


1. What did you do on last Chistmas?

2. What is your plan for next year's Christmas party?

3. Do you like shopping? Where do you usually go for shopping?

4. What do you usually buy?

5. Did you go to any places of interest last year?

6. Between Beijing and Hangzhou, which do you prefer?


1. What's your weekend activity?

2. What did you do last weekend?

3. Can you play any instruments? When did you start to learn it?

4. What's your hobby? Why do you like it?

5. Is this the 1st time that you have been to Pinggu? 6. Which places did you visit? Is there anything that impresses you a lot?

7. How many times have you been to Hainan?

8. Did you live in the local family or the hotel?

9. What's the difference between local family and hotel?

10. Between train and plane, which do you prefer to use for traveling?

11. Now many families have got cars. Why do they buy cars?

12. Does your family have a car? When did you buy it? Why?

13. Is it good or bad that the students of the same age study and learn together?


1. Are there many rules in your school or family?

2. If someone smokes in public, will you go and stop

him? What will you say to him?

3. What is your understanding of fashion?

4. Are there any rules in your school that you think is not good for students?

5. Who do you think benefit the most from rules?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of money?



1. What did you do on last Chistmas?

2. What is your plan for next year's Christmas party?

3. Do you like shopping? Where do you usually go for shopping?

4. What do you usually buy?

5. Did you go to any places of interest last year?

6. Between Beijing and Hangzhou, which do you prefer?


1. What's your weekend activity?

2. What did you do last weekend?

3. Can you play any instruments? When did you start to learn it?

4. What's your hobby? Why do you like it?

5. Is this the 1st time that you have been to Pinggu? 6. Which places did you visit? Is there anything that impresses you a lot?

7. How many times have you been to Hainan?

8. Did you live in the local family or the hotel?

9. What's the difference between local family and hotel?

10. Between train and plane, which do you prefer to use for traveling?

11. Now many families have got cars. Why do they buy cars?

12. Does your family have a car? When did you buy it? Why?

13. Is it good or bad that the students of the same age study and learn together?


1. Are there many rules in your school or family?

2. If someone smokes in public, will you go and stop

him? What will you say to him?

3. What is your understanding of fashion?

4. Are there any rules in your school that you think is not good for students?

5. Who do you think benefit the most from rules?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of money?


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