
每天至少两个, 自己先分析,有疑问参看我给的内容。觉得有难度,就多看几遍。

1991 Passage 1

一、A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


1、全句主干:A man said that the thing is to do nothing. 其中,that 引导的从句作said 的宾语;

2、necessary for „ („所需要的)。necessary for the triumph of evil (邪恶的胜利所需要的,邪恶获胜所需要的),这是个形容词短语,在句中作thing 的后置定语。

3、for good men (对好人来说),这个介宾短语作that 从句的状语,放到从句主语之前翻译。




二、Thirty years ago, if a crime was committed, society was considered the victim. Now, in a shocking reversal, it’s the criminal who is considered victimized: by his underprivileged upbringing, by the school that didn’t teach him to read, by the church that failed to reach him with moral guidance, by the parents who didn’t provide a stable home.


1、consider A B = consider A as B = consider A to be B 把A 看做、当做

B (省略as 或to be的第一个短语更常用,要格外重视)。

2、A is considered B. A被(人们)看做B ,人们把A 看做B 。

3、It is the criminal who „ 是一个强调句。

一般来说,判断是否强调句,把It be 和that (或who )三个词去掉,如果句子仍然完整,就是强调句,否则就不是。例如It is English that is most widely used in the world ,去掉It is 和that ,剩余部分English is most widely used in the world仍然是一个完整的句子,所以这就是一个强调句。

4、 -ed分词后出现by 短语,by 之后的名词或代词一般是发出动作的主体,例如made by China中,China 就是发出made 这一动作的主体。本句中by 之前有两个-ed 分词,一个是considered (认为),一个是 victimized(使变成受害者),by 之后的主体发出哪一个动作,需要根据全句的含义判断,尤其是by 之后的主体。很明显,学校、教堂这些主体发出 的动作是victimized 。



三、If we free the criminal, even partly, from accountability, we become a society of endless excuses where no one accepts responsibility for anything.


1、from 的基本含义有两个:来自;分离。由此,vt. A from B 这样的动词短语,其意义基本上取决于from ,不管vt. 位置上出现哪一个动词,整个短语一般可归结为两个词义:A 来自B ;A 与B 相分离。例如:derive fun from study(从学习中得到快乐,快乐来自学习),liberate women from housework(将妇女从家务中解放出来,使妇女与家务相分离)。

free the criminal from accountability表示使罪犯与责任相分离,即,使罪犯免于担责。

2、partly 不宜总翻成“部分地”,有些情况下需要译为“在某种程度上”。

3、society 不宜总翻成“社会”,有些情况下译为“国家”会更妥。



Passage 2

四、The period of adolescence, i. e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood.


1、本句主干:The period may be long or short, depending on expectations and on definition.

2、i.e. = that is = that is to say (也就是说)。

3、what 引导从句时,可以理解为the thing(s) that,其中the thing(s)需要根据上下文确定所指代的具体事物,that 是一个关联代词。例如:I doubt what he said. 就相当于I doubt the thing that he said. 其中,the thing很明显指他所说的话。

句子越长或者越抽象,我们把引导从句的what 转化为the thing(s) that,就越便于理解。

4、society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood就相当于society’s definitio n as to the thing that constitutes maturity and adulthood. 其中,as to 表示“关于”,the thing 根据上下文引申为“条件”。整个短语可以译为“社会关于那些构成成熟和成年的条件的定义”。


The period of adolescence, i. e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood. 青少年时期,即,儿童期与成年期之间的那段时期,可能长也可能短,(是长是短)取决于社会(对个体所抱)的期望,还取决于社会对于那些构成成熟和成年的条件的定义。

五、In modern society, ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance and there no longer is agreement as to what constitutes initiation ceremonies.


1、There is agreement as to/over/about A. 关于A ,人们有一致的看法。/人们就A 达成了共识。

2、initiation ceremony 成年仪式;开始的仪式



Passage 3

六、C. R. Darnes has suggested that it is as proper to term the plant a water structure as to call a house composed mainly of brick a brick building.


1、It is as proper to do A as to do B. 做A 和做B 一样恰当。

2、term A B = call A B = name A B 把A 称作B 。

例如:call Tom a coward 把汤姆称作懦夫。

C termed D = C called D = C named D = C known as D 被称作D 的C 。 例如:Tom called a coward 被称作懦夫的汤姆。

3、be composed of = consist of 包含„,由„组成

A composed of B = A consisting of B 包含B 的A ,由B 组成的A 。

例如:a country composed to 50 states = a country consisting of 50 states 包含50个州的国家,由50个州组成的国家。

4、本句简化处理后的结构:C. R. Darnes has suggested that it is as proper to term plant structure as to call house building.

5、Sb suggests that„ 通常译为“sb认为”;Sth suggests that „ 通常译为“sth表明”。suggest 的本意“建议;暗示”两个词义在考试中出现较少。


C. R. Darnes认为,将植物称为水的构造,和将一所主要由砖组成的房子称为砖房一样,都是恰当的。

七、The actual amount of water in the plant at any one time, however, is only a very small part of what passes through it during its development.


1、本句主干:The amount is a part of what passes through it.

2、of water 作amount 的后置定语;in the plant 作water 的后置定语;at any one time 作主句的时间状语;during its development 作what 引导的宾语从句的时间状语。

3、what = the thing that,本句中thing 应该理解为水的数量。

4、it 和its 都指代主句中的plant 。

5、development 指植物的生长过程。




八、Since carbon dioxide is present in the air only in trace quantities (3 to 4 parts in 10,000 parts of air)and water vapor is near saturation in the air spaces within the leaf (at 80"F, saturated air would contain about 186 parts of water vapor in 10, 000 parts of air), the total amount of water vapor lost is many times the carbon dioxide intake.


1、本句主干:Since carbon dioxide is present and water vapor is near saturation, the amount is many times the carbon dioxide intake.

2、介宾短语in the air 作从句carbon dioxide is present的地点状语,应该翻译到since 之后,carbon 之前;

介宾短语only in trace quantities作动词is 的状语,翻译时放到is 之前; 括号里的内容仍然采用英文的顺序;

介宾短语within the leaf作air spaces的后置定语,所以可以看作是介宾短语 in the air spaces的组成部分;

介宾短语 in the air spaces作从句water vapor is near saturation的地点状语,翻译时放到and 之后,water 之前。

3、air spaces译作“气态空间”比较恰当。

4、lost 是个-ed 分词,作water vapor的后置定语。



九、Actually, because of wind and other factors, the loss of water in proportion to carbon dioxide intake may be even greater than the relative concentrations of the two gases.


1、A in proportion to B A和B 的比值;与B 相比的A ;与B 成比例/相称的A

2、even greater中,even 是副词,放在比较级前表示强调。其他类似even ,可以这样用的词汇:way (注意:此处way 不表示“道路、方法”等词意),far ,much ,many ,a lot等。

3、concentration 含量;浓度



每天至少两个, 自己先分析,有疑问参看我给的内容。觉得有难度,就多看几遍。

1991 Passage 1

一、A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


1、全句主干:A man said that the thing is to do nothing. 其中,that 引导的从句作said 的宾语;

2、necessary for „ („所需要的)。necessary for the triumph of evil (邪恶的胜利所需要的,邪恶获胜所需要的),这是个形容词短语,在句中作thing 的后置定语。

3、for good men (对好人来说),这个介宾短语作that 从句的状语,放到从句主语之前翻译。




二、Thirty years ago, if a crime was committed, society was considered the victim. Now, in a shocking reversal, it’s the criminal who is considered victimized: by his underprivileged upbringing, by the school that didn’t teach him to read, by the church that failed to reach him with moral guidance, by the parents who didn’t provide a stable home.


1、consider A B = consider A as B = consider A to be B 把A 看做、当做

B (省略as 或to be的第一个短语更常用,要格外重视)。

2、A is considered B. A被(人们)看做B ,人们把A 看做B 。

3、It is the criminal who „ 是一个强调句。

一般来说,判断是否强调句,把It be 和that (或who )三个词去掉,如果句子仍然完整,就是强调句,否则就不是。例如It is English that is most widely used in the world ,去掉It is 和that ,剩余部分English is most widely used in the world仍然是一个完整的句子,所以这就是一个强调句。

4、 -ed分词后出现by 短语,by 之后的名词或代词一般是发出动作的主体,例如made by China中,China 就是发出made 这一动作的主体。本句中by 之前有两个-ed 分词,一个是considered (认为),一个是 victimized(使变成受害者),by 之后的主体发出哪一个动作,需要根据全句的含义判断,尤其是by 之后的主体。很明显,学校、教堂这些主体发出 的动作是victimized 。



三、If we free the criminal, even partly, from accountability, we become a society of endless excuses where no one accepts responsibility for anything.


1、from 的基本含义有两个:来自;分离。由此,vt. A from B 这样的动词短语,其意义基本上取决于from ,不管vt. 位置上出现哪一个动词,整个短语一般可归结为两个词义:A 来自B ;A 与B 相分离。例如:derive fun from study(从学习中得到快乐,快乐来自学习),liberate women from housework(将妇女从家务中解放出来,使妇女与家务相分离)。

free the criminal from accountability表示使罪犯与责任相分离,即,使罪犯免于担责。

2、partly 不宜总翻成“部分地”,有些情况下需要译为“在某种程度上”。

3、society 不宜总翻成“社会”,有些情况下译为“国家”会更妥。



Passage 2

四、The period of adolescence, i. e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood.


1、本句主干:The period may be long or short, depending on expectations and on definition.

2、i.e. = that is = that is to say (也就是说)。

3、what 引导从句时,可以理解为the thing(s) that,其中the thing(s)需要根据上下文确定所指代的具体事物,that 是一个关联代词。例如:I doubt what he said. 就相当于I doubt the thing that he said. 其中,the thing很明显指他所说的话。

句子越长或者越抽象,我们把引导从句的what 转化为the thing(s) that,就越便于理解。

4、society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood就相当于society’s definitio n as to the thing that constitutes maturity and adulthood. 其中,as to 表示“关于”,the thing 根据上下文引申为“条件”。整个短语可以译为“社会关于那些构成成熟和成年的条件的定义”。


The period of adolescence, i. e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood. 青少年时期,即,儿童期与成年期之间的那段时期,可能长也可能短,(是长是短)取决于社会(对个体所抱)的期望,还取决于社会对于那些构成成熟和成年的条件的定义。

五、In modern society, ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance and there no longer is agreement as to what constitutes initiation ceremonies.


1、There is agreement as to/over/about A. 关于A ,人们有一致的看法。/人们就A 达成了共识。

2、initiation ceremony 成年仪式;开始的仪式



Passage 3

六、C. R. Darnes has suggested that it is as proper to term the plant a water structure as to call a house composed mainly of brick a brick building.


1、It is as proper to do A as to do B. 做A 和做B 一样恰当。

2、term A B = call A B = name A B 把A 称作B 。

例如:call Tom a coward 把汤姆称作懦夫。

C termed D = C called D = C named D = C known as D 被称作D 的C 。 例如:Tom called a coward 被称作懦夫的汤姆。

3、be composed of = consist of 包含„,由„组成

A composed of B = A consisting of B 包含B 的A ,由B 组成的A 。

例如:a country composed to 50 states = a country consisting of 50 states 包含50个州的国家,由50个州组成的国家。

4、本句简化处理后的结构:C. R. Darnes has suggested that it is as proper to term plant structure as to call house building.

5、Sb suggests that„ 通常译为“sb认为”;Sth suggests that „ 通常译为“sth表明”。suggest 的本意“建议;暗示”两个词义在考试中出现较少。


C. R. Darnes认为,将植物称为水的构造,和将一所主要由砖组成的房子称为砖房一样,都是恰当的。

七、The actual amount of water in the plant at any one time, however, is only a very small part of what passes through it during its development.


1、本句主干:The amount is a part of what passes through it.

2、of water 作amount 的后置定语;in the plant 作water 的后置定语;at any one time 作主句的时间状语;during its development 作what 引导的宾语从句的时间状语。

3、what = the thing that,本句中thing 应该理解为水的数量。

4、it 和its 都指代主句中的plant 。

5、development 指植物的生长过程。




八、Since carbon dioxide is present in the air only in trace quantities (3 to 4 parts in 10,000 parts of air)and water vapor is near saturation in the air spaces within the leaf (at 80"F, saturated air would contain about 186 parts of water vapor in 10, 000 parts of air), the total amount of water vapor lost is many times the carbon dioxide intake.


1、本句主干:Since carbon dioxide is present and water vapor is near saturation, the amount is many times the carbon dioxide intake.

2、介宾短语in the air 作从句carbon dioxide is present的地点状语,应该翻译到since 之后,carbon 之前;

介宾短语only in trace quantities作动词is 的状语,翻译时放到is 之前; 括号里的内容仍然采用英文的顺序;

介宾短语within the leaf作air spaces的后置定语,所以可以看作是介宾短语 in the air spaces的组成部分;

介宾短语 in the air spaces作从句water vapor is near saturation的地点状语,翻译时放到and 之后,water 之前。

3、air spaces译作“气态空间”比较恰当。

4、lost 是个-ed 分词,作water vapor的后置定语。



九、Actually, because of wind and other factors, the loss of water in proportion to carbon dioxide intake may be even greater than the relative concentrations of the two gases.


1、A in proportion to B A和B 的比值;与B 相比的A ;与B 成比例/相称的A

2、even greater中,even 是副词,放在比较级前表示强调。其他类似even ,可以这样用的词汇:way (注意:此处way 不表示“道路、方法”等词意),far ,much ,many ,a lot等。

3、concentration 含量;浓度




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