
2009’ 东方正龙杯广西翻译大赛


Part I Passage Translation (60%)

Direction: Translate the following essay into Chinese


We were shivering at the merciless northerly wind up on the very peak

of the Phoenix Mountain. The dark heavenly curtain had rolled up and it was bright enough for us to see distant islands dotting here and there at the estuary (河口)of the Pearl River. Yet, the eastern horizon was still completely veiled with a thick blanket of impenetrable mist.

Suddenly streaks of faint red hue radiated across the sky. We were very much excited and a slight stir of air rang through the peak in spite of the bitter coldness attacking us. We stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the far, far end of the eastern sea.

The redness of the streaks intensified. All of a sudden, some mysterious clouds wriggled across the horizon, dividing heaven from sea. The mist, the clouds, the eastern sea and the sky were dyed to bright red as if they were in a sea of flames. Just at this very moment, out from the misty sea and up from the brightness far east rose the sun. It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes, and slight applause from us, the amazed spectators, rang through the peak.

For a time, the sun suddenly fell back into the unsteady sea, though not completely. Yet it struggled with might and main, and in the long run, it broke through the mist and darted out of the boiling sea. Up, up it rose, adding to itself

strength and glory at every step. It dazzled with vigor, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from earth, and bestowing men with light, warmth, and happiness.

We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. We jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the first rays of the sun with the peak, the sea and the far-off islands till it was time for our return.




Part II Sentence Translation

Translate the following Chinese sentences into English

1. 或许你会觉得奇怪,尽管地球将近75%表面覆盖着水,人类却忍饥



2. 研究证明,看动画片利于小孩的智力。每天看五分钟动画片的小孩远



3. 美国的感恩节追溯到1621年,这是当年新移民为了感谢美洲土著人



4. 许许多多的世界性的环境污染问题是由于人们不断涌进城市而造成




Part I

在凤凰山的绝顶上,我们瑟缩于那无情的朔风中。幽暗的天幕业已卷了起来,天色微明已使我们看得清楚远处 的岛屿,三三两两地点缀珠江河口。但是,一片浓密得透不了光线的迷雾完全把地平线笼罩起来。

突然间,几道浅红色的霞光刺破长空,我们都感到十分的兴奋;尽管严寒仍在侵扰我们,山顶上仍发出一阵阵 轻快的欢呼声。我们一动也不动地伫立着,眼睛注视着遥远的东海尽头。

几道红色的霞光变得强烈,突然之间,一些神奇的云彩在地平线上蠕动起来,勾画出海与天的界限。这时候浓 雾、云彩、东海和长空都染得通红透亮,仿佛全部融进一片火海。

就在这一刹那间,太阳就从迷雾茫茫的海里一跃而出,从光芒万丈的东方冉冉升起。它是那么红亮,却又是那 么柔和,以致我们都可以用肉眼凝视它。我们这些惊奇不已的观赏者们禁不住发出一阵阵赞叹声,回荡在绝顶之上。

转眼间,太阳忽然又坠回起伏不定的海上,幸而没有完全沉没。接着它用尽力量挣扎好一阵子终于破雾而出从 沸腾的海洋喷薄而出。它升啊升啊,每上升一级都增添了它的力量和光芒。它闪耀的活力驱走大地的黑暗寒冷与忧 愁赠予人们光明、温暖和喜悦。

我们完全被大自然的神奇和伟大所着迷。我们象一群天真的孩子一样,蹦跳着,叫喊着,与山顶,大海和远处 的岛屿一同沐浴在第一道阳光里,直到该动身回来为止。

Part II

1. You may feel strange that human suffers hunger and thirst though 75 of the earth is covered with water.

2. Researches have proved that cartoons benefit children’s intelligence. Children who watch five minutes a day learn much more than those who do not.


American Thanks Giving Day goes back to 1621 which was set up to express the

new immigrants’ thanks to the American natives. 4. Many worlds’ pollution problems have been caused by the continuously crowding of people into the cities.

2009’ 东方正龙杯广西翻译大赛


Part I Passage Translation (60%)

Direction: Translate the following essay into Chinese


We were shivering at the merciless northerly wind up on the very peak

of the Phoenix Mountain. The dark heavenly curtain had rolled up and it was bright enough for us to see distant islands dotting here and there at the estuary (河口)of the Pearl River. Yet, the eastern horizon was still completely veiled with a thick blanket of impenetrable mist.

Suddenly streaks of faint red hue radiated across the sky. We were very much excited and a slight stir of air rang through the peak in spite of the bitter coldness attacking us. We stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the far, far end of the eastern sea.

The redness of the streaks intensified. All of a sudden, some mysterious clouds wriggled across the horizon, dividing heaven from sea. The mist, the clouds, the eastern sea and the sky were dyed to bright red as if they were in a sea of flames. Just at this very moment, out from the misty sea and up from the brightness far east rose the sun. It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes, and slight applause from us, the amazed spectators, rang through the peak.

For a time, the sun suddenly fell back into the unsteady sea, though not completely. Yet it struggled with might and main, and in the long run, it broke through the mist and darted out of the boiling sea. Up, up it rose, adding to itself

strength and glory at every step. It dazzled with vigor, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from earth, and bestowing men with light, warmth, and happiness.

We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. We jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the first rays of the sun with the peak, the sea and the far-off islands till it was time for our return.




Part II Sentence Translation

Translate the following Chinese sentences into English

1. 或许你会觉得奇怪,尽管地球将近75%表面覆盖着水,人类却忍饥



2. 研究证明,看动画片利于小孩的智力。每天看五分钟动画片的小孩远



3. 美国的感恩节追溯到1621年,这是当年新移民为了感谢美洲土著人



4. 许许多多的世界性的环境污染问题是由于人们不断涌进城市而造成




Part I

在凤凰山的绝顶上,我们瑟缩于那无情的朔风中。幽暗的天幕业已卷了起来,天色微明已使我们看得清楚远处 的岛屿,三三两两地点缀珠江河口。但是,一片浓密得透不了光线的迷雾完全把地平线笼罩起来。

突然间,几道浅红色的霞光刺破长空,我们都感到十分的兴奋;尽管严寒仍在侵扰我们,山顶上仍发出一阵阵 轻快的欢呼声。我们一动也不动地伫立着,眼睛注视着遥远的东海尽头。

几道红色的霞光变得强烈,突然之间,一些神奇的云彩在地平线上蠕动起来,勾画出海与天的界限。这时候浓 雾、云彩、东海和长空都染得通红透亮,仿佛全部融进一片火海。

就在这一刹那间,太阳就从迷雾茫茫的海里一跃而出,从光芒万丈的东方冉冉升起。它是那么红亮,却又是那 么柔和,以致我们都可以用肉眼凝视它。我们这些惊奇不已的观赏者们禁不住发出一阵阵赞叹声,回荡在绝顶之上。

转眼间,太阳忽然又坠回起伏不定的海上,幸而没有完全沉没。接着它用尽力量挣扎好一阵子终于破雾而出从 沸腾的海洋喷薄而出。它升啊升啊,每上升一级都增添了它的力量和光芒。它闪耀的活力驱走大地的黑暗寒冷与忧 愁赠予人们光明、温暖和喜悦。

我们完全被大自然的神奇和伟大所着迷。我们象一群天真的孩子一样,蹦跳着,叫喊着,与山顶,大海和远处 的岛屿一同沐浴在第一道阳光里,直到该动身回来为止。

Part II

1. You may feel strange that human suffers hunger and thirst though 75 of the earth is covered with water.

2. Researches have proved that cartoons benefit children’s intelligence. Children who watch five minutes a day learn much more than those who do not.


American Thanks Giving Day goes back to 1621 which was set up to express the

new immigrants’ thanks to the American natives. 4. Many worlds’ pollution problems have been caused by the continuously crowding of people into the cities.


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