

(The basic sentences of Grade 3)

M1 打招呼(Greetings! )

1、A: Hello! B: Hi!

2、A: Goodbye B: Bye-bye

3、A: Good morning! B: Good morning!

4、A: How are you? B: I’m fine, thank you.

M2 问名字(Names)

1、A: Your name, please? B: Sam!

2、A: What’s your name? B: I’m Sam.

M3 指令(Listen and do!)

1、Sit down, please.

2、Please stand up.

3、Point to the door/window/blackboard/desk/chair…

M4 问颜色(Colors)

1、 A: What color is it? ( pen/ clothes/desk/bottle…colors in our classroom) B: It’s blue/red/yellow/green/black.

M5 问数字(Numbers)

1、A: How many? (pens/books/boys/girls/students… in our classroom) B: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ten, eleven, twelve!

M6 过生日(Birthday)

1、 A: Happy birthday, Sam! Here’s your present/cake.

B: Thank you.

2、A: What’s this? B: It’s a pen.

3、A: How old are you? B: I’m nine.

M7 问物品(Goods)

1、A: What’s this?

B: It’s a desk/chair/bird…

2、A: What’s that?

B: It’s a schoolbag/pencil/ball/book/


M8 一般疑问句(Is it a…?)

1、A: Is it a cat/dog/monster/kite?

B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

2、A: Where ’s the cat?

B: I don’t know.

3、A: Is it in the yellow/green bag? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

M9 问家人和职业(Family and jobs)

1、 This is my mother/father/grandpa


2、 A: Is this your sister/father?

B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

3、 He’s/She’s a doctor/driver/policeman/


M10 身体部位(Body) (Listen and do!)

1、Point to your head/leg/foot/arm/

Hand …

2、Point to his/her nose/eyes/mouth/ears.


(The basic sentences of Grade 3)

M1 打招呼(Greetings! )

1、A: Hello! B: Hi!

2、A: Goodbye B: Bye-bye

3、A: Good morning! B: Good morning!

4、A: How are you? B: I’m fine, thank you.

M2 问名字(Names)

1、A: Your name, please? B: Sam!

2、A: What’s your name? B: I’m Sam.

M3 指令(Listen and do!)

1、Sit down, please.

2、Please stand up.

3、Point to the door/window/blackboard/desk/chair…

M4 问颜色(Colors)

1、 A: What color is it? ( pen/ clothes/desk/bottle…colors in our classroom) B: It’s blue/red/yellow/green/black.

M5 问数字(Numbers)

1、A: How many? (pens/books/boys/girls/students… in our classroom) B: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ten, eleven, twelve!

M6 过生日(Birthday)

1、 A: Happy birthday, Sam! Here’s your present/cake.

B: Thank you.

2、A: What’s this? B: It’s a pen.

3、A: How old are you? B: I’m nine.

M7 问物品(Goods)

1、A: What’s this?

B: It’s a desk/chair/bird…

2、A: What’s that?

B: It’s a schoolbag/pencil/ball/book/


M8 一般疑问句(Is it a…?)

1、A: Is it a cat/dog/monster/kite?

B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

2、A: Where ’s the cat?

B: I don’t know.

3、A: Is it in the yellow/green bag? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

M9 问家人和职业(Family and jobs)

1、 This is my mother/father/grandpa


2、 A: Is this your sister/father?

B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

3、 He’s/She’s a doctor/driver/policeman/


M10 身体部位(Body) (Listen and do!)

1、Point to your head/leg/foot/arm/

Hand …

2、Point to his/her nose/eyes/mouth/ears.


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