
My presentation

Topic: survival guide in Chongqing as a northern

Outline: 1 weather

2 food

3 the complex road system Hello,everyone! thank you for offering me the opportunity to speak here.

I am Zhangheng,yeah,the inventor of didongyi. While today i am not a scientist. I am from Shandong,then,come here. Always living in the north,i am not used to living here.So this day i want to share about how i feel during the half year. Ok ,let’s begin.

I will talk about three aspects, weather,food and the complex road system.

First ,the weather. Before i came here,my mother ask me if feather clothing is needed. ‘ there is even no snow! ’ i said . Actually i hate feather clothing and i thought maybe i can wear dress in winter in the south ,after all,i am a northern. And now, winter comes, i miss the heating so much. This picture is weather of a week some days before. It rained all the week. So i have make habit of taking along an umbrella.

Then ,yeah, it ’s so delicious.Hot pot,the typical food in Chongqing. When i first came here,a helpful taxi driver drive me a restaurant for hot pot. I am so excited that i forgot ,hot food doesn’t suit my stomach. So ,if you cannot eat too hot,take medicine if you have stomach disease like me,and you are likely find yourself not full of meat but water. And then,be ready for the zits,they have accompanied me for several months.

It is hongyadong. In my view,it is fantastic,not only beautiful. Because i still remember when i walked into it,i thought i was in the first floor,while i walked into lifts,i found i was in the 11th floor. There are so many times i get lost in Chongqing. As a result of many lessons, i get that Baidu map is not available in Chongqing.

What i share is just the period i cannot used to here. But now i have started to enjoy the differences between two kind life. We see different sight,meet new people. And that is the way life is. Thank you!

My presentation

Topic: survival guide in Chongqing as a northern

Outline: 1 weather

2 food

3 the complex road system Hello,everyone! thank you for offering me the opportunity to speak here.

I am Zhangheng,yeah,the inventor of didongyi. While today i am not a scientist. I am from Shandong,then,come here. Always living in the north,i am not used to living here.So this day i want to share about how i feel during the half year. Ok ,let’s begin.

I will talk about three aspects, weather,food and the complex road system.

First ,the weather. Before i came here,my mother ask me if feather clothing is needed. ‘ there is even no snow! ’ i said . Actually i hate feather clothing and i thought maybe i can wear dress in winter in the south ,after all,i am a northern. And now, winter comes, i miss the heating so much. This picture is weather of a week some days before. It rained all the week. So i have make habit of taking along an umbrella.

Then ,yeah, it ’s so delicious.Hot pot,the typical food in Chongqing. When i first came here,a helpful taxi driver drive me a restaurant for hot pot. I am so excited that i forgot ,hot food doesn’t suit my stomach. So ,if you cannot eat too hot,take medicine if you have stomach disease like me,and you are likely find yourself not full of meat but water. And then,be ready for the zits,they have accompanied me for several months.

It is hongyadong. In my view,it is fantastic,not only beautiful. Because i still remember when i walked into it,i thought i was in the first floor,while i walked into lifts,i found i was in the 11th floor. There are so many times i get lost in Chongqing. As a result of many lessons, i get that Baidu map is not available in Chongqing.

What i share is just the period i cannot used to here. But now i have started to enjoy the differences between two kind life. We see different sight,meet new people. And that is the way life is. Thank you!


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