

The Influence of US TV Series

Nowadays, as the economy gets globalized, communication between countries has been highly improved; the culture impact is being gradually obvious. In China, we can find American products everywhere, most people like to see American movie, and cultural impact can be seen all the time. US TV series is newly popular; it affects teenager ’s life somehow.


US TV series show teenager their fashion ideas. Most of US TV series ’ audiences are teenagers, they also the series’ target audience. The first famous American TV series is Friends; most people get familiar with American TV is under the enlightment of it. Since then, people start to pay attention to such TV series. The newly well-known is Gossip Girl; it presents all the typical American factors, like fashionable dress, party and sex. Teenagers pay much attention to the clothes; they like to imitate the dressing. Watching American TV series makes a person become fashion in dressing and their open-mind about sex.


While watching US TV series also is a good way to have access to American culture. The TV show is a country’s reflection of their culture, we learn English since we are at school, while we have less ideas about its culture. Watching TV series is a quick way to learn American culture, we can learn the accent and the fashionable words, and these are hardly known from the textbook.


US TV series are indeed more and more popular in China, we learn American culture, at the same time, and we also get the fashion idea.




The Influence of US TV Series

Nowadays, as the economy gets globalized, communication between countries has been highly improved; the culture impact is being gradually obvious. In China, we can find American products everywhere, most people like to see American movie, and cultural impact can be seen all the time. US TV series is newly popular; it affects teenager ’s life somehow.


US TV series show teenager their fashion ideas. Most of US TV series ’ audiences are teenagers, they also the series’ target audience. The first famous American TV series is Friends; most people get familiar with American TV is under the enlightment of it. Since then, people start to pay attention to such TV series. The newly well-known is Gossip Girl; it presents all the typical American factors, like fashionable dress, party and sex. Teenagers pay much attention to the clothes; they like to imitate the dressing. Watching American TV series makes a person become fashion in dressing and their open-mind about sex.


While watching US TV series also is a good way to have access to American culture. The TV show is a country’s reflection of their culture, we learn English since we are at school, while we have less ideas about its culture. Watching TV series is a quick way to learn American culture, we can learn the accent and the fashionable words, and these are hardly known from the textbook.


US TV series are indeed more and more popular in China, we learn American culture, at the same time, and we also get the fashion idea.




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