

I didn’t send postcards to my friends last year.


In his youth, he used to work 16 hours a day.

Are you pleased with your present job?

I haven’t got a letter from him yet.


He seems to have eaten breakfast.


He seems to be swimming in the river.


I ’m waiting for a No. 3 bus.

我等不及要打开那个箱子。I can’t wait to open the box.

The Great Wall has been out of repair for years.


They are going to make some repairs.


He passed me in the street without even saying hello to me. 他在马路上从我身边

If you want to pass, you have to work hard. 如果你想通过考试的话,你需要努力学习。 There are some problems with the new camera. 新的相机有一些问题。

Is there anything interesting enough in today’s newspaper?


It took me several hours to get the answer to this math problem.


昨天我给他打了三次电话但是他没有接。I called him three times yesterday but he didn’t answer(my telephone/ phone).

We will rest for a while. 我们将休息一会儿。

I hate ___A ___ late, but I’m really busy this morning. (这里是一次具体的情况)

A. to be B. being


There will be/ There is going to be a basketball game this weekend.

会议已经持续两个小时了。The meeting has lasted (for) two hours.

这台电脑的价钱很低。The price of this computer is high.


If you don’t know this word, I can spell it for you.


I think I will fail (in) the math test because I’ve made many/ a lot of mistakes.


He took my umbrella by mistake.

Hang zhou is a beautiful city and no mistake. 杭州的确是一个美丽的城市。

Are you going to make a speech at the meeting? 你打算在会议上发言吗?

你能把这个箱子搬到二楼吗? Can you carry this box to the second floor?

这里公共汽车可以运载15人。This bus can carry fifteen people.


When will we carry out the new school rules?

我们的老师还没有批改试卷。Our teacher hasn’t corrected our papers yet.

If I do something wrong, I hope you can put me right.


I keep telling myself not to lose heart. 我不断告诉自己不要灰心。

我们一定要保持教室干净。We must keep the classroom clean.

Tell him not to hurt himself. 告诉他不要受伤

他适合这份工作。He is suited for/ to this job.

这份工作适合他。This job is suitable for/ to him.

He kind of likes the city now. 他现在有点喜欢这个城市了。

This movie is kind of interesting. 这部电影有点意思。

Which is the bigger city, Beijing or Shanghai? 哪一个城市比较大,北京还是上海? Hangzhou is __a __ most beautiful city. I want to go there a second time.


I have seen three times as tall a build as this one.

eg. I have the same bike as __A__. A. her B. she C. hers D. you.

A street in Shanghai is wider than one in Jinzhou. 上海的街道比锦州的宽。

The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou.

This book is no more interesting than that one. 这两本书都没有趣。

你越认真,犯的错误就越少。The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you make. 北京是世界上最大的城市之一。Beijing is one of the largest cities in the world.

Chicago is the third largest city in America. 芝加哥是美国的第三大城市。

We will stay here for two more days. 我们将在这里多呆两天。

In all, it will be very convenient for us to look up information online.


. I want no excuse. After all, it is your job.


I want to buy a house. It must be big, good location, comfortable, above all, with a garden. 我想买一栋房子。一定要大,位置好,舒适,最重要的是要有花园。

Don ’t compare me with/ to others. 不用把我和其他人作比较。

People like to compare a teacher to a candle. 人们喜欢把老师比作蜡烛。

那听起来是个好主意。That sounds like a good idea.

昨天你没有来参加聚会真的是很可惜。It is a pity that you didn’t come to the party yesterday. 她对那些无家可归的孩子表示同情。She feels pity for the homeless children.

I want to go to the movies/ cinema instead of staying at home.

我想去看电影而不是呆在家里。(去看电影:go to the movies/ go to the cinema)

One and a half apples is lying on the table. 一个半的苹果在桌子上。

不止一名学生去过上海。More than one student has been to Shanghai.

Would like to go to the concert? --- 答语:I ’d like/ love to. (如果要拒绝,再说but …) Would you like some coffee? --- 肯定答语:Yes, please. / 否定答语:No, thank you. You ’d better follow my advice or you will make a huge mistake.


I want to give you some advice on how to learn English well.



Could you please give me some advice on how to learn English well?

74. 交通堵塞:traffic jam

交通拥挤:heavy traffic

75. stationary 是文具的总称,不可数名词;

史密斯先生将在今天下午给我们做一个关于中国历史的报告。 Mr. Smith will give us a talk on Chinese history.


I didn’t send postcards to my friends last year.


In his youth, he used to work 16 hours a day.

Are you pleased with your present job?

I haven’t got a letter from him yet.


He seems to have eaten breakfast.


He seems to be swimming in the river.


I ’m waiting for a No. 3 bus.

我等不及要打开那个箱子。I can’t wait to open the box.

The Great Wall has been out of repair for years.


They are going to make some repairs.


He passed me in the street without even saying hello to me. 他在马路上从我身边

If you want to pass, you have to work hard. 如果你想通过考试的话,你需要努力学习。 There are some problems with the new camera. 新的相机有一些问题。

Is there anything interesting enough in today’s newspaper?


It took me several hours to get the answer to this math problem.


昨天我给他打了三次电话但是他没有接。I called him three times yesterday but he didn’t answer(my telephone/ phone).

We will rest for a while. 我们将休息一会儿。

I hate ___A ___ late, but I’m really busy this morning. (这里是一次具体的情况)

A. to be B. being


There will be/ There is going to be a basketball game this weekend.

会议已经持续两个小时了。The meeting has lasted (for) two hours.

这台电脑的价钱很低。The price of this computer is high.


If you don’t know this word, I can spell it for you.


I think I will fail (in) the math test because I’ve made many/ a lot of mistakes.


He took my umbrella by mistake.

Hang zhou is a beautiful city and no mistake. 杭州的确是一个美丽的城市。

Are you going to make a speech at the meeting? 你打算在会议上发言吗?

你能把这个箱子搬到二楼吗? Can you carry this box to the second floor?

这里公共汽车可以运载15人。This bus can carry fifteen people.


When will we carry out the new school rules?

我们的老师还没有批改试卷。Our teacher hasn’t corrected our papers yet.

If I do something wrong, I hope you can put me right.


I keep telling myself not to lose heart. 我不断告诉自己不要灰心。

我们一定要保持教室干净。We must keep the classroom clean.

Tell him not to hurt himself. 告诉他不要受伤

他适合这份工作。He is suited for/ to this job.

这份工作适合他。This job is suitable for/ to him.

He kind of likes the city now. 他现在有点喜欢这个城市了。

This movie is kind of interesting. 这部电影有点意思。

Which is the bigger city, Beijing or Shanghai? 哪一个城市比较大,北京还是上海? Hangzhou is __a __ most beautiful city. I want to go there a second time.


I have seen three times as tall a build as this one.

eg. I have the same bike as __A__. A. her B. she C. hers D. you.

A street in Shanghai is wider than one in Jinzhou. 上海的街道比锦州的宽。

The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou.

This book is no more interesting than that one. 这两本书都没有趣。

你越认真,犯的错误就越少。The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you make. 北京是世界上最大的城市之一。Beijing is one of the largest cities in the world.

Chicago is the third largest city in America. 芝加哥是美国的第三大城市。

We will stay here for two more days. 我们将在这里多呆两天。

In all, it will be very convenient for us to look up information online.


. I want no excuse. After all, it is your job.


I want to buy a house. It must be big, good location, comfortable, above all, with a garden. 我想买一栋房子。一定要大,位置好,舒适,最重要的是要有花园。

Don ’t compare me with/ to others. 不用把我和其他人作比较。

People like to compare a teacher to a candle. 人们喜欢把老师比作蜡烛。

那听起来是个好主意。That sounds like a good idea.

昨天你没有来参加聚会真的是很可惜。It is a pity that you didn’t come to the party yesterday. 她对那些无家可归的孩子表示同情。She feels pity for the homeless children.

I want to go to the movies/ cinema instead of staying at home.

我想去看电影而不是呆在家里。(去看电影:go to the movies/ go to the cinema)

One and a half apples is lying on the table. 一个半的苹果在桌子上。

不止一名学生去过上海。More than one student has been to Shanghai.

Would like to go to the concert? --- 答语:I ’d like/ love to. (如果要拒绝,再说but …) Would you like some coffee? --- 肯定答语:Yes, please. / 否定答语:No, thank you. You ’d better follow my advice or you will make a huge mistake.


I want to give you some advice on how to learn English well.



Could you please give me some advice on how to learn English well?

74. 交通堵塞:traffic jam

交通拥挤:heavy traffic

75. stationary 是文具的总称,不可数名词;

史密斯先生将在今天下午给我们做一个关于中国历史的报告。 Mr. Smith will give us a talk on Chinese history.


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