
本次活动要求提前预约,预约截止时间为2月10日上午10点:请发邮件到[email protected],标题处注明“说法”。请提供参加者的汉字全名。[请勿使用163.com 和126.com 邮箱,我们的系统可能会无法查收您的邮件。]

时间: 02月10日 周二 14:00-17:00

地点: 北京 朝阳区 北京美国中心(朝阳区呼家楼京广中心2801室,10号线呼家楼D口出前行50米,右侧高楼)

费用: 免费




这一期的座谈内容涉及有效交叉询问的规则、范围与技巧。美国一方将由Steve Kwok代表。中方将由著名的辩护律师韩嘉毅代表。

Steve Kwok简介

Steve自2013年开始担任美国司法部驻北京美国使馆的法律顾问。之前他做过纽约联邦检察官负责起诉证券欺诈和有组织犯罪;在第九区上诉法院做Alex Kozinski法官的司法书记;担任过美国最高法院的Anthony Kennedy大法官的律政助理。Steve本科就读于普林斯顿大学,并在耶鲁大学法学院取得法律学位。



本次活动要求提前预约,预约截止时间为2月10日上午10点:请发邮件到[email protected],标题处注明“说法”。请提供参加者的汉字全名。[请勿使用163.com 和126.com 邮箱,我们的系统可能会无法查收您的邮件。]


The program will be offered in Mandarin Chinese.

It’s been said that “cross-examination is the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth.” For that reason, knowing how to cross examine witnesses is an essential skill for any trial lawyer. But how to do this effectively? How do cross examination rules in the U.S. compare with those in China? What are some common techniques? What are some common mistakes? Come find out!

Talking Law is a series of public chats between an American federal prosecutor and a Chinese legal expert that explore the American and Chinese legal systems.

The upcoming chat will be about the rules, scope, and techniques of effective cross examination. The American perspective will be presented by Steve Kwok. The Chinese perspective will be presented by renowned defense attorney Han Jiayi.

About the Speakers:

Steve Kwok has served as the U.S. Department of Justice’s Resident Legal Advisor at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing since November 2013. Mr. Kwok previously prosecuted securities fraud and organized crime cases in New York City, and served as a law clerk for Judge Alex Kozinski of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Kwok holds a B.A. from Princeton University and a J.D. from the Yale Law School.

Han Jiayi is a Partner at King and Capital. Mr. Han graduated with a LL.M. from Peking University, earned a B.A. in Economics and Management, passed the bar examination, and is a certified accountant. Committed to improving practical/courtroom skills of Chinese criminal defense lawyers, Han planned and organized several training sessions for criminal lawyers in Beijing and across China. As a guest professor at the Law College of Renmin University, Han has lectured for five successive years on pretrial preparation, trial skills, the Criminal Procedure Law amendment and its implications for lawyers, and other topics for practicing lawyers to build skills.

RSVP required for this event, RSVP deadline is Feb 10, 10am: Please RSVP to [email protected] with subject “Talking Law”. Please provide full name.

This event is open to the public, not open press. Press inquiries about BAC events should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.


You must bring a valid photo ID in order to get into our Center. No large bags will be allowed into the Beijing American Center for this event.


For Security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone.

地点:朝阳区呼家楼京广中心 2801室北京美国中心

Location:Jing Guang Center, Suite 2801, Hu Jia Lou, Chaoyang District.

交通:地铁: 10号6号线,呼家楼站,D出口

Directions: Metro Line 10 or 6, Hu Jia Lou Exit D, walk south one block to the JingGuang Center

**如果您想了解更多北京美国中心的活动,请关注我们的豆瓣网站: For more BAC event information, follow us on DOUBAN http://site.douban.com/127124


NEW!! The BAC is now also on RENREN: http://page.renren.com/bac ? 收起

本次活动要求提前预约,预约截止时间为2月10日上午10点:请发邮件到[email protected],标题处注明“说法”。请提供参加者的汉字全名。[请勿使用163.com 和126.com 邮箱,我们的系统可能会无法查收您的邮件。]

时间: 02月10日 周二 14:00-17:00

地点: 北京 朝阳区 北京美国中心(朝阳区呼家楼京广中心2801室,10号线呼家楼D口出前行50米,右侧高楼)

费用: 免费




这一期的座谈内容涉及有效交叉询问的规则、范围与技巧。美国一方将由Steve Kwok代表。中方将由著名的辩护律师韩嘉毅代表。

Steve Kwok简介

Steve自2013年开始担任美国司法部驻北京美国使馆的法律顾问。之前他做过纽约联邦检察官负责起诉证券欺诈和有组织犯罪;在第九区上诉法院做Alex Kozinski法官的司法书记;担任过美国最高法院的Anthony Kennedy大法官的律政助理。Steve本科就读于普林斯顿大学,并在耶鲁大学法学院取得法律学位。



本次活动要求提前预约,预约截止时间为2月10日上午10点:请发邮件到[email protected],标题处注明“说法”。请提供参加者的汉字全名。[请勿使用163.com 和126.com 邮箱,我们的系统可能会无法查收您的邮件。]


The program will be offered in Mandarin Chinese.

It’s been said that “cross-examination is the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth.” For that reason, knowing how to cross examine witnesses is an essential skill for any trial lawyer. But how to do this effectively? How do cross examination rules in the U.S. compare with those in China? What are some common techniques? What are some common mistakes? Come find out!

Talking Law is a series of public chats between an American federal prosecutor and a Chinese legal expert that explore the American and Chinese legal systems.

The upcoming chat will be about the rules, scope, and techniques of effective cross examination. The American perspective will be presented by Steve Kwok. The Chinese perspective will be presented by renowned defense attorney Han Jiayi.

About the Speakers:

Steve Kwok has served as the U.S. Department of Justice’s Resident Legal Advisor at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing since November 2013. Mr. Kwok previously prosecuted securities fraud and organized crime cases in New York City, and served as a law clerk for Judge Alex Kozinski of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Kwok holds a B.A. from Princeton University and a J.D. from the Yale Law School.

Han Jiayi is a Partner at King and Capital. Mr. Han graduated with a LL.M. from Peking University, earned a B.A. in Economics and Management, passed the bar examination, and is a certified accountant. Committed to improving practical/courtroom skills of Chinese criminal defense lawyers, Han planned and organized several training sessions for criminal lawyers in Beijing and across China. As a guest professor at the Law College of Renmin University, Han has lectured for five successive years on pretrial preparation, trial skills, the Criminal Procedure Law amendment and its implications for lawyers, and other topics for practicing lawyers to build skills.

RSVP required for this event, RSVP deadline is Feb 10, 10am: Please RSVP to [email protected] with subject “Talking Law”. Please provide full name.

This event is open to the public, not open press. Press inquiries about BAC events should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.


You must bring a valid photo ID in order to get into our Center. No large bags will be allowed into the Beijing American Center for this event.


For Security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone.

地点:朝阳区呼家楼京广中心 2801室北京美国中心

Location:Jing Guang Center, Suite 2801, Hu Jia Lou, Chaoyang District.

交通:地铁: 10号6号线,呼家楼站,D出口

Directions: Metro Line 10 or 6, Hu Jia Lou Exit D, walk south one block to the JingGuang Center

**如果您想了解更多北京美国中心的活动,请关注我们的豆瓣网站: For more BAC event information, follow us on DOUBAN http://site.douban.com/127124


NEW!! The BAC is now also on RENREN: http://page.renren.com/bac ? 收起


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