
Facsimile receiver

PRG key: enables a setting mode (in combination with numeric key).press the key

followed by appropriate numeric key to choose setting mode.






6- chooses internal or external receiver Set timer reception function. Set sleep timer Adds or edit channels Set time and date Set ISB shift

7- Adjust LCD contrast

9- Clear RAM

Returns to top page in setting mode. E key: confirms setting

C key: clears data in setting mode/switch from setting mode to standby mode. Adjusting LCD contrast: 1 .press PRG 2.press7 3. Press the▲/▼ to adjust the contrast 4. Press

E key5.press C return to the standby mode

Selection of desire frequency, fine adjustment of frequency :frequency may also be entered by press-

ing the FRQ key and then entering frequency by using the numeric keys and the REV/.key (for

entering decimal point).the available frequency range is 2000.0-24999.9 kHz.

In the frequency display mode use the▲or ▼key to fine tune a frequency when in the frequency

display mode , in resolution of 0.1 k HZ. When properly tuned . The center TUNE LED (green)

lights. If the upper TUNE LED (red) is lit use the ▲key and if the lower TUNE LED (red) is lit use


Automatic receiving:

1. Press the CH key to show the channel display


* Asterisk indicates automatic

Frequency selection

2. Press the ▲or ▼key to choose channel desired.

Note: Alternatively you may enter the frequency of broadcasting station by

pressing the FRQ key and entering frequency with the numeric keys and the REV/.

(For decimal point)

When the start signal is received , the message “AUTO START SEARCHING FRAME”

appears and the RCD LED (orange) flashes .speed and IOC are automatically adjusted when

recording starts. The RCD LED lights during recording.

Stopping recording:

Recording stops automatically when the stop signal is received .you may also stop the

recording manually by pressing the RCD key. The RCD LED goes off when recording is


Manually receiving:

1. Press the CH key to show the channel display




5. Press the ▲or ▼key to choose channel desired Note: Alternatively you may enter the frequency of broadcasting station by pressing the FRQ key and entering frequency with the numeric keys and the REV/.( for decimal point) Press the RCD key to start receiving(MANUAL START SEARCHING FRAME” appears and the RCD LED (orange) flashes ) If recording doesn’t start after a while press the RCD key again the RCD LED stops flashing and lights when recording starts. If necessary use the SPD key and IOC keys to choose rotation speed and IOC. Timer receiving: most facsimile stations transmit facsimile images in accordance with a schedule issued by relative meteorological observatory (you can find facsimile schedules in the publication

“meteorological facsimile broadcasts” available through meteorological observatory bodies.) If you wish to receive a certain facsimile broadcast on a regular basis therefore the timer mode will virtually allow you “hand-off” automatic operation. 16 timer programs must be set.

Registering timer programs:


[ PRG key] [C key]




4. choose “1”and the display then looks like the one below.


E key.

6. ▲or ▼ key. Choose the

asterisk (*) to get a broadcast daily at the same time.

7. 8. programs which follow one another consecutively the time between two programs to register the first at 12:00-12:30 and the second at 12:30-13:00. In this case, set the time for the second program to 12:31-13:00.)

9. Press E key.

10. Press C


Choosing timer programs for timer reception:

1. 2.

3. Use the

▲/▼ to choose timer program number to activate and press 右键.

4. 5. After choosing all programs necessary press E


Sleep timer: The sleep timer feature sleeps the set after reception has passed. Fax signal will not be received when the sleep timer is active.

Activating the sleep timer:

1. Press the PRG key.


3. 2 key to enable it.

4. If the 1 key was passed at step 3. Press the

E key to turn off the sleep mode. If the 2 key was

5. 30 minutes later .for example ,enter [0][0][3][0].

6. Press E key.

Unlocking the keyboard:


2. Setting the date and time:

1. Press the PRG key.

2. Press the 5

key to display the screen shown below.


E key.


E key.


E key.


E key.

7. E key. The date and time appear


8. Press the C key to return to the standby display.

Facsimile receiver

PRG key: enables a setting mode (in combination with numeric key).press the key

followed by appropriate numeric key to choose setting mode.






6- chooses internal or external receiver Set timer reception function. Set sleep timer Adds or edit channels Set time and date Set ISB shift

7- Adjust LCD contrast

9- Clear RAM

Returns to top page in setting mode. E key: confirms setting

C key: clears data in setting mode/switch from setting mode to standby mode. Adjusting LCD contrast: 1 .press PRG 2.press7 3. Press the▲/▼ to adjust the contrast 4. Press

E key5.press C return to the standby mode

Selection of desire frequency, fine adjustment of frequency :frequency may also be entered by press-

ing the FRQ key and then entering frequency by using the numeric keys and the REV/.key (for

entering decimal point).the available frequency range is 2000.0-24999.9 kHz.

In the frequency display mode use the▲or ▼key to fine tune a frequency when in the frequency

display mode , in resolution of 0.1 k HZ. When properly tuned . The center TUNE LED (green)

lights. If the upper TUNE LED (red) is lit use the ▲key and if the lower TUNE LED (red) is lit use


Automatic receiving:

1. Press the CH key to show the channel display


* Asterisk indicates automatic

Frequency selection

2. Press the ▲or ▼key to choose channel desired.

Note: Alternatively you may enter the frequency of broadcasting station by

pressing the FRQ key and entering frequency with the numeric keys and the REV/.

(For decimal point)

When the start signal is received , the message “AUTO START SEARCHING FRAME”

appears and the RCD LED (orange) flashes .speed and IOC are automatically adjusted when

recording starts. The RCD LED lights during recording.

Stopping recording:

Recording stops automatically when the stop signal is received .you may also stop the

recording manually by pressing the RCD key. The RCD LED goes off when recording is


Manually receiving:

1. Press the CH key to show the channel display




5. Press the ▲or ▼key to choose channel desired Note: Alternatively you may enter the frequency of broadcasting station by pressing the FRQ key and entering frequency with the numeric keys and the REV/.( for decimal point) Press the RCD key to start receiving(MANUAL START SEARCHING FRAME” appears and the RCD LED (orange) flashes ) If recording doesn’t start after a while press the RCD key again the RCD LED stops flashing and lights when recording starts. If necessary use the SPD key and IOC keys to choose rotation speed and IOC. Timer receiving: most facsimile stations transmit facsimile images in accordance with a schedule issued by relative meteorological observatory (you can find facsimile schedules in the publication

“meteorological facsimile broadcasts” available through meteorological observatory bodies.) If you wish to receive a certain facsimile broadcast on a regular basis therefore the timer mode will virtually allow you “hand-off” automatic operation. 16 timer programs must be set.

Registering timer programs:


[ PRG key] [C key]




4. choose “1”and the display then looks like the one below.


E key.

6. ▲or ▼ key. Choose the

asterisk (*) to get a broadcast daily at the same time.

7. 8. programs which follow one another consecutively the time between two programs to register the first at 12:00-12:30 and the second at 12:30-13:00. In this case, set the time for the second program to 12:31-13:00.)

9. Press E key.

10. Press C


Choosing timer programs for timer reception:

1. 2.

3. Use the

▲/▼ to choose timer program number to activate and press 右键.

4. 5. After choosing all programs necessary press E


Sleep timer: The sleep timer feature sleeps the set after reception has passed. Fax signal will not be received when the sleep timer is active.

Activating the sleep timer:

1. Press the PRG key.


3. 2 key to enable it.

4. If the 1 key was passed at step 3. Press the

E key to turn off the sleep mode. If the 2 key was

5. 30 minutes later .for example ,enter [0][0][3][0].

6. Press E key.

Unlocking the keyboard:


2. Setting the date and time:

1. Press the PRG key.

2. Press the 5

key to display the screen shown below.


E key.


E key.


E key.


E key.

7. E key. The date and time appear


8. Press the C key to return to the standby display.


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