

The blossoms fade and falling fill the air, of fragrance and bright hues bereft and bare. Floss drifts and flutters round the Maiden`s bower, or softly strikes against her curtained door.


The Maid ,grieved by these signs of spring`s decease, seeking some means her sorrow to express, has rake in hand into the garden gone, before the fallen flowers are trampled on.


Elm-pods and willow-floss are fragrant too; Why care,Maid,where the fallen flowers blew? Next year ,when peach and plum-tree bloom again,which of your sweet companions will remain?


This spring the heartless swallow built his nest beneath the eaves of mud with flowers compressed. Next year the flowers will blossom as before, but swallow ,nest ,and Maid will be no more.


Three hundred and three-score the year`s full tale: From swords of frost and from the slaughtering gale how can the lovely flowers long stay intact, or, once loosed,from their drifting fate draw back?


Blooming so steadfast ,fallen so hard to find!Beside the flowers`grave,with sorrowing mind, the solitary Maid sheds many a tear, which on the boughs as bloody drops appear.


At twilight ,when the cuckoo sings no more, the Maiden with her rake goes in at door and lays her down between the lamplit walls, while a chill rain against the window falls.


I know not why my heart`s so strangely sad, half grieving for the spring and yet half glad: Glad that it came ,grieved it so soon was spent.So soft it came ,so silently it went!


Last night ,outside, a mournful sound was heard: The spirits of the flowers and of the bird. But neither bird nor flowers would long delay, bird lacking speech,and flowers too shy to stay.


And then I wished that I had wings to fly after the drifting flowers across the sky: Across the sky to the world`s farthest end, the flowers` last fragrant

resting-place to find.


But better their remains in silk to lay and bury underneath the wholesome clay, pure substances the pure earth to enrich, than leave to soak and stink in some foul ditch.


Can I,that these flowers` obsequies attend, divine how soon or late my life will end? Let others laugh flower-burial to see: Another year who will be burying me?


As petals drop and spring begins to fail, the bloom of youth, too, sickens and turns pale. One day,when spring has gone and youth has fled,the Maiden and the flowers will both be dead.


1,此诗出自《红楼梦》第二十七回《滴翠亭杨妃戏彩蝶 埋香冢飞燕泣残红》







该诗译文的处理有好有坏,我们来看看比较好的几处:1,“落絮轻沾扑绣帘”的翻译。微风中的花瓣轻轻飘香门帘,不是拍打,不是撞击,而是一个“扑”字,因此是很轻柔的一个动作。译文用到了“softly strikes against the curtained door”还是相当传神的;2,“明年闺中知有谁”中的闺中密友的翻译,译文作者用到了sweet companions,个人觉得比较准确,远胜过close friends这样的粗浅表达;3,“花自羞”的翻译无疑是整首诗最妙的一句,“bird lacking speech,and flowers too shy to stay”,花不是不愿常开,而是因为太过娇羞纤弱,不为世所容,难以长久,形象生动的表述。




The blossoms fade and falling fill the air, of fragrance and bright hues bereft and bare. Floss drifts and flutters round the Maiden`s bower, or softly strikes against her curtained door.


The Maid ,grieved by these signs of spring`s decease, seeking some means her sorrow to express, has rake in hand into the garden gone, before the fallen flowers are trampled on.


Elm-pods and willow-floss are fragrant too; Why care,Maid,where the fallen flowers blew? Next year ,when peach and plum-tree bloom again,which of your sweet companions will remain?


This spring the heartless swallow built his nest beneath the eaves of mud with flowers compressed. Next year the flowers will blossom as before, but swallow ,nest ,and Maid will be no more.


Three hundred and three-score the year`s full tale: From swords of frost and from the slaughtering gale how can the lovely flowers long stay intact, or, once loosed,from their drifting fate draw back?


Blooming so steadfast ,fallen so hard to find!Beside the flowers`grave,with sorrowing mind, the solitary Maid sheds many a tear, which on the boughs as bloody drops appear.


At twilight ,when the cuckoo sings no more, the Maiden with her rake goes in at door and lays her down between the lamplit walls, while a chill rain against the window falls.


I know not why my heart`s so strangely sad, half grieving for the spring and yet half glad: Glad that it came ,grieved it so soon was spent.So soft it came ,so silently it went!


Last night ,outside, a mournful sound was heard: The spirits of the flowers and of the bird. But neither bird nor flowers would long delay, bird lacking speech,and flowers too shy to stay.


And then I wished that I had wings to fly after the drifting flowers across the sky: Across the sky to the world`s farthest end, the flowers` last fragrant

resting-place to find.


But better their remains in silk to lay and bury underneath the wholesome clay, pure substances the pure earth to enrich, than leave to soak and stink in some foul ditch.


Can I,that these flowers` obsequies attend, divine how soon or late my life will end? Let others laugh flower-burial to see: Another year who will be burying me?


As petals drop and spring begins to fail, the bloom of youth, too, sickens and turns pale. One day,when spring has gone and youth has fled,the Maiden and the flowers will both be dead.


1,此诗出自《红楼梦》第二十七回《滴翠亭杨妃戏彩蝶 埋香冢飞燕泣残红》







该诗译文的处理有好有坏,我们来看看比较好的几处:1,“落絮轻沾扑绣帘”的翻译。微风中的花瓣轻轻飘香门帘,不是拍打,不是撞击,而是一个“扑”字,因此是很轻柔的一个动作。译文用到了“softly strikes against the curtained door”还是相当传神的;2,“明年闺中知有谁”中的闺中密友的翻译,译文作者用到了sweet companions,个人觉得比较准确,远胜过close friends这样的粗浅表达;3,“花自羞”的翻译无疑是整首诗最妙的一句,“bird lacking speech,and flowers too shy to stay”,花不是不愿常开,而是因为太过娇羞纤弱,不为世所容,难以长久,形象生动的表述。




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