
Students,where do we come from? To hear this question, I am sure you will say that parents are taken to put us up in the world. One night ten years ago ,Our parents greeted us with tears and a happy smile.But when we came into the world, our parents had a lot of work to do -- take care of us.

This is even though a heavy burden, but has no complaints to parents raising me up. When we were young, we used to think of it as a sense of truth because we didn't know our parents' hard work. Now, when we grow up, we should be thankful for our parents and take care of our parents.

I once saw a story about a mother . where his son sat in the classroom and his mother was waiting outside. Because it was too hot , the mother soon fell to the ground and was taken to the hospital. the mother was still worried about her son. This is a kind of great mother love, she always put her son first, because she cares for her son. I believe that the parents of your classmates will do the same for you in this situation, because you are her child. They love you, they care about you more than your life.

But,students,how many of you put your parents first? How many feet have you washed for your parents? Think about how much work your parents have done for you since you were born, and what you have done, besides pouring water and washingfeet. Don't let your parents worry about you again. Don't let the gray-haired parents do the work for you again. They want the simplest. A greeting, a smile, a cup of hot tea, parents have a feeling that we understand, wipe the table, wash bowls, folding, feel we have grown up for parents share housework for my parents. Students, act, do something for our parents every day, and give back to our parents in the small things.

Students,where do we come from? To hear this question, I am sure you will say that parents are taken to put us up in the world. One night ten years ago ,Our parents greeted us with tears and a happy smile.But when we came into the world, our parents had a lot of work to do -- take care of us.

This is even though a heavy burden, but has no complaints to parents raising me up. When we were young, we used to think of it as a sense of truth because we didn't know our parents' hard work. Now, when we grow up, we should be thankful for our parents and take care of our parents.

I once saw a story about a mother . where his son sat in the classroom and his mother was waiting outside. Because it was too hot , the mother soon fell to the ground and was taken to the hospital. the mother was still worried about her son. This is a kind of great mother love, she always put her son first, because she cares for her son. I believe that the parents of your classmates will do the same for you in this situation, because you are her child. They love you, they care about you more than your life.

But,students,how many of you put your parents first? How many feet have you washed for your parents? Think about how much work your parents have done for you since you were born, and what you have done, besides pouring water and washingfeet. Don't let your parents worry about you again. Don't let the gray-haired parents do the work for you again. They want the simplest. A greeting, a smile, a cup of hot tea, parents have a feeling that we understand, wipe the table, wash bowls, folding, feel we have grown up for parents share housework for my parents. Students, act, do something for our parents every day, and give back to our parents in the small things.


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